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Thanked Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    piss is a miracle cure for athletes foot. just soak your feet in your own pee for 5 minutes before you shower and you'll see it clear up literally in a few days, if that.

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  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    in this fred you can post all or any of your tips for making a girl cum like a motherfucking express train. what's your secret to making her scream your name while her nails dig deep into your back? how do you make them legs quiver and that fountain gush like the bellagio fountains?

    i do love when a girl comes while i'm inside her and you feel that pussy squeeze tight around your cock, sometimes so hard it makes it pop right out, but that doesn't work on all girls. i find fingers are best. doing that 'come here' motion with your two forefingers so your pushing your fingertips right into the g-spot is a killer on most girls. also pushing the same two fingers so hard and deep you wonder if its hurting her, then doing a little wave motion with your finger tips to stroke around the cervix is great. they have the A-spot there which is just as effective as the g-spot in most women. keep going as well, a few seconds won't do it with most chicks. and even tho your fingers and whole forearm may be aching, its worth the effort. with a lot of women you will start slowish then gradually quicken the pace. its important to pay attention to her reactions, this will tell you which areas are working best on her. not all of them will tell you 'yes there, keep doing that'. with some you will only get a short gasp or moan when you hit the spots she likes.

    sucking on the clit is always a good one for nearly every woman. try doing it while using the above fingering techniques for maximum bang. i prefer sucking the clit in my lips rather than just licking it, but licking can be good still. obviously variety is great for sex, and trying different things to find out what works with your partner is all part of the fun of sex.

    a real killer technique is to use the two middle fingers, insert them all the way inside her then hold them there. now you start pushing hard against the g-spot area. keep jerking the fingers really hard against the front wall. when i say hard i cannot stress how hard enough, you need to use enough force to practically lift her off the bed. don't worry, as long as you've got her pretty horny and she is plenty wet you shouldn't hurt her. this technique will make most women come within a few seconds or so and will also make a lot of women squirt.

    also remember that girls aren't like us and want to just light a cigarette and take a breather the moment they've come. when a girl comes she is only then getting started. coming just makes her even more horny and wanting more. you can only give her a couple of seconds for a quick breath and then its straight back into the trenches for you my son. you don't even want to be starting slow at this point, just literally pick up at the pace you were going when she came. personally i like to keep my fingers inside while she orgasms. that pussy clenching tightly around my fingers and getting them soaked in girly juice just turns me on something chronic. i try and aim for making her come at least five times, often more. or you can fuck her for a bit them come back to it.

    so, what other tips y'all nigga's got?

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  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I just had some dumb bitch call me (i think she was a hooker) and she started ranting about how she has a higher iq than me, and i asked her what her iq was and she promptly hung up on me. lol

    was sploo. confirmed he has a girls voice.

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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock that's what you get for fucking barnyard animals. just be careful around those horses unless you want to end up like Mr hands with a perforated peritoneum.

    you know i was in town the other day and i looked down and saw a word. it struck me that that word was the perfect reply to every post you've ever made. do you wanna know what that word was?


    Post last edited by NARCassist at 2017-08-06T23:04:20.535277+00:00
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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i don't draw coz i'm shit at it, but i do photoshop pretty well. so thought i'd make a little contribution for you.

    so here's my tribute to ganga plant..

    edit: feel free to use it as your avatar if you want.


    Post last edited by NARCassist at 2017-08-01T06:04:04.971154+00:00
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    What, you want a medal for doing a kiddy drug?
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  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mashlehash But that's someone's Penis.

    yes, kreepy kays. you don't have to go making a big fuss about it tho, she's got quite a complex over it as it is now already. don't make it any worse for the poor lass.

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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Tianеptine wordenhancements to T-PAIN

    well it didn't then

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  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i think its a cry for help lanny.

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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep I am the best at making myself cum.

    i bet

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i got a funny story about drug snobs. a few weeks after i got busted, i still had my merc and went for a drive on the saturday night, because i was avoiding the flat as the pigs kept constantly showing up. i thought i might go fishing at this remote beach that is overlooked by high cliffs and i've heard is good for bass. anyways, i was doing a lot of smack at the time, literally buying teenths everyday. so i pulls up at the road at the top of this cliff, which is just a country lane, but there's cars everywhere. i pulled onto the verge behind this van and got the foil out to have a toot. in the mirror i can see this guy at the back of the van pulling out this big speaker. now i have a friend who puts on these 'free parties' that are just small illegal raves. so i gets out the car to talk to the guy and they are here putting on a party on the beach, hense all the cars. so i says i might pop down an check it out in a bit. the guy was cool too. so i gets back in the car and smoke for a bit coz i know its gonna take a while to set up anyway. i was there for a while, it was hot coz middle of summer and i had all the windows down.

    then these two proper trampy looking pikey bitches come walking past the car in the middle of the road being all loud and brash. one of them, a real tubster with black hair peeks into the car and she clocks the foil. she walks up and just gets in the passenger seat and goes 'give me some'. she was so off her head she didn't even notice that her right tit had flopped out of her top as she jumped in the seat. so i'm running her a few lines and staring at her tit. thinking should i tell her coz her embarrassment could be pretty lulzy, or should i just keep the good view. anyway this young lad walks past, he's clocked what we were doing and give it some mouth, something something crackhedz, or some dumb shit. i was in two minds to have a go but weren't really bothered so i left it.

    anyway, she goes off down to the beach and i finish some more gear. now i'm thinking about catching up with this chick for the easy fuck. yeah why not. i heads down to the beach, there's like 50/60 people there. i can't see her but its dark. i hang around and have a few smokes and keep my eye out for her. the music is proper shit tbh and after a while i think fuck this, i'm heading off. i start back towards the cliff path and stopped to ask some dude something or other. he starts going 'are you the smackhead i saw up the top?' then he starts giving it right large coz he's got about 10 lads right behind him, showing right off. starts giving it 'fuck off ya smackhead'. i was going anyway and weren't interested in fighting 10 lads over some dumb teenage drug snob who thinks any drugs he takes is ok but nobody else can take what they want. proper ignorant idiot. anyway, i'm like whatever pal, and i just fucked off up the cliff.

    by the time i got to the top of the cliff i'm a bit fuming at this little prick and i'm now considering hanging about up the top to see if he shows up. i sit in the car and then got a wicked idea. i had one of those precision screwdrivers, you know those really thin things, went to the van behind me and did all four tyres. then got a rock and smashed the fuck out of the windscreen and the other windows. then i sat in my car and laughed for a bit at how in the morning, when they're all pranged out on E and coke and partying all night. they got to lug all that heavy equipment and speakers back up that tight steep little cliff path. its a good 200 ft cliff and is a bit of a killer just walking up. let alone carrying heavy shit. i could imagine them getting near the top and thinking 'phew, lets just get this shit the fuck on the van and get home'. only to be faced with their only transport for the equipment being totally out of order, lol. and i lolled hard at imagining them reading the little note i left under the windscreen wiper that said 'this is what you get for being drug snobs. love, the smackhead.'

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  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RisiR † I also like how you dedicated your entire post to sexuality. Haha. Especially that finding a SO comes in at last place.

    I'm sorry I didn't bring up any points to debate against your nonsense except the ones I did. You don't know what faggots and dykes do because of your personal life and you apparently aren't whore that profits from all the points you listed but you speak the truth for 99.9% of all females. Well, ok….

    How does it feel to be among the 00.1% of the inferior gender? LOL.

    um, that should be 0.01% pal

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  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    loves to share his coffee

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  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    with lady heroin.

    i love her sexy soft brown color, i just love the way she melts and dances up and down that foil. the smell of her turns me on, i just love how she tastes on my tongue. she makes me feel like no other can, causing me that perfect mix of neurotransmitters to flood my brain. i'm totally and utterly mystified, hypnotized by her loving charm and beauty. i love those warm hugs she gives me every time i meet her. and her loyalty knows no bounds, she has been there every time when nobody else has. i totally want to marry the bitch.

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  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    did a good job of banging his daughter in that video.

    proud of ya Bill Krozbydog.

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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i bet she's out there right now getting fucked by some dirty drunken twat. I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL IM I SWEAR.

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  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    only somebody who had never used heroin would make such a retarded statement.

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  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by aldra package arrived today, weekend won't be so unpleasant

    wtf is pregablin though

    pregabs are fucking lovely, you won't be disappointed. try 300ml to start with.

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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by TAFK Dumpster Slut I hold 110% of my wealth in bitcoin

    sucks you only got 0.0004095 in btc tho.

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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Nice big nose you got there

    don't worry kay, with the magic of photoshop we can easily sort that out for you

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