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Posts That Were Thanked by NARCassist

  1. i wonder what arnox is doing now...

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  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by 杀死所有的白魔鬼 True betas work bottom rung at pizza places into their 30's

    yeah cuz you're such a true beta still living at your parents house and afraid of a girl online that made you believe had your kid lol
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  3. help me pay more for water
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock identify the main financiers and propagandists in the west and judenkikeland, deploy covert operatives to each of the individuals on the same night, then have the judenkike ones smothered with pillows and simultaneously electrocuted, the non-judenkike variety shot in the skull with frangible rounds.

    any geographic area with a significant population of their supporters get an ICBM-delivered nuke with a few hundred kt yield.

    the next morning a public announcement would be made, along with detailed photos of dead kikes and their shills, that anyone supporting ISIS gets hunted down like a verminous animal and put down and any population that supports ISIS gets a nuke dropped in their living room.

    problem solved.

    then i go collect my consultation fee and bonus

    Wouldn't work
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  5. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by NARCassist fuck off, you been typing like a spastic all day and now you have the cheek to tell me to calm down. fuck you panthrax.


    Whoa, m8. Whoa. I didn't mean to get you all wound up. I am sorry!
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  6. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Lanny: "Barkeep, make me a China Town Girl, on the rocks, double-neat."

    Waiter: "...I'll...I'll be right back..."

    Bartender: "He wants a what? God I hate these faggot hipsters and their faggot drinks."
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  7. -SpectraL's been sassy lately, I like the new him. I guess he had to bring something new to the table since he can't play the "I'm a Totsean from 1989!" card anymore.
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  8. RestStop Space Nigga
    Admittedly I never was a cranberries fan but this shit does go hard :

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  9. The main affliction in prison, in the prison cells, is of course, boredom and monotony. Prisoners try themselves to at least somehow, in some manner, to diversify their way of life. And what can come to mind to some outcast, what entertainment? Of course, bullying someone. Bullying is the main entertainment in prison. At prison newbies, especially eccentrics and slightly dumb, not rarely, often very cruelly, get jokes played on them. And then the whole cell wildly laughs at them.

    For example, I will bring to you one such joke. The newbie in the cell is told that next to the prison, allegedly, is a special market; and that in prison there are such rules, that on the weekends it is possible to go there under escort to buy groceries and even vodka, and so on. If the newbie believes in this garbage, then the whole cell gathers rags, clothes, to exchange for vodka. But the main thing, they make a so-called "doll"; this is when a currency bill is placed on top, and on bottom, and between them cut paper, thicker the better. The newbie is given "money" for vodka from the whole cell. They try to make this pack of money as thick as possible. The newbie rolls all of this into a tube and covers it in plastic wrap. This is because you can take all of this outside only in a "torpedo", that is, inside the rectum. He then with suffering puts this torpedo into his rectum. And as I already said, they try to make this torpedo as thick as possible, especially for these purposes.

    During the morning inspection, this poor fellow with a shopping bag full of rags, announces to the guards that hes signing up to go to the market. the guards... hahahah. The guards instantly see right through this, because they have worked there a long time and already know all of these jokes. They take him out of his cell, and beat him in the corridor with nightsticks. And into the shopping bag full of rags for exchange, as a display of science to everyone, they pour a couple of buckets of water. They then throw this poor fellow back into the cell, along with his shopping bag. And yet ahead of him still, is the long process of extraction of the torpedo from his ass.

    Such are the cruel jokes, but they only get played on losers, with those who would fall for it. On eccentrics, not very bright ones, who cant stand up for themselves and fight back.

    Generally, in prison, there is a lot of various, so-called entertainment. The main subject of these jokes, of course, is fresh newcomer newbies who just arrived at the cell. Preferably young, without prison experience, but also a little bit dumb.

    There is an old prison tradition

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  10. Originally posted by NARCassist spice is pretty lethal shit too, should execute those motherfuckers too.


    With spice
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  11. It turns out, the prison warden befriended some bandits, some of whom Krapivin was making drugs for in the free world. The warden was a fan of innovation and modernization. He could not allow for an educated chemist would bury his talent. Because of this Krapivin was given given more freedom, regardless of his prison term, and put him into a sauna that belongs to the prison staff. There he continued experiments producing exclusive drugs, but on an industrial scale this time. Not to mention, the sauna was equipped to he highest level, because only top officers and government inspectors had access to it.

    During the visits of inspectors, Krapivin was moved to a trailer of a freed guardian. What the guardian guarded in there, nobody knew. But the trailer was equipped like a luxury camper, but better than the era of its design. Rumors had it that the guardian of the trailer was a wax-maker, and an excellent artist out in the free world. He was locked up for forging documents. He continued forging automobile documents in the trailer. Cars were stolen by free carjackers, and their incarcerated comrades, under the supervision of the prison warden, created a private mechanic shop in the prison. There, with the help of stolen car parts, privately owned vehicles were repaired, and VIN/part numbers were removed and replaced from expensive foreign cars. They added to them forged documents, and then sold crooked BMWs, Merdeceses, and Audis on the private market.

    Should it even be mentioned, that the prisoner who ran this operation lived in a separate room with great comfort. He had a sauna and a minipool. The garage was off limits not only for other prisoners, but also to all prison staff, except for the warden. This is why this mechanic shop was fenced off by a tall fence with barbed wire, with a gate closed by a lock. The prisoner who ran the chop shop had the only key to the lock. Its not realistic to think that this kind of stuff happens in only in one prison.

    In my 40 years, I had changed many prisons, and everywhere I had been convinced that every place has its skeletons in the closet. Even in the worst prisons, there are prisoners who live in comfortable luxury "apartments", or at least in comfort levels much greater than the general population. They get released very quickly, not having finished the many years until the end of their term, and they are not at all afraid of prisons. Prion to them, is seem like a vacation house. Because of this, such prisoners commit even grave crimes, not afraid of any public punishment from the prisons general population.

    This ends the story of great corruption and money in Russia's prisons.

    I thank you for your attention.

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  12. Originally posted by infinityshock its already legal

    there have been exactly zero attempts at prosecution directed at anyone who has overdosed on anything

    that's definitely not don't need to die to OD
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    West Country is too vague. Forget that expected visit, and sorry.
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  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
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  15. He himself settled in a spacious room with a beautiful interior. It was seemingly not as cool in comparison to prisoner daddys boys, but Tagir did not need mansions in prison.

    Apparently for his pretty eyes, the warden made Tagir secessionist by changing the terms of his remaining 8 years left to serve. He gave him a round-the-clock pass. Such a freedom of movement was not had even by prison staff on duty shift. They could not at any time of day or night get in or out of the colony. They could only do so in their labor hours, and even then only when their shifts started or finished. But Tagir could go out to freedom and back. He also had improved conditions of detention and received encouragement.

    With the consent of management and warden, this prisoner was allowed once a month to go home for a long visit. Two times a year, had a vacation for 15 days, not counting days for transit. Just like that he would drive his Mercedes to the city whenever he wanted, although to be honest, always with a staff member. This I can understand; he was serving time. But at least he had to supervise the dinning room for employees, and sometimes show up in general population.

    Some prisoners never entered from the yard to beyond the fence with barbed wire. Here it is necessary to begin with a small excursion into the history of the professional chemist Kropivin. The name has been changed.

    In the early nineties, broadcasters filmed many reports and published segments in newspapers. Unfortunately, all of this was in the criminal news section. This is because Krapivin from cheap and over-the-counter medications, synthesized a powerful drug. There with concentration of one drop per bucket, was more than enough, for a hundred druggies to get high. Thanks to the honor of our law enforcement bodies, Krapivin was arrested. I ran into him at a remand center, and learned his history a little better. I also rode with this chemist to the colony when he was sentenced to 10 years, but soon Krapivin disappeared. Maybe he was transferred to a different institution, I thought. I was mistaken. Only after I was freed I learned where he was all this time. My neighbor, former correctional institution office told me about it.

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  16. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus im basically as smart as stephen hawking and not disabled. hope he rots in his fucking grave

    That's what a corpse does in the grave regardless of your hopes. Smart people know that.
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  17. The majority of current prisons were built back in communist times. Back then all prisoners were required to work, and there was enough work for everyone. Suffice to say that in huge and numerous workshops, convicts were making spare parts for trucks, and also assembled TVs and other consumer products. Today in these same workshops stand a few mills, with which parquet flooring and caskets are made.

    Old store rooms, office rooms, and even smaller shops were populated by "foremen" (criminal leaders), and those who have rich relatives. All of them get made into storekeepers, or custodians, so that they may constantly live in an industrial zone. Very few of the condemned parasites could go into these "industrial zones", and comissioned inspectors could hardly find, in this labyrinth, dwellings of the wealthy prisoners. And so the prison staff allows these rich men to live like stars in Hollywood.

    I'll admit, I myself was a little surprised, when I came as a guest the most well-off prisoner. He had a very cool daddy. To save his offspring from judgement he could not, but in the prison he created for him an ultimate comfort. It is necessary to tell this in detail.

    In a former 2 story workshop, with an area of 300 square meters, one wall was entirely made of windows. The old wooden frames were replaced with double-glazed windows, which were painted dark so as to not catch your eye. The inner walls, and staircase were ennobled. On the first floor, prisoner daddys boy arranged a greenhouse, with big palm trees and other exotic plants. On the second floor he put exercise equipment. BUt the main feature hid behind a fake wall with a secret door. If he would not have shown me, I never would have guessed that in there is a large bedroom, study room, dinning room, bathroom with a sauna, all renovated. These rooms were furnished no worse than a 5 star hotel, but more tasteful and more comfort. The main thing, is that this daddys boy prisoner used all of this by himself, occasionally having guests.

    But for me, Tagir surpassed all other convicts. He headed the employee dinning room. It was located in the "industrial zone". The dinning room there was built such that even the Louvre would not be ashamed. The best craftsmen sculpted the dining room, certified restorers, artists, carvers. They did not cheap out on materials. Tagir paid them off, having in the free world connections and millions. He himself settled in a spacious room wit

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  18. In another case, taking place in a "red colony", where a serial rapist has just arrived. Seemingly, lowering him, is against the rules of that colony. It was a very "correct" and followed a model regime. And then it was decided to declare a verbal boycott on the rapist. Nobody exchanged a word with him for a whole 3 years. Also by the way, the prison staff also upheld this boycott. The rapist at first rejoiced, that he wont become lowered, but he then later became envious of lowered prison bitches. After all people cannot do without communication for years at a time. Apparently the rapist started getting irreversible problems with the psyche. He constantly said something to himself under his nose, waved his hands, and later came a period where he started beating his head against the wall. This maniac was repeatedly placed into solitary confinement, where he also did not cease to amaze, trying to bite through the bed frame.

    To sum it up, nobody was surprised when one day he hung himself.

    As one prison guard puts it, those sexual predators who get released into freedom after having sat in prison, become even angrier and evil; Due to humiliation received from other prisoners. Therefore seemingly logically, its best that they never come out of there. The people have methods for their so-called re-education, since we have such humane judges who give such humane punishments for people who commit such grave crimes.

    I thank you for your attention.

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  19. There served a maniac, having brutally killed 3 girls.

    Since according to the law, after 25 years of imprisonment, convicts with life sentences can petition for conditional release. This monster, having served 7 years, was seiously hoping to get released eventually. Unlike many others, he did not become lowered (punked, made a prison bitch, etc.), did not go insane, and worked out whenever he could. seeing this, the prison staff, many of whom had young girls, fiercly hated the maniac. Seeing this, they decided to "press" (torture) the maniac.

    He was walking around in a squatting position for them so much so, that literally howled from pain. He was not allowed any books, and for the slightest of protests he was beat in the most painful places for a man. Already after a year of such life, the 29 year old maniac looked like a deep grey haired old man, with barely moving legs. He no longer thought about little girls, or about release to freedom.

    In these colonies of strict regime (max security prisons), re-education of maniacs becomes even simpler. Here prison staff do not even need to mar themselves by the dirty work. For example in one colony serves a cannibal with a nickname "nyam nyam". His sentence is 25 years. The prison administration placed him on sewage jobs. Every day nyam nyam stands in shit up to his waist, and will continue to stand like this for the entirety of his term. If, of course, he wont die until then.

    As far as pedophiles are concerned, then here the prison staff simply warn the cellmates "just no need to do it to death", so that there wont be a prosecutors investigation again. Again, into one of the northern colonies, somehow came a pedophile, who was responsible for brutal rapes of 4 little boys. None of the decent people even bothered to rape him. Only the prison bitches let him have it wholeheartedly from the bottom of their soul. But mostly they "used" him with a handle of a mop, and they kept at it for a whole year. As a result, an infection of the rectum, and the rectums subsequent surgical removal. And in the end, either way, the pedophile died a painful death.

    Somehow to one colony showed up a serial killer. On on hand, serving time for murder is not considered shameful by criminal understanding; but on the other, crooks do not respect people who do it just because, not while facing extreme circumstances or for profit. They did not lower the serial killer, but made him a janitor. But not a regular janitor. A janitor that serves by doing house chores for a large amount of people. He was a shared janitor for the whole prison. From endless washing of clothes, his hands turned into bloody minced meat that never healed. Plus cleaning everything, after half a year, janitor killer caught some infection, and fairly quickly died in the prison hospital.

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  20. THe first time spent in the prison takes place in an "investigative cell", a hidden small room away from the general population. A high status prisoner is usually put in a cell alone and nothing particularly interesting happens with him, for understandable reasons because he is sitting there alone. But this is if they are not being "welcomed" by employees of the prosecutor's office. This welcome part is to show the new prisoner just who, exactly, runs the show here. It is to instill obedience.

    What I have heard, weather I believe in it or not, but they say that after such work some dangerous criminals begin to cooperate especially actively with the investigators. Yet some still climb into a noose as a result of the torture.

    Sometimes it happens, that the prisoner is not placed into isolation to serve his sentence. In St. Petersburg, in the early nineties, a maniac convict, charged with 14 rapes was brought to St. Petersburg Crosses. The investigator of the prosecutor's office who led the case asked to put the pervert in a common cell, but not a comfy one.

    Although the pervert did not cooperate with prison staff, and was therefore behaving "correctly", his cellmates spent the whole day enlightening him with what they are going to eventually do to him. In prison, he would "service" some people with his "rear variety".

    In his story I will spare you the terrible details. In the end the process, the pervert started his cooperation with the investigators/guards. He is not no longer denying who runs the place, once shown that his cellmates are not his friends, and that revolting against authority will not work.

    It is in the colony for especially dangerous criminals that the main troubles begin. Parliment will now start to shove serial killers and maniacs into far away zones where lifers serve their life sentences. These prisons are, as a rule of thums, "red" prisons; prisons where authorities have complete control, where nobody can break any single rule, or risk a horde of snitches telling the guards, ensuing in further torture.

    In "red" prisons, killers will not have any authority unlike in "black" prisons, where a hierarchy with shot callers exists. Re-education therefore goes without unnecessary eyes in the areas where the convicts serve a life sentence. Guards secretly try, of course, to make it that the murderers regret that the death penalty for them has been abolished.

    These prisoners are only allowed to move around the prison while crouching down, with their mouths open. Guards will with, or without reason, constantly beat these prisoners, and they beat them especially brutally.

    It is not by chance that those notorious Chechen militants who got into Russian prisons very quickly went to the next world. The same thing happens to maniacs and murderers, but information about their death usually does not make the news. This is why so often they die in such places, as life becomes unbearable here.

    One colorful example was shared by a prison guard from his prison for lifers. There served a maniac who cruelly killed three girls,

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