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Posts That Were Thanked by NARCassist

  1. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by elizaTenning I tend to gravitate towards people that spend every day in pain and spend most of their lives suffering.

    Oh, so that's why you're on this website.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Vizier I remember watching this vid of logic where she fingered herself and whatnot. Also pretty much like 80% of the female posters posted nudes at some point.

    I laughed hard at that video. She tried playing with her tits like a twelve year old boy. I have that video on my computer. I'll post it when I get back home.
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I think the only thing that could've saved him was concealed carry, really - even if he did run what's to stop the nig from shooting him in the back?
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  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL When someone is about to shoot you in the face, never put up your arms/hands. Instead, duck and dive like a bastard and then run like hell. You improve your chances of living another day by 50% right there.

    This guy was almost as ancient as you, he never had a chance, he would probably die from the mechanical shock of hitting the concrete alone.
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  5. Originally posted by mmQ Would it be appropriate for me to post her TC nudes?
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  6. Originally posted by infinityshock you seriously need to start taking some sort of anti-convulsant or somesuch. your mental instability is overwhelming your ability to control yourself from making nonsensical and ridiculous posts

    since youre fully retarded, and wholly incapable of realizing this yourself, ill share with you a little secret:

    everyone is pointing and laughing at you
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Leave.
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  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Malice I'm still not willing to do it. I knew long ago what the most powerful remedy for my psychological condition would be, and I still refuse to take that route. I genuinely despise this species, see intractable problems with relations, unwilling to compromise, abandon aspects of myself, engage in the injustices of man. A hooker wouldn't change a thing for the better.

    And, yeah, I think I was using about an ounce or half oz a month, which worked out to a gram a day. Still smoking right now, prefer concentrates, and they may be considerably more cost effective, seem to last me longer.

    Translation: too much social anxiety to talk to women, including prostitutes.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    I love your avatar.
    I Fink your freaky and I like you a lot.
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  10. AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Wow I don't know why I was all bent last night but the job went super smooth.
    The crane operator was supper cool.

    I'll post some video if anyone is interested.
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  11. Originally posted by -SpectraL To tell you the truth, nothing at all scares me anymore. I've lived so long and seen so much, nothing at all would phase me. And when you get right down to the truth of it, being scared accomplishes absolutely nothing anyways. I mean, let's say you were out on the Arctic tundra, miles of empty, flat ice all around, and you spot a polar bear running at you at full speed. Most people would literally shit their pants, but not me. I would just calmly observe the bear rapidly nearing at full tilt, and I would just as calmly consider what my next best move will be. What would being scared achieve in that situation? Will it make the bear stop? Will it make the bear not arrive? Will it take you away from the danger? Not at all. In fact, getting scared will only decrease your chances of surviving the encounter. Being scared is for people who have not fully lived life, like I have.

    What do you get from lying to people half your age that you don't know and don't believe a word you type?
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  12. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Being scared is for people who have not fully lived life, like I have.

    Shitposting about the same things on an internet forum for 20 years must be very fulfulling. And fucking lol, I forgot you wrestled with bears and shit.
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  13. lol.. the coathangers fucking suck. i finally clicked one of your videos.
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  14. my dads an actual asshole not one who feeds, clothes and buys expensive electronics for a complete miscreant.

    Post last edited by WS at 2017-04-15T17:11:13.499012+00:00
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  15. So did this bitch ever post some nudes or what.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. yea but can u smoke weed on it? if not then it's pointless.
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  18. you're all so sheltered
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  19. Originally posted by Zanick When I was in high school I went off campus during lunch one day with some friends to smoke cigarettes. We were doing this behind a Burger King when we were approached by a young and somewhat handsome looking homeless man. He looked to be about mid-twenties, with shoulder-length hair and a classic hobo stick. He asked me for a cigarette and I gave him one, which he repaid in weed unexpectedly. Then he asked me if I thought people could fly, and I said obviously no. He produced from his hobo pack a small tapestry that he said he stole from a museum, which depicted a man communing with a birdlike deity, I think Horus from the artistic style and surrounding hieroglyphs. He insisted that it's deciphering would contain the secret to human flight. My friend told the school resource officer about him, who notified the local police. They picked him up and we were commended on our decision by the dean because this guy was wanted in multiple states for a crime we were not told. Anyway, now my friend is 300 pounds and looks like shit. Easily the most degenerate person I've ever met.

    seems kinda normal. you're a snitch
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  20. Originally posted by -SpectraL twatsucker

    Yeah, that's not derogatory unless you're some kind of Faggart.
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