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Posts That Were Thanked by NARCassist

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock because I'm not a fag and the fact that due to your own dick sucking fetish there aren't any dicks in this world available to be sucked that aren't already crammed into your craw.

    nigger faggot junkie

    Yes, you are a fag. For over 5 years, that I know of, you have expressed your desire to have anal sex with other men. That is what fags do. They have anal sex with other men. Get it fag?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    bill the cat is so retarded he can't even find his own porno
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  3. snab_snib African Astronaut

    why would trump look guilty for accusations that were always and still are completely spurious in the first place?

    to emphasize: not only is there NO evidence or reason to be suspicious that trump is a 'russian agent', but the concept of him being a russian agent remains bizarre and ridiculous. this isn't like accusing a random nigger of stealing something. this is like accusing 10 year old minnesota kid of a string of pharmacy robberies in california. this is like suspecting your dog of getting your credit card number and ordering stuff off of amazon. it's not a rational accusation. there's no reasonable motive, and no known crime. there's no logical orientation of the facts of the matter into some sort of circumstance that could be a reality where trump is a russian agent. on the face of it, the idea is absurd.

    >russia converting a real estate mogul and reality TV personality into a kremlin spy, for the purpose of running him as a candidate for presidency, which at first seems like a SUPER SILLY FUCKING IDEA, but apparently the KGB learned one thing in their years of espionage, they learned that if it's 'just crazy enough to work' then that's the plan. their master plan? unknown.

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  4. sadism is cool i fuck up a girl's life and then i get an orgasmic feeling throughout my body thinking about her suffering without even fapping
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  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by infinityshock nigger

    why are you necro bumping this thread?
  6. Originally posted by reject Every country seems to have really fucked up tax systems here.

    They just automatically take it out of your pay and if they take too much about 2 years later they send you a cheque.

    I love those cheques

    You love lending money interest free?
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  7. Originally posted by infinityshock you're a fucking idiot

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  8. Benzos are the shittiest drug on the planet and you americans gobble them up like candy and wonder why you are so fucking broken and retarded, same with opiates and meth and everything, Your culture has no self control, its just WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK and constant degrading mental abuse and oversocialization so you have no choice but to self medicate with drugs, sex, shopping, everything wrong with western culture is a direct result of capitalism. Capitalism used to be cool until everything became illegal and now you are just supposed to take pills and do online dating like a fucking cuck.

    Fuck that bullshit I'm a human dammit if you don't lash out at them and show them that you are an animal they will treat you like another number.
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  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by NARCassist knocking different shaped blocks through different shaped holes.

    I'll knock your block, chicken
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  10. Lol you spent that much money on a shitty music festival
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  11. Originally posted by Malice Subjugate yourself to AGI. I no longer have an ultimate concern for human judgement and am not under the illusion that it may not well be critically flawed. We are absolutely pitiful creatures, just as 1st worlders may pity a 3rd on cold and dark night, waiting alone for a late bus that may never arrive.

    Drink your alcohol and tell yourself it's going to be alright, hold someone close to you.

    Don't paint the rest of the race with the same defective brush that miscreated you.
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  12. Originally posted by Fox Paws Post a pic of yourself if ur real

    here you go

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  13. Originally posted by Lanny What exactly is your definition of propaganda and why do you seem to think major news outlets have a monopoly on it?

    I never claimed this. Let's go back to the quote:

    "When the seconds count, the police are only minutes away"

    A slogan or saying could be propaganda even if the people started it, but the thing is that NOBODY SAYS THAT. Not everything that pushes an agenda is propaganda. Which is defined as:

    Propaganda- is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view".

    So does it sometimes take a while for cops to show up? Yes. There are no doubt studies that could be pulled up, but if you've ever had to call the cops in an emergency you know that they don't come fast enough. Fact of life, whatever. It doesn't compare to like, "Mcdonalds chicken nuggets will make your dick bigger."

    Climate change denial when done on the commercial, advertising sort of scale, is propaganda. Posters that tell you about the benefits of democracy are propaganda. Those ads on TV showing you how awesome the military is are propaganda.

    Saying essentially, "The cops are too slow and guns are good for defense" is not propaganda. It's an opinion. There is no agenda. People say it in protests, they vote for it. That's it. That's where it ends. Opinions are not propaganda unless they are *propagated* with the purpose of influencing others.
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  14. Originally posted by benny vader they also say thats what betas will always reply.

    If you listen to them you are a beta.
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  15. Originally posted by benny vader they say cats are what you get when your not an beta.

    Real betas don't give a fuck what they say.
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  16. We became civilized over 9000 years ago or some shit, so your year estimate is a little off. I imagine hunting and craftsmanship were common hobbies.
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  17. The fact you keep making all these threads about him, seems like you're the one who got your feelings hurt.
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  18. 1. HelloClarice had no space in her name.

    Originally posted by Hello Clarice Someone in a facebook group

    2. HelloClarice doesn't use Facebook.

    Originally posted by Hello Clarice background looked familiar, brought up some old memories.

    3. HelloClarice was never on TOTSE. She joined Zoklet in 2012.

    Nice try, Scronaldo.
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  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Actually, you used to be a power abusing cowardly faggit with low self esteem and a desperate need for attention on Zoklet, not a global mod. The global mod title was just for show.

    Let the record reflect that SpeciaL- too, was a mod once, and a power abusing one at that. He grabbed a whole bunch of PI straight out of the DB. Let that sink in.
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  20. Originally posted by RisiR If the old dude died ANY other way everyone here would make fun of him but since a nigger is involved it's such a great tragedy. LOL.

    I don't give a fuck about the old sack of shit. You guys are trippin'.

    The shooter was a nigger. Oldberg was a black man.
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