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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Ramrod.
  2. I hope all Americans die today.
  3. AC/DC

    ALTernating current, direct cunts.
  4. Sounds like a good way to use up all my energy before I ever walk into the door at work.
  5. Close one eye son.
  6. Your whole existence is a burden on our collective soul.
  7. just do opiates and benzos for a week or two so you don't even care about sex
  8. That annoys the shit out of me too. Like a while back I was trying to figure out whether I wanted 3-meo-pce, dck, or 4-meo-pce so I consulted a friend who has tried all of the above and all he could tell me was that they're "all good."
  9. Originally posted by Lanny I would make sense that a victim has a victim's sensibilities

    I'm not saying there is nothing disturbing on the internet but IDK, it's honestly hard to imagine getting PTSD from seeing things on the tubes. I'm pretty convinced I've gone as far down the rabbit hole as you can go but I've never seen anything that, when put in context , doesn't ultimately recede into the realm of "that's really fucked up but that's life" given a little time.

    I'm guessing you don't spend 8 hours a day watching it though. A long time ago, for a while I got really into watching gore and executions and the like and it kind of became a habit. I didn't get PTSD or anything but after a while, it did start to fuck with me. Watching people die every day doesn't do good things to your head.
  10. Lol one time I was high as balls on MXE and I decided to look at my calculus homework I was doing at the time and see if I could figure it out in that state and it just looked like straight up Egyptian heiroglyphics. No meaning whatsoever. It looked really cool though so I ended up staring at it for a good 10 minutes.

    I miss MXE.
  11. Originally posted by Lanny Public gardens are nice, it's just personal gardens are wierd. Entirely unreasonable, I'll admit, I'm used to living in the city so they seem like an absurd opulence but of course not all the world is like that and there are many places where having a garden is perfectly natural. Nonetheless, my first response to private garden ownership is of mild shock and disdain.

    You think people planting things in their backyard is weird?
  12. Originally posted by Sophie I support Trump, does that make me an idiot?

    I don't really think you or those people in general are idiots in the sense that they're not intelligent in any aspect of life, but I do think that they've fallen for an illusion that they are better equipped to formulate an opinion on politics than they actually are. To be honest you seem very intelligent but I think your racism is misguided as fuck. I know a lot of minorities here in the states that are very intelligent and hardworking. And to say things like you hope everyone with brown skin gets killed or sent back to the shithole they came from to be killed is just ignorant. Using words like "ignorant" kind of makes me cringe because it's so overused these days by dipshits on the left but I just can't think of a better word to describe it. I don't think you aren't smart enough to see this, I think you just refuse to because you dislike brown people and don't want them around.

    Also, Trump is a moron. Politics completely aside, he just is. You can tell when you listen to him he is very unintelligent. But like I said I think you ignore that because you have reasons.
  13. Getting a lower body fat percentage makes you look better but there is also an ideal range for testosterone production. They claim it's getting lower and lower every generation. This worked for me. I wasn't in terrible shape but I had like fat abs. After three weeks of this I had muscles I didn't know I had. You don't need weights, but doing benchpressing and seeing gains in strength got me back into weight lifting. This diet may not be the healthiest long term diet, but I felt a lot better on it than I did before. My goal was to maintain my weight while losing body fat, so that also required building muscle which is hard if not impossible to do at the same time. So I got into the weights and taking protein supplements and was struggling to keep the same weight. But if all you care about is burning fat this works.

    Try to start the first day off with black coffee and fasting until dinner if you can. Whenever you start getting hungry or wanting food have another cup of black coffee and cold water. Do this every 3-4 days if you can. For dinner you can have anything without carbs. And eat pretty much as much as you want. You can fry chicken breast breaded in flax seed and seasoned with Goya or whatever you want. Try to eat some spinach with it too though. For every meal I ate spinach or sometimes substituted broccoli but usually spinach. If you really want it to fall off though don't fry it. Cook it on an electric grill. Basically you eliminate the carbs from your diet if you eliminate the fat also the body has no choice but to start using stored fat as energy. But if you cut carbs you can have fat and still lose fat. It's just quicker if you sometimes cut both.

    For the rest of the days try at least to skip breakfast unless you start losing weight too fast (this happened to me at first) if that happens have omelets. Again, as much as you want. I would eat 5 eggs (get eggs in bulk) cheese, bacon and spinach. You can have this for lunch also. Don't drink the coffee and eat breakfast though. It's a psychological thing. Use the coffee for killing hunger.

    They say tilapia is bad for you, but it's a good cheap dinner on this diet. Just bake them with some olive oil and garlic powder and eat with spinach.

    If you crave anything sweet melons are acceptable but don't make it an every day thing. Strawberrys too. Low carb nuts like almonds and pecans are ok for a snack sometimes.

    For exercise:
    You don't have to start off with anything crazy. When you wake up do jumping jacks until your calves burn. Try to do 3 sets of pullups and three sets of chin-ups. Find something heavy and do farmers walks. Do these three times a day until you can't do it anymore. I don't like pushups because they are really only good for building endurance. Plyo pushups are good in combination with weights for building explosive strength but I don't like regular pushups. If you don't have weights try to find a way to do weighted pushups. Get someone to stand on your back or something.

    The main thing is bear crawls. Not only do you get definition in your arms but it's a great way to build functional strength. Try to start off doing 200 yards every day at a sprint. 50-60 yards at a time or more if you can. But don't slow down in order to do a greater distance. It always needs to be a full sprint. And from there try to build on that and get better. You will hurt the next day, but this exercise is good for your joints and everything. I've had injuries from lifting weights that this exercise cured. Idk how but it toughens your joints or something.

    You can try to end the day doing 10-15 minutes of jogging or on some kind of machine but the bear crawls are the priority. Take pictures to mark your progress. You will feel it and see it for yourself but it helps to see your progress and keep you motivated. Once you get your body fat to that ideal range you can start worrying about building muscle or whatever else you want to do, but like I said in the other thread it's about a hormonal change and feeling better.

    EDIT: another good exercise without weights is something like inclined pushups but get on a wall where you are almost vertical. This is as good as doing shoulder presses with heavy weight. Good for your triceps too. Dips are bad for your joints. Weighted declined situps are good. I know for burning fat you go for high reps with anything, but again, it's about how you feel. You feel better while building strength and it is possible to do that and burn a lot of fat at the same time. Doing 60-70 pushups doesn't really make me feel better.

    Post last edited by ACE at 2017-01-29T14:33:32.998312+00:00
  14. Wait didn't I see Lanny say something about having a steady gf the other day? lol
  15. Originally posted by HampTheToker That's because the divide in this country is becoming more solid every day. And, that's what the media wants. That's what the politicians want. That's even what a lot of people want. But, it isn't what they need, because we all need common ground to survive as a nation. Partisan politics caused a civil war once before, and it's by no stretch of the imagination to see it happening again. I've known people that have talked about it well over a decade ago before Obama won his first term. Just today I saw a story about California needing 585,000 signatures to put secession up for a vote next year.

    When California wants to be on the other side of the Trump Wall, clearly the people have reached a point where the division could actually become real. California has about 39 million people, so if about a fifth of the population signs, then it'll be up for a vote. Can you imagine if it passed? The effort to delegitimize the vote would be massive and even further divisive.

    Same thing happened after the last election, if I remember correctly. Those petitions never really had a chance, though.

    I hope California leaves.
  16. Originally posted by Discount Whore forcibly seeding

    Sounds like fun
  17. I regret asking.
  18. After googling all of the ingredients, that sounds fucking disgusting. Can you give me a suggestion which doesn't include red wine and ass fucking bitter liquers?
  19. You're a shit teacher and you're getting sacked
  20. Another malt.
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