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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Originally posted by Bill Krozby south Carolina?

  2. Originally posted by Clutch I'm not talking about pharmaceuticals, I'm talking about shady drugs, made by shady people who don't care if they fuck peoples lives up. Legitimate chemical producers don't put "not for human consumption" on their drugs knowing full well that that is exactly what people are going to be doing with it.

    You must have never been to places that produce your favorite drugs. You can grow Papaver yourself but if you aren't a real trill farmer with at least a greenhouse you won't be able to support a habit with your meager harvest.

    Pakis, Afghanis and all that hate the white man. They don't give ZERO shits about you and your safety. They know people will shoot black tar in their dicks.

    In Europe we get better H than you and it is basically never over 20% purity. The rest is cut up EVERYTHING. My fav was horse de-worm stuff they found in bunch of samples. Laxatives, Fent and RC analogues, Benzos, what have you. Really really save and natural.

    Same goes for Cocaine.
  3. You must not work.
  4. Space cat.
  5. I give this place another 2 years.
  6. Let's make this more interesting, shall we?.
  7. I had moonshine once and it was smooth as fuck.
  8. Maybe they won't have to deflate the ball to win this time
  9. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I WAS MOLESTED!

    Now we're making progress. You couldn't stop it Bill Krozby, what adults did to you was out of your control. It's unfair you had a Hydro-esque mother. Maybe you could become a decent father so your daughter doesn't have to go through the same shame, rejection and humiliation you feel every day? I think it'll benefit you too and make you a better person, stop all this unnecessary anger
  10. If they weren't paid to break up the totse crowd they should have been. When totse closed there was zoklet and totse2. Then they closed and you had rdfrn and the other one. One guy supposedly got mad that someone had his identity and closed it. Idk what happened with rdfrn. But it all seems orchestrated.

    RDFRN was cool. The orange theme seemed modern but I think they changed it to that faggy black one. Plus redfern was easy to say. But the reason to love these sites is because there is nowhere else to see people who love guns that aren't necessarily stick up the ass republicans, discuss manufacturing drugs, and hate jedis. These things are part of the totse paradigm. You can still find these types of people on social media, but it's not the same because there will always be some self-censorship if they are smart at all....and actual censorship.

    Post last edited by ACE at 2017-02-04T10:44:31.093030+00:00
  11. Everybody has their own theory on why Zoklet/Totse etc croaked and ain't coming back. I think those are the type of people that caused the collapse of &TOTSE and it's legacy.

    Zoklet was one of the last areas of the internet where you could openly discuss fringe culture and be in like minded comoany. The basic level of freedom it offered was that you could saying fucking nigger faggot and nobody would stop you. The higher level was that you could actually discuss things you couldn't discuss on weeaboo forum 47, or Yahoo Answers.

    That higher level discussion attracted intelligent, insightful posters who either knew their shit or were interested in getting to know their shit. And they could discuss their ideas freely.

    Unfortunately, to be a popular look kid you could either be knowledgeable... Or take the easy path I.e. Be an edgelord. This is where the likes of Bill the Catheter, Enter, DaGuru etc came in. Even beloveds like Vizier, and (although I really liked her) Mizled shoveled coal onto the fire; every thread devolved into a pissing contest where everyone competed to toss out the freshest zingers and spiciest one liners as fast as possible.

    Towards the end, actual discussion on the specialty subforums was literally almost impossible because it was just overloaded with edge.

    So good riddance I say. Yeah they were entertaining but there's no chance of ever building up a similar experience with them around.
  12. Originally posted by Number13 r/AsiansGoneWild/ is still up, that is all that matters.

    Are you only up for chingchong Asians or do you accept goatfuck Asians too?
  13. Originally posted by snab_snib i think it's just gotten real personal for you and you need to step back, take a deep breath, have a smoke, and go back and read the thread from the beginning,

    Nice dodge, you spade.
  14. Originally posted by snab_snib ok, so am i supposed to pretend that you're stupid enough to have come in here and talked about moderators when we're talking about people and their ideas?

    and we're supposed to pretend that you're not just ignoring everything everyone says to you and stating, in response, your claim that nobody has said anything?

    i suspect you don't actually have a position and you're just kind of typing here to feel smart. sort of a troll-by-default, or troll-through-incompetence.

    You don't have a specific overarching "point" whatsoever. Go on, make one. Make a clear, one or two sentence thesis statement that specifically makes an argument. Do it from what you've spoken about in the thread so far. I'll wait. Hopefully we can have reasoned discussion once you've done that.

    You do have specific assertions ("points") that might be intended to support your overarching "point", but do not. If you can make one that is supported by these specific points, and fix them do they aren't full of holes, then again, we might have a reasonable discussion. If not, then I'll stick to pointing out that you are babbling like a moron.

    I can't believe I'm having to explain basic English to you.
  15. Originally posted by snab_snib ah yes, wait for hitler.

    god damnit, why aren't things like my perfect idealized fantasy?

    milo is a greek! no wait, he's a jedi! no wait, i'm a jedi!

    jesus christ man, all that typing to say… nothing.

    you called me gay and said that milo is taking advantage of me because… actually i don't know why. because i don't like the people protesting him i guess?

    are you antifa? is that what's going on here? or just one of those radical centrist types who are too cool to have ideas which aren't just a formulaic rhetoric of neutralizing anyones intent?

    are you actually seriously acting all upset that someone who is the opposite of a right wing ideal is upholding right wing values in left wing hives and creating left wing butthurt?

    you're just not smart, man. think before you speak.

    Lol I like how you get frustrated and angry when someone pours gasoline over your retardation and tosses a burning faggot on it.

    No, you mongoloid; you are being manipulated by a transparent social saboteur. Sarah Silverman makes retarded lefties feel superior over the dumb ignant right. Milo serves the same role for the right. The point is to create social echo chambers and further drive an idiological wedge in society and kill the possibility of discourse and compromise between the two sides.

    Your idiotic babblings from the other thread would actually be relevant here. Milo is one more conduit of control over the Western world, which is being strengthened by creating clear ideological divides in society, and fostering an "othering" of groups within Western society. This is to create destabilisation and make it easier to work both sides in particular directions.

    You are a pitchfork in the shed. Try to extract your head from your ass, think critically and stop being so gullible and easily influenced.
  16. Originally posted by snab_snib are you dense? have you not been paying attention? do i have to make flashcards for you to get this?

    If you're not going to actually nut up and put your dick on the table, theres not point in you talking. All you've done until this point is talk in vagueries, then say "UR MIZSING DA PWAINT" every time someone dismantles the specifics of your comments without actually clearly stating your point, which just makes you look like a retard.

    what's important is the state of society. lines being drawn and polarization escalating. both sides are coming to a understanding that discourse is futile. use your fucking head. who has what mod powers on a fucking internet board have no pertinence whatsoever. get on topic. fucking focus.


    1. You have no specific point.

    2. Your vague, overly generalized point is unsupported by and at best unrelated to the specific topic of discussion in this thread.

    Unless you're able to link the two and make a specific set of claims someone can work with, there's nothing to discuss here outside of the specific points you are mentioning. And your specific points hav been stripped down and dismantled.
  17. Originally posted by snab_snib milo is head and shoulders above sarah silverman in morality, manners, and intelligence.

    LUL sounds like someone has a little gay crush
  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby ^this, I don't like milo, never have. Sure he's great at "debating", but he is a mainstream tool. (a tool that worked though)
    Breitbart, was a real hero and didn't have to use gimmicks to prove his point.

    Breitbart died for what he believed in.

    He's not great at debating at all. He's better at debating than the lefties mongoloids he usually faces. But someone who has actually debated at all would rek him. He does a great job as far as appealing to his base goes though, but he's pretty poor at actually arguing a point.

    The tipping point for me was his appearances on Joe Rogan's podcasts; the guy "oh no they don't REALLY think that [I'm soooo gay m i rite?]"s his way past literally every time someone disputes him. He never addresses criticism. While this further endears him to the king of people already looking to sort him, he just looks like a retard to someone who applies basic critical thinking to his dumb bullshit.

    Originally posted by snab_snib you're a retard if you think that matters.

    you seem to have a big issue with focusing on trivia and completely irrelevant aspects of things.

    what milo believes in the secrecy of his own heart only god can know. it's not important for the discussion at hand.

    You're a retard if you think it doesn't. You do the focus on the details enough, which is why you're so gullible; you think in broad strokes of convenient affirmation, so you're incapable of reading between the lines.

    Milo is another jedi and jedi backed method of control over mass opinion. He claims to be a gay Christian who thinks gays are wrong and not a real thing. With such an absurd contradiction of a public figure, they have managed to win over even the KKK types in modern society.

    This whole persona is tailored to take advantage of dumbassez like you. If Milo was a normal put together straight white dude spouting off about how Islam should be purged from the earth, gays aren't "real" and how immigration into Europe will lead to the fall of the western world, nobody would listen to him. But he's gay so he can't be homophobic. And he likes teh nigger/sandnigger dick so he can't be racist. And he's Christian so he's on our side, not one of those filthy atheists who get called Islamophobes (god, that term is shit), and definitely not a Zionist. And he's of jedi descent so he can't be anti-Semitic.

    And you people slurp that jedi cum like a thirsty camel.
  19. The rdfrn natives (and the non-Zoklet crowd in general) were boring. They substituted profanity and pathetic tryharding for an actual personality.

    So when people got sick of their shit and stopped giving them the reaction they wanted, they left.

    Now let's just pray that Bill The Catheter, the most full of shit edgelord of them all, finally fucks off one of these days.
  20. And I'm not talking about the KKK kicking my ass.

    I called it since the Wildcards, when the Packers beat the Giants; with the Giants out of the way, the Patriots are an unstoppable Juggernaut, and Bill Belichick will tuck another trophy under his strained belt. I think it'll be his 5th Super Bowl championship. The man is a fucking legend.
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