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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. ain't it about time the toilet be redesigned?
  2. Originally posted by Totse 2001 Pure chicken breast thrown into a stong ale or stout, egg wash and beer then flour and finally breadcrumbs seasons.. then hot oil. T&T popping in your mouth

    KAFUCKINGBOOM with tasty tastiness

    Mmm Mmm

    Thats how popeye do em.
  3. I always skip over tranny porn when I watch my gape stuff. Even the well produced lesbian stuff, its just not my bag. I don't think it's gay though.
  4. you must live in paranoialand tho

    i did an experimental fap to this, i skipped to the part where the trap was pounding her pussy

    after orgasm i got mild nausea so yeah it's slightly gay, would probably not do again
  6. Bad ideas. Also: you csn use a hair dryer to easily peel off the sticker later.
  7. i blame the jedis for this lack of t%ZT
  8. I want some zbz
  9. Nope.
  10. Originally posted by greenplastic that looks too complicated for me to spend time on

    If you download and play it you will pick it up pretty easily its an easy game theres just a lot of shit. I learned it high on meth and weed.
  11. cant decide
  12. Now I really didn't make it

  13. that looks too complicated for me to spend time on
  14. Didn't make it.

  15. me and the clown has 3 minutes to escape oh fuck

  16. I got arrested

  17. What?
  18. 5 minutes until the shuttle arrives lets see what I can do in that much time

  19. This is the only map I could find. May God help your soul.

  20. What is SPACE STATION 13?

    It started out as an atmospheric simulator on the BYOND engine but slowly over the years became more popular and more features added. It has a very high level of realism for a 2D sprite game. You can pop a lung from going into space and freeze to death for example

    How do I play?

    You need to download the byond client and make an account.

    After thats done launch the BYOND program (the blue icon) and sign in. Now follow this link

    This is the Server Page, it has all the active servers and how many people are playing, you can also access this from the BYOND program.

    There are a lot of servers and it can be confusing, but there is an active reddit community and they have a list of the various servers and some unlisted ones too.

    Each server also has a wiki, for simplicity sake lets just use paradise wiki

    okay lets start playing

    Go to the server page - -

    Ctrl + F "Hippie" and press the PLAY NOW button , it will take a few minutes to download the server files.

    go to "setup character" , go to "Game preferences" at the top and make sure all special role settings are set to NO, or don't i dont care. Go back to character settings and you can adjust your character name and appearance if you don't want to look like a derpadew, none of this really matters.

    Whats important is you press "Set Occupation Preferences" above the appearance settings. Left click raises frequency of jobs and right click lowers them. Cargo tech, bartender, botanist, chef, janitor and assistant are the newbie jobs, you should pick one or some of those.

    Scroll to the bottom and set "save setup" and you have a saved character slot.

    Now you can close that window and join the game.

    A list of jobs will pop up, pick a newbie job or assistant or something.


    You use the arrow keys to move, the mouse will open doors, closets, pick up items and its how you attack people and shoot guns is to click on stuff.

    you only type when you want to talk, There is a little button on the bottom right of the screen that says "chat"if you click that you don't have to type Say "nigger" every time you talk. Also if you want to talk on the radio put ;before your sentence like this say ";nigger" and it will broadcast over the radio.

    Shift click people, closets and big things to drag them, you can also right click stuff to examine/drag interact with it
    When you are actively dragging something use ctrl+click to move it to any 1 tile around you in any direction.

    You will start off in a blue space ship on the very far left of the station with 4 airlocks leading to the station.

    I went into a dark maintenance tunnel to show off some stuff.

    The big yellow thing in the middle of the screen is the PDA, I opened it by dragging my PDA in slot 4 onto my character. Scroll to the bottom and "TURN ON FLASHLIGHT" which is why I can take this picture in a dark tunnel, also useful for when the power goes out.

    1. on the far left of the screen is your Clothing inventory, you start with jumpsuit, ID, shoes, backpack and radio.
    The slot for the oxygen mask is in the middle above 1 and 2, or you can press the E button in your hand slot (6)

    2. is the Suit Storage, you can't use it unless you have something on over the jumpsuit like a spacesuit to it is the ID slot which is where you put your PDA (put your ID in your PDA also)
    4.Next to that is the belt slot which is where you put an oxygen tank if there is no oxygen.

    5. Is the backpack slot, click on the backpack to open it, you start with a box which has your oxygen mask and tank of air.

    6. This is the most important slot, this is your active hand slot, you can hold two small items in your hand or one large item. "SWAP" changes which hand you are using, or you can just click the slot. "E" makes you wear whatever you are holding like a hat, oxygen mask or bulletproof vest.

    7. these are 2 pocket slots, you can put almost anything in here.

    8. This is the 4 intents. Top left (green) is passive which makes you hug people and pick things up/knock on windows
    Top right(Blue) is Disarm which will knock anything out of the hand of someone you click on, If they have an empty hand and you are aimed for their groin you can push them on the ground which stuns them for a few seconds
    Bottom Right(Yellow) is Grab which will aggresively grab someone and allow you to put them on a table or drag them around, you can also keep pressing it which will choke someone to death
    Bottom left(Red) is Harm which will punch someone

    9. Is targetting. Head does the most damage, arms make them unable to hold stuff, groin pushed them, mouth and eyes are good for guns or people with no helmets, body shots are default, leg shots are also useful

    10. is Drop and Throw in that order, left is drop which drops anything in your active hand or makes you stop dragging someone, if you click right (throw) it will light up and you can throw things at people like Glass Shards which have a chance to embed for extra bleeding damage.

    11 and 12 The top right of the screen is the "IC" and "object" tab which has more interactions with your items,invetory,PDA, instead of having to click on stuff you can do it all here.

    You can click the chat box to talk, it will probably be constantly flooding with green text which is the radio.

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