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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Do I seem like a punk scene type of person to you?

    You look more like a hipster imo.
  2. Find some fucked up IRL friends. Maybe try a punk venue.
    Do I seem like a punk scene type of person to you?

    I left it in the microwave too long bro, puffed up like a marshmallow.
  4. In the forum description, it says "adheres to totse-wide rules"

    but since totse is dead, and dead sites have no rules, does that mean there are no rules here?
  5. Then what the fuck am I wasting my time for? SMH fucking bitch.

    this. sploo is nothing but a cock tease.
  6. Under a bridge

  7. that's something a loser would say , hmmm go figure. theres just not enough people on this site, im leaving, good luck guys
    Please be fake or joking. Please. This can't be a serious post.
  8. I guess I'll just use br tags for now

    but that's really annoying

    can you guys please try to fix this?
  9. Edit : double posting like a hardcore faggot
  10. I wouldn't doubt that

    My imagination comes up with some scary things
  11. This entire thread reeks of degeneracy

    Yes, because the real world doesn't take kindly to me using it as an outlet for my fucked up thoughts/accounts of fucked up behavior.
  12. "Sober" is French for faggot. It originates from the Latin "sobber", or whiny bitch.

    man you must really know some shitty people if you equate being sober with being a whiny bitch
  13. This entire thread reeks of degeneracy
  14. MIL and GF been gone all day talk about peace and quiet

    What will you really lose out on if your girl leaves other than companionship? It sounds like she basically relies on you to support her. Personally if I put a significant other through SCHOOL (which IMO is a crazy thing to do) and they talked about leaving me because I didn't like their alcoholic mother using my property as a flop house I'd probably tell her to not let the door hit her ass on the way out.

    You cave in to her on this situation and it just sets up all the future ones. "All I have to do is threaten to leave and he'll agree to do what I want".
  15. And the rest of the victims collective. I wonder if they all together moved to a different forum and how long it took Finny to get banned and the rest of them to be super awkward and socially inept.

    It's really weird how normal I feel around non-autists.
  16. I'm not a racist so it's all the same to me.
  17. I'll fight anybody for 5k (for the winner, I'll show up for 500) and the rights to film and distribute the fight.
  18. No, we're niggas
  19. On of my buddies went to Quatar for ramadan and my brother took care of his bird. My brother isn't around himself now so I took the bird and it's saddening me a bit because the bird is all alone and doesn't have anything to do at all. I want to let it fly around but the motherfucker's gonna shit in my tv or something and that would suck.

    What can one do with a bird?
  20. Space NIggers.

    Livin' astro, tell me how you feel.
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