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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Reminds me of Psycho. It's like dealing with a 9 year old kid.

    I can ruin you, friend.

    inb4 you don't scare me.
  2. This thread turned out boring because other people posted in it

    bitch shut the fuck up, everyone knows you posted this shit because you wanted attention and now youre trying to pretend like thats not the case, like you were just doing you and then everyone else came and shit on your great thread, right?

    fuck off you petty little shit
  3. Wonder if it's my phone Nobody else is having this problem?
  4. It's not a mental illness because there is no such thing, not in the context you are referring to. Is it "correct" to be straight? If so, by who's word? If you're saying it's because they can't reproduce when they have sex, then you better also believe that straight people should only have sex for reproductive purposes, and if not, you're a hypocrite. And if you do believe that, go listen to some 700 club mormon evangelistic holy bible shit because I'm not trying to be around some crazy religious fundamentalists.

  5. Probably not but if you ordered an escort off that you could take pictures of her then fuck her afterwards

    I tried searched for pros on google in my area couldn't find any. fuck
  6. and then when they're naked start saying spread them lips in the hopes they get confused and then I said let me show you, and start rubbing her cunt which leads to fucking.... would chicks come for an adult photoshoot?

    bring back fatpeoplehate
  8. A patch of woods maybe? a roof?
  9. Then put it back on the ground when i'm done
  10. Like say I see a weed baggie on the ground or something and pick it up to see if theres anything in there, I won't just drop it back on the ground, i'll go throw it away in the trash in case a crime happens there latter or something.
  11. tr1p... fucking trains, man.
  12. tr1p... fuckin trains, man
  13. I bumped the session timeout to the max value so people wouldn't get logged out so often which also means they're considered online for longer, everyone or thing which has hit the site is probably included in that number.

    fite me irl faggot

    lol that might cut it with these faggots but not me....
  14. I need to be able to have an empty line between each of my borderline-incoherent thoughts in order to shitpost properly dammit
  15. I was thinking he was faking whoever Sophie is but besides that who knows Edit:Moved my bitching to help and suggestions
  16. what's this about lanny pretending to be a girl? lol
  17. 1. Buy a citrus fruit juicer
    2. Buy a slow juicer
    3. Buy 1000s of bottles from allibaba, all plastic juice bottles
    4. Buy a label printer
    5. Buy hundreds of bags of oranges
    6. Juice the oranges
    7. Poor in the bottles (could sanatize -- but fuck food regulations)
    8. Make a label for the bottles, with a name and nutrition values
    9. Print off all the labels for the bottles
    10. Go door to door ofering to sell them or sell them online for $2 each make a $1 on each bottles/
    11. ????
    12. profit
  18. Because it will brainwash them, to make them think it's natural when it's not. you can't make babies by rubing cunts, or sticking your dick up another man's asshole. Fagots wil respond saying, flying is un-natural, yeah, but flying actually benifits us, you being a faggot doesn't. Stop shoving this gay rights down our throats political corect cunt bags
  19. He's more 1337 than you think. :)

    yea yea champ
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