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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. or maybe he just got sick of associating with actual retards on the internet. I don't blame him, I don't like going on TC to have some fun with my friends only to have someone screenshot all our faces and try to find our names. That is the gayest fucking thing I can think of. Anonymous communities like 4chan, DNM's and drug chemistry websites aren't strangers to doxxing. Real criminals and outlaws act like professionals on the internet, people who are into PI and doxxing are the opposite of this, they are immature and small minded.

    Rocklin was right, he said he didn't even know where Idio lives or his name and he knew him since 2010. People like you fucking ruin the internet and just make people not want to ever post on TOTSE forums or contribute because they don't want some fucking wannabe FBI skiddie faggot trying to doxx them.
  2. I thought he was just trolling and being stupid until I found out about his book
  3. where have fanglegay and cocklin got to now?
  4. ............................
  5. Never mind I should have been able to figure that out myself before posting
  6. tried to tell you guys……it wasn't enough for you what they did to sanct….

    I got drunk and had a long conversation with Rocklin over rdfrn's chatbox about this before I left for taintedbrowser. He just kept saying that "rdfrn was different"
  7. I definitely believe this.
  8. I dunno, an old friend has invited me to come crash at his place. Even said I could fuck his wife/step daughter while there. He's shared his ex with me before. He's one OG best friend type nigga

    Dude wat. Are they locked in a basement and chained the radiator?
  9. The funny thing is that, to a dyslexic person, it would seem, phonetically, very similar
  10. There's always the fanglakai solution… don't use a proxy.
    I'm not using a proxy
  11. You're not going to be able to sell that shit door to door, but rent a stall at a popular farmer's market for yuppies and you're golden. I've actually thought about doing this too. My idea was to just get some cheap jelly or something from the grocery store and put it in fancy homemade looking bottles and make up some name like Sunrise Farms Organic Vegan GMO Free Wild Range Blueberry Jelly or some shit and charge like $10 a bottle.
  12. MXE is fun. I do just bumps while I'm smoking weed. I don't really enjoy the effects from doing a lot. But doing just a little bit still gets you high as fuck. I usually do 10-15 mg bumps, start with a couple 15 minutes apart, then just go every hour or two from there. The high is hard to describe. It's like feeling drunk but stimulated at the same time in a strage psychedelicish mindstate.
  13. *shakes a quarter pusher*
  14. ...some fun
  15. 24853 /9'35)8!(
  16. Malice, have you ever, at any point in your life had a friend?
  17. I've had MXE before, it's kinda like a cleaner version of bundy but still pretty dirty feeling. I really don't like the stuff, it is nice in small amounts, especially with weed or something. I took 300mg once sublingually and went into hyperspace, woke up with the worst hangover of my life. That was an awful, awful time. I do not like MXE.
  18. Well my therapist recommended a two day respite from my home. Also found out she's quiting in a month
    She's got you fucked up if she thinks the solution to your situation is to leave your own goddamn house to let people who are taking advantage of you have their way. Sure that allows you to avoid confrontation and assess the situation better but it also lets them win and sets a bad precedent. I've been drinking liquor for like an hour so take that with a grain of salt but it still doesn't seem right to me.
  19. Suicide by cop caught on body cam, neat! PoC, have you thought about trying something like this since you're too cowardly to make friends?
    I have friends, I just keep a close and tight circle of them and avoid allowing any of them to get too close to me. My unhappiness has extremely little to do with loneliness. The fact you suddenly think interpersonal relationships are the cure to existential depression makes me think you're smoking crack or something.
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