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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. People would use it even less than on rdfrn
  2. Yes we can kind sir.
  3. you will end up getting her pregnant and then your hopes and dreams will be put by the wayside because you are just irresponsible enough to accidentally nut in her, but not irresponsible enough to be a deadbeat dad, then the whole rest of your life will be one financial drain after ano…..oh……wait…..never mind, that's my life
    Damn that sucks

    that's why I had a vasectomy
  4. And annoying as fuck too
  5. This is why I tried to tell people on intosanctuary that thanks was a dumb idea

    nothing lasts forever
  6. its just a period
    I didn't even see it there

  7. What am i trying? Lanny hasn't disallowed lewd images of minors as long as it's not actual child porn.
    Nothing against you dude but can we have a single thread that doesn't devolve into a discussion about pedophilia?
  8. Put all your efforts into developing spice blends.
  9. Have there been any scientific studies on it, or the cause of it?

    It's hard to describe the crazy eyes but every guy knows what I'm talking about

    Women with them always seem to act a certain way

    When I was in the looney bin I met a girl with the crazy eyes

    She may end up being my girlfriend

    People say to avoid women with crazy eyes but I think they're hot

    I could imagine how awesome it would be to make a woman with them mad, and then have sex

  10. Fuck.
  11. asmr? are you a faggle?
  12. How much did you take blud? One of my favorite drugs, for some reason. Something about bombing 250mg and becoming retarded for a few hours. Something more happens at high doses I don't know. You fly off the face of the planet and go somewhere else for a bit. No idea how long it actually lasts cos time disappears but when you come back for the first time its pretty bindmlowing

    It's funny to me that most people aren't willing to go that high. Most people don't go above like, 100-150 or so. My friend took ~400mg of the stuff and ended up in the hospital, I'm not sure if he actually needed to be in the hospital but the respiratory depression at 300mg was pretty bad on the come up and I felt like death afterwords.

    Note: Don't give drugs to retards who will end up in the hospital with it. I told this guy of my 300mg experience, had it dosed out in 100mg pills, warned him again and again, the fucker wanted to 1-up me and take 4. He told me "I didn't know you could pass out from that stuff" and I never gave him any drugs ever again.
  13. Well, i mean i'm not the type of guy to go out and look for a fight, but it's a very masculine thing to do and besides that, if you've been in a couple fights you at least got an inkling of how to defend yourself if you ever end up in such a situation again.

    Yeah, but if I could have gone through life having none of the fights I've had I'd be happy.

    When I was a kid I ended up winning a fight by smashing a ball of ice into somebody's head until it broke and then rubbed their face in the snow. I get the sex thing. "Oh I enjoyed myself and had fun more than you!" But violence is just "I inflicted pain and was in pain!" I'm pretty ashamed of the incident above, even though I did it in somebody's defense.

    GET EM
  15. bitch ass nigga, pussy ass nigga, i see you looking witcha lookin ass niga
  16. Lol @ fighting being something you're proud of.
  17. You also claim to have HPPD so im not sure how accurate any of your sightings may be

    Yes, that's why I take everything with a grain of salt.

    Although if you read my earlier post, the orbs weren't just spotted by me. Which is the only reason I 100% believe they were real. What they were exactly, I don't know.
  18. No if they were born in communism they'd be average fucking factory workers and/or housewives.

    Well from what I understand the way communism works is the schools make all the dumb or angry kids with problems do the shit work but people who actually do good in school and act communist are trained to do things like doctors, scientists, teachers, artists, athletes. But only the best and brightest do that, most of the population does shit work. I think they would want pretty girls to be models or something useful if they are smart. My mom was a teenager in the 80's or whenever the Olympics in USSR was, I don't know what year but she said the girls on the USSR team all looked the same, all very pretty but their shoes were like, home made and some had duct tape on them and just everything around was cheap and made with low cost materials and that police were very into espionage.

    Communism is so crazy, North Korea fascinates me but even they have capitalism going on, free trade is human nature.

    Also you're saying it yourself, you'd be better off if you had a job.

    All I need is an HD camera and an 8ball of crank and I can become an anal fisting star like hot kinky Jo!.
  19. No, you're wrong. I'm poor, give me money and the world will be a better place. But I need a lot I'm fucking dying here. We all do but guess what?, you ain't sending me shit, you're not gonna send me $40,000 or even $10,000 I could use to turn my life around. A few hundred dollars in poverty buys you some of the rent you owe, some food, some drugs and some debt knocked off. $1000 lasts about a month, no matter how much you throw at someone and no matter how much they save or cut back it's still gonna take 10+ years of throwing money at them and giving them all this stuff.

    It's exactly like raising a child, you are going to spend at least a hundred thousand dollars for one child to raise them and feed them, clothe them from birth and pay for shelter for them and everything. This is why people in poverty become criminals.

    Whoring isn't even "illegal" if you ask me, it's simply trying to fucking survive. I have talked to an 18 year old girl who sells pics and videos online this morning and I tried to get her to hire me as her manager. These are hard times and if you look good on camera you can make money on the internet.

    What do you think hot girls from Russia to the Atlantic are doing since communism fell?, my favorite pornstar Hot Kinky Jo was born in 1984 in Ukraine, that's also where my favorite LS star Dasha Anya is from. All the pretty girls of all ages there are now extremely rich in 2015, such is the nature of capitalism and whoring. If they were born into communism they would probably be scientists or dancers but not nearly as wealthy.
  20. I personally don't but if you feel cool doing then more power to you. I used to work at a fraternity in the kitchen several years back and boy did I see a lot of collar poppin wearing fuckers. People like to label people like that as douchey just because they aren't as successful, but really they were a bunch of cool guys for the most part.

    Next time I wear my black polo shirt I will try poppin it to see how I feel

    lol, im not successful enough to pop my collar
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