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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. What do you have to do to be 'serious'?

    Also I think more of yung leans music as just beats, and his voice is just another instrument over the beats, his lyrics arent really all that creative, and everyone I know that listens to him dont really take his lyrics or rapping to heart. Its more of like the sound in general.

    I mean like, he doesn't actually think he's gangster or that what he's making actually goes along with the whole "real nigga" image rap tries to portray, yet his lyrics are consistent with that image. Like in the beginning of ginseng strip, he says "makaveli" in the beginning.

    And yea I saw that video too but I don't really buy that all the time. His beats are dope but I think the real thing is that people just don't give a fuck if it's real or not. The fake "lifestyle" of the rapper goes hand in hand so well with consumer culture (buy buy buy, be a dumbass that can't think for yourself and just spend all your money on meaningless material possessions) and people have gotten so used to it that it just doesn't matter anymore. Fans know those lyrics are all made up they just dont give a fuck.
  2. Ok I'm starting to get HPPD now from the binge. I'm totally sober and yet the way this screen keeps hue'ing in rainbow you would think I am at the peak of a roll or something. I got the 2 for 1 earli beard special Oh yeaaah it's like paying for drug abuse and getting a perpetual hallucination for free!.
  3. What's the point of not already doing that? why do they have select meals? just keep it on the fucking menu you cunts.

    aparently there's no room on the cookers :(
  4. .

    I was going to do this but I forgot the alt code and was too lazy to look it up
  5. Poltergeists seem to love residing in very old houses, and they get inside items and objects that are in the house. So when people take stuff away, they are taking away more than just the object.

    My experience with what I suspect may be a poltergeist was in a fairly new house as far as houses go. I don't know about POLTERGEISTS living in old homes, I think they gravitate towards where the energy that they can feed from is. If the shit I hadn't seen couldn't be explained or wasn't just... real things, I would explain but it's not worth it. The orbs are the only reason I believe there's a chance this type of thing might be real. I have personally seen things outside of the realm of what I thought to once be possible.
  6. Lately it's been staying at 60F-75F and not really getting much colder or hotter. It's perfect, I'd say. Although I could use a little more rain.
  7. Anyone ever here of this guy? It's some whit guy from sweden that started making music when he was like 16 with him rapping over some trippy beats about drinking arizona ice tea and playing video games and being emotional. But apparently a bunch of people actually like him unironically. He has videos up on youtube of him supposedly drinking lean in tokyo, and walking around acting like a rapper and shit but obviously he can't be serious.

  8. fuck totse and fuck videochatting.
  9. I never posted much on Zoklet, here's my revelation after the fern closed. Internet forums are gay, but the people who try to make them good communities can be some pretty damn cool people and they usually post on 4chan and stuff so, whatever. Everything is an infinite cycle of creation and destruction.

    I realize now that there exists no place to host a variety of touchy text documents for years to come, an impenetrable temple of knowledge. I miss that place.
  10. while this may be true theoretically, you know that this is just not practical. Everyone who has been doxxed from this community was doxxed through their own carelessness.

    yeah if you get doxxed it's your own fault. It's very easy to just avoid that part of the internet and go underground. Don't feed the trolls is the oldest rule on the internet.

    where have fanglegay and cocklin got to now?

    they went "thats gay and I want nothing to do with it.", because nobody wants to forum gerbil if they have a life. example; Iron John. When he was banned he just posted on some shitty BBS because forum gerbils are compulsive and have an ego that needs to be filled. Forum gerbils are not anonymous internet posters.
    >not going on /pol/
  11. Nice background, also how's Windows 10 performance wise?

    Lol i'm no fun at CIV i rush tech to make nukes and bomb everyone back to the stone age. Also are you seriously running Windows XP? Lulz.

    Damn blood, if there is one thing that bugs me it's a messy desktop.

    better than 8, which is a bonus lol
  12. I do all my photoshopping in RhinoCAD

    >wants to play CIV with sophie
    >can barely run Civ4
  13. I used to sell birds, what kind is it?. Different birds like different things. Parakeets like to be in groups and fuck around (sex) and eat lettuce and millet, Cockatiels are like girls on their periods but sometimes they can be very cool, they like nuts that are hard to open, Canaries are pretty dumb, they dont eat much, Finches are REALLY dumb, mirrors are good enough. Parrots, Cockatoo's, Macaws are absolute bro tier but they don't die, they like fruit and chillis. Mynah Birds are you be yelled at and their cages slapped until they say funny stuff, and you gotta make em say "Wanna get high?"

  14. Re: HBWR The seedcoats have to be nicked, or the seeds ground up. As little as 4 or 5 seeds are enough to trip on, though it's a pretty shitty experience. Also people aren't cattle. I understand that you are australian, and therefore probably cannot help it, but I forgive you.

    I've cleaned them, nicked them, soaked them, ground them up, blend them into a fine powder, extracted with water, anhydrous, with alcohols, different bases strong and weak, different acids. Water is supposed to be the best you theoretically can get a lot of alkaloids this way but I don't care how many you get it will not be pure LSA and this will not work the same way on the brain in low doses that pure isolated LSA would. Dirty gunked up brown LSA is super inactive even more so in solution but even getting a few mg from a kg of seeds in unlikely which is why I call it a myth.

    I spent lots of time and money doing extractions and I would give them away, I mostly made LSA and agent Lemon. The Agent Lemon would make people flip the fuck out and have intense trips and occasional projectile vomiting, teleportation and telepathy. Nobody out of 10 +1(me) people got any effect from any of the LSA extractions we made. Maybe the seeds were bunk but we had an unlimited supply from multiple sources, different strains and nobody got any effect.

    I followed different TEKs and did my extractions in the dark and everything was stored below -0c in the dark. Never saw anything from blacklight tests either.

    People also did try just eating the seeds and seed powder which just made upset stomachs.

    I don't believe anyone has ever gotten high from seeds or yielded any mg amount of ergot alkaloids. 1mg of LSA can made enough LSD to dose everyone on this forum.

    EDIT- 1mg is for 10 people 10mg for 100 people.
  15. It's closer to 3meo-PCE than Ketamine which is appealing to me. I really wanna try it. I got E but want meff but after that all I want is weed and MXE, and nitrous maybe.

    I once read a description of MXE as "one of those drugs you can easily go nuts on, I can totally end up running down the street naked screaming if I'm not careful".

  16. L-meth isn't meth.
  17. Some people can be horribly allergic to bundy, like my friend cannot do it he breaks out in a body rash. Start with a low dose I'd say no more than 400mg. If I were her I'd want lots of weed and a stomach that wont let me down. Around 100~mg of DPH because why not. Tell her if she feels like puking not to be scared it will be fast and quick, puking on bundy is fun, thats when the trip starts and it's all smooth sailing from there. Some people don't puke, but most people just don't like the effects of bundy or dissociative drugs.

    They aren't really euphoric or feelgood drugs.. they are more trippy. I find lots of people hate salvia because it fires off your u-opioid receptors all at once which just feels horrible to people but bundy works slower so it's easier to adjust to it.

    There isn't much that can be said that hasn't already been written by the best.

  18. I'll tell you right now Morning Glory is straight up myth bullshit. I've fucked with it for years and processed so many seeds and I've never seen anyone get high from it. I've tried virtually every strain that exists, they have zero potential. HWBR has better amounts but you need like 10kg of seeds which could plant all of Hawaii.

    don't fuck with fake drugs

  19. stick it all up your ass
  20. yeah thats gay I want nothing to do with it.
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