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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Even were your drool spewn ramblings based on any truth try to wrap your meth warped cerebral circuits around this concept. Bushy eyebrows can be brushed unlike missing teeth.
  2. Who is "we"?
    Wouldn't you like to know?
  3. When did this Spectral is toothless meme start? And how can I get in on it?
    It started when Wiil Taggert's facebook page revealed his state of toothlessness.
  4. Take your meds boys and watch the breathing. That O2 is needed for useful life forms. So please stop wasting it.
  5. I just thought I'd try it.
    I bet you said the same thing about dick.
  6. You know you care.
  7. I think you little try-hards are cute.
    We think you're creepy, old, and toothless.
  8. It started when TheDarkRodent and his butt buddy Psychomanthis started posting what they are calling my personal information. Truth is, they've been had. Nobody knows what I look like, or anything about me, and nobody ever will. But if you still want to join in on their hilarious circle jerk of misinformation and stupidity, you would probably only have to suck their 3-inch cocks… and maybe lick TheDarkRodent's mono-brow.
    Will taggert that is you on the facebook site which was leaked and everyone knows it. You have been doxd for about the umpteenth time faggert.
  9. Lol, I almost killed some poor fucker today formulating the wrong IV antibiotic. The shithead doctor only wrote the drugbank number instead of the name and one of the digits for the dose got transposed by someone. When the computer bitched at me about the dose I had to call to verify. My boss tore him a new one. A few months ago a doctor ordered a 100mg morphine bolus for a patient instead of a PCA pump (where you press a button to get drugs) cartridge. Fuck sake, doctors are retarded.

    Also Butch isn't pregnant, thank Jeebus.
  10. If you do I will promise you that I will tell you who I was on Totse and how much money I made from Zoklet.
  11. No pics?

    Highly dissapointing.
  12. The only way to find out is to kill yourself and see if you'll be missed.


    You say you are important. This is true. The important role you play in this universe, the piece of the puzzle you are, is an example of what everyone else should not be. It is important that you fry your brain to the point of retardation and post about it constantly on the internet. You act as a deterrent showing people who think it might be a good idea to sit around all day snorting bullshit smoking spice and listening to the same three songs on repeat how sad that life really is.
  13. Shave your fuckin' eyebrows, dude.
    Is that what the once mighty Spectral has been reduced to? The man who killed a bear with his bare hands? The man who would and could crush ones skull like an aluminum can with his bear hand? Hads he truly sunken to siding with kidiot banter levied twoward his arch nemesis as an indication of the lack of ammunition in his decades long crusade 'Gainst the forces which have so long as asaulted the bastions of the temple he and his merrry band of barbie dolls and sock puppets have so valiantly and single handedly defended and uphold the mighty nation which eas once known far and wide as Totae? To stoop to agreeing with the lowest common denominator in a vain attempt to maintain one's own self percived sensnse of credibility is a new low even for a Tim Horton's refuugee/reject such as that which greets you in the morning pond as the sun does rise.
  14. When did this Spectral is toothless meme start? And how can I get in on it?
  15. I'm going to end up being deemed mentally incompetent

    From what I can tell you have already ended up being deemed mentally incompetent by everyone around you.
  16. What a coincidence. I just moved into a new place too.
  17. I dont have anything to show of it yet but right now I am learning how it works to mod a video game. I am hoping to make a major conversion of Postal 2 that I would call Post /Pol/. Essentially the premise of the game would be eliminating sjw's and degenerates.

    Other than that I have the story board started for a text based adventure game just for kikes and giggles.

    Ill keep yall updated with whats what when I really get into the core of either of these projects.

    I also have a hell of a lot of computer and electronic components that I want to utilize. I have hella hard drives, motherboards for handheld devices, rotors and shit for rc helicopters. Hella diodes and transistors from an arduino I have fiddles around with a few times. If anyone has ideas for fun electronic projects please do suggest.
  18. I remember fooling around with the Zune SDK a long time ago when the Zune HD (that embarrassing flop of a device) first came out. Programming for that stuff was how I got acquainted with C# and the .NET framework. But since this is an android thread none of that matters.

    I would like to see more NETSEC tools on android. Maybe I am just out of the loop but it would be pretty cool to have an android app kit that essentially turns a tablet or smart phone into something like Backtrack or Kali or some other pen testing netsec distro. As I am actually getting back into things I would totally be down to collaborate with some of you niggers about this sort of thing.
  19. Good to know. I always knew that there would come to be ways to de-anonymize tor traffic. Its interesting to see the cat and mouse in anonymous connections in that it seems to be:
    1. People make an "anonymous" network
    2. People figure out how to find out connections and ids
    3. People figure out how to mask those connections and ids
    4. People figure out how to uncover the masks for those connections and ids
    5. Repeat ad nauseum
    6. ????????????
    7. PROFIT!
  20. I can't believe none of you have the actual picture of TDR, they posted it at redfern with a huge black dick near his mouth I haven't been at home for like a month, maybe it's on my PC there.
    Thanks for outing yourself Fagletgai.
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