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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. But I would agree. He probably died from lack of kikeposting.
  2. Yeah for how much that like posted on rdfrn I'm surprised to see he isn't here doing the same thing
  3. Are you addressing me or someone else in this thread? If you are addressing me no I cannot keep a secret.
  4. you guys like jokes?

    I dunno man. My doctor told me to stay away from that shit.
  5. So? Everyone on the chans types like that.

    Yeah, I was gonna say there isn't only one person online that uses kek or 'y u no". Y u no is actually a very popular one on the internet.
  6. don't be patting yourself on the back too much or anything, my default setting is white hot anger
    That's good to know. Anger is so easy to manipulate.
  7. ooooo damn sun
  8. maybe
  9. fuck off, you corny, hirsute senior citizen
    U mad?
  10. This doesnt actually explain who they are. Give me a list of names or I call bullshit.
  11. No. I am the littlest nigger. y u no read username?
  12. Hey guise arnox is gone reopen sanctuary but its super secret and none of us are allowed mmmkay?[ATTACH=CONFIG]temp_39_1438711912188_103[/ATTACH]
  13. this is the clearest case of the pot calling the kettle a nigger, that I have ever seen
    Did you take your meds today?
  14. You're a breeze. Back on Totse, I had literally three pages of hate threads at any given time. Zoklet, at least one entire page. You really are an amateur at this, Rodent. Only 10 threads? Really??
    It's a percentage thing my dear boy. The point is the facts and numbers don't lie You are hated by 89.7% of the people who have ever read anything you have posted anywhere.
  15. Speaking of mirrors have you looked in one lately? Here let me help you out... Look Ma, no teeth!
  16. And when you hold a mirror up to people, show them what they look like, what they act like, what they come across like, it kind of serves as a strange kind of education for them. Not excusing my behavior, just explaining it. It seemed appropriate to hold a mirror up to tDR, not for my own personal advantage, but for his.
    If you only knew how much of a fool you are being played for ITT... If you only knew lol...
  17. You're really in your 20s aren't you? And you teach French to HIgh School students, right? And you don't really believe in aliens, but you do believe in monsters, correct? And you do not actually know how to code but rather you're fairly proficient with a standard scientific calculator, yeah? And you haven't roofed thousands of houses in 110 degree temps, but instead constructed many many basements in sub-zero temperatures, no? And you were never ever on totse, because it was your dad who was the previous -SpectraL who very recently handed the reigns to you, his son, is that sounding accurate?

  18. Kamikaze bomb drone is too simple tbh. I could make one in 5 min flat by compressing a gram of gunpowder with a simple primer charge rigged to go off when the nose of the copter hits someone's head or face. Its just not the type of project I'm looking for.
  19. Still am.
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