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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. The truth is, if you had any real skill or insight into running a forum, then you would have done so by now. With all the site hopping and such, you've had every opportunity to branch out and run the show, but you haven't. The only logical conclusions are that you're either scared of the heat that it could bring for whatever reason, or you're simply incapable of doing so. Either way, the fact remains that you'll never be able to do more than ride on someone else's coattails for the chance to punch those oh so infamous mods buttons you love to prattle on about. As for the topic at hand, I believe the reason a not guilty plea was entered against his will is because the court intends to have him examined to determine if he's competent to aid in his own defense. It's not at all uncommon and is only being brought up due to the sensational nature of this case. You conspiracy nuts can claim whatever you want, but the fact is that this sort of thing happens every day.
    The truth is SotB laughs at Spectral with every keypress.
  2. Give it up, rat. You're only making yourself look even more lame and foolish than you already are.
    Lanny.. give Slave of the Beast and I Admin and we'll take care of everything, including the worthless rats you have here sinking your ship. I know you think we don't know what we're doing, but we do. I know you just posted PI for a lark, but these lame cowards just make the place not even worth coming to. They're not funny. They're not witty. In fact, they bring absolutely nothing to the table. They are nothing but defacing/spamming kidiots. Let us take care of things and you'll most likely have a thriving community for even yourself to maybe enjoy coming to again. Maybe, maybe not. But at the current rate, and in the current state, it will never amount to more than a bare handful of users. You're intelligent enough to see that for the truth it is.
    Im sorry I hurt your fragile feelings so bad. It must be horrible to be a skinny toothless old man by your mid 50s. The ironic part is we are roughly the same age and yet your appearance puts 20 years on you. It makes glad I never lived behind Tim Hortons.
  3. The more you know...
  4. Can you tellbus which of theses are actors and which are real?
  5. What kind if truck did you fall off of this morning? Also, is that how you lost your teeth?
  6. FO3 late game balance is hilarious. I don't complain though, the feeling of fucking up any humanoid nigga with one shot vs. pumping late-game mobs like death claws and yao guais full of lead and only making a scratch makes the game interesting again after the lull between getting good enough that nothing on the MQ can hurt you but before you hit the level cap.
    Lol Yeah, i play both FO3 and new Vegas way too much

    i just got raped by a massive pack of yao guais

    it was like the game went crazy, there were like 15 of them

    this is the first time in years I've gotten killed on that game

    i got through like 8 of them and i would have survived but i accidentally backed off a cliff
  7. How do you get laid looking this way?
  8. You're not scary.
    Like you are?
  9. How should I address you? As TheDarkRodent, Darth Beaver, Psychomanthis or Sofie?
    Sir will suffice.
  10. Have you tried them in low or "non-recreational" (scare quotes because they can still be fun) doses? I think for people with a need for constant engagement, stimulants can correct a sort of anxiousness that many people feel when they're not doing anything in particular. For me sitting still or just laying down is pretty unpleasant, going on for long enough it borders on unbearable. The few times I've been in a situation I literally couldn't do anything else I'd start doing things to hurt myself just to break the lack of sensation. On an appropriate dose of stimulants (not too high) that's not a problem. I can sit quietly and the experience itself is sufficient to keep me content. It's a totally different experience from the muscles-tensed breakneck energy of a high dose (although that's fun too), it's just like the nagging sensation of boredom is removed from everything for a while. I'm not sure if everyone experiences the same thing or you need my particular personality defect to get that response but it feels a lot more like being "fixed" than anything synthetic or unnatural.

    Yeah, I usually was dosing pretty low because I worried about my heart (dem heart conditions). But it still felt unnatural. I never got anxious from them save from my one episode of psychosis, though I did always feel a need to do shit. I guess that's part of why I think it feels unnatural. That mental push to just do something, anything is kind of unnerving for me.

    Plus liek, I don't want my heart to explode.
  11. 60 days sober, I'm actually doing it.

    this is me

  12. Suuure it is, fuck-o. I believe you.
    You also believe in your own BS.
  13. I forgot how annoying you can be, dick rodent. thanks for the reminder.
    I forgot to give a fuck
  14. What kind of alcohol do you drinks, what brands do you like?

    I just turned of age not long ago, I've been enjoying rum. So far admiral nelson's spice rum is the tastiest I've found. I am not too fond of white rum although it's better for mixed drinks, bacardi limon is really fucking good with any sort of juice but it's pretty faggy. I've not had too much experience with whiskeys yet that aren't absolute shit but I'm gonna give it a go next time I decide to buy a bottle probably. Not fond of beer, port wine is delicious though.
  15. Thankses you say?
  16. Stimulants feel artificial to me lanny, I haven't had one that felt natural. It doesn't mean that only tweakers have to use it but I just don't like the chemical feel to any that I've tried, not that I"ve got any desire to try any more.
  17. Stick to your faggot account, tDR.
    This is the only account I have. Unlike you I don't put lipstick on socks. Nor do I play with Barbie dolls.
  18. I also just got out of the looney bin for the second time

    glad to be back
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