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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I am prescribing you a 7.4g dose of lead 1 x per day for 1 days for your Latent Homosexuality. While taking this medication it is important for you to insert the injector into your cum recepticle and point towards the roof of your mouth.

    One injection will cure all ailments.
  2. Tried and confirmed. Got high as fuck but also got sepsis.

    Sepsis/10 would inject again
  3. I probably need to get my ass kicked more than anything else

    Where do you live? I got a police issue extendable baton I've been itching to try out
  4. I see a good buisness card here:

    Molestation consultant
  5. So, if you took all empty space, and made it into matter, and took all matter, and made it into empty space, maybe what results from that is like, the real reality.

    Kinda like how they think dark matter is the "real universe" and we are a side product because there seems to be more of it than regular matter?

    @Lanny lolling at the GEB comment
  6. I love her and care about her but i guess it was never meant to be.

    Sounds like something a virgin would say
  7. But nigga its actually your picture nigga why you action like a nigga? Fukit I'll host with tags but you are a moist cunt you cheeky limey.
  8. What the fuck is this shit? Fix it faggot want to put picture in my god damned posts
  9. I thought he was banned from the fXXX BBS's...
  10. At least he can give a hell of a blow job
    You stay out of this, littlestnigger.
    Was that a gummy bear you killed then?
  11. god-DAMN I wish I had that picture of you and your weak-chinned offspring on your junky bikes, I need a good laugh.
    "You feel constantly frustrated and angry no matter what you try. Your temper causes problems at work or in your relationships. You avoid new events and people because you feel like you can't control your temper. You have gotten in trouble with the law due to your anger." Does that sound like anyone yoj know?
  12. Honestly if my mental history bars me from owning a gun I'm just gonna hit up the black market (read nigger) and illegally purchase automatic weapons.

    What part of [size=72]shall not be infringed[/size] do they not understand?
  13. Just find the symbiosis in your head by meditating/having sex/doing naked pushups

    This is literally the best advice ever if you add opiates to before meditating
  14. I agree with OP. Family guy is 90% shit and 10% gold which is enough for me to watch it on occasion.

    Really though it goes futurama > american dad > family goy.
  15. With what? Your gums?

    At least he can give a hell of a blow job
  16. And I'm pushing your pointy eyebrows with mere words.
    With what? Your gums?
  17. you have literally no idea what is going on, do you old man? you are actually entertaining to me, I come here to blow off steam by arguing with, and making fun of, douche bags like you….so please, continue.
    We are playing my game I assure you.
  18. you can't even properly manipulate your own genitals, you terminal fuckup
    Yet here I am pushing your buttons with mere words.
  19. Like, if I just stop showing up one day, it's because I had a fucking anger stroke.
    I hope it happens soon.
  20. It was OK
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