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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. So, how'd it go after the video ended?
  2. fifty shades of gay
    I haven't actually read the book, i just read a plot synopsis
  3. I'm going to write a book like 50 shades of gray except its going to be about a man who falls in love with a sadist, and it's going to explore all of the mental illness associated with the BDSM lifestyle
  4. My visage is widely available if you but apply yourself my young apprentice.
  5. No it is the mole roddong thread.
  6. I went to pagan ritual for the first time. One guy, the bf of one of my old college professors (whom I was hoping wouldn't recognise me but she did) invited me to a Satanist thing next week I think I'll give that a pass though. Happy Lammas everyone.

    What was the ritual like? I'm curious. How'd you get invited into something like that? Why don't you wanna go to the Satanist thing?
  7. They were so yellow everytime he smiled the crows picked them thinking they were corn.
  8. The point is that Lanny just left those poor old grannies to their grisly fates. And here I thought he had a heart. Obviously, I was wrong on that one.
    Your new avatar doesn't look like it has anymore teeth than you do. Congratulations on a perfect match!
  9. I drink Corona. Quart bottles.
    Even Vizer wouldn't drink that Mexican turtle piss.
  10. I am prescribing you both a 100mg dose of Getdaphuquovirit 2 x per day for 60 days for your Buthertitis. While on this medication it is important for you both to stay off of the internet and cut down on your breathing.
  11. I'm sorry spectral, but that's just not good enough. Unless you can come up with a picture of the ewok's actual asshole, you won't even come close to approximating TDR's real-life appearance.
    I am happy you and spectral have each other to cling to in this the time of your butthurt
  12. As if you've been trying otherwise, you don't scare me, kid. And i'm sure TDR doesn't afraid of anything either.
    Spiders kind of kreep me out, I'm just sayin'...
  13. Count your blessings, rat. If I really wanted to, I could come up with several different ways to turn everyone here against you. Every time you posted, you would get a literal belly full of disgust, ridicule and harassment. But hey, I'm not a coward like you, so I don't need any crutches to hold myself up, like you do.
    Everyone knows you really want. Everyone knows I don't care if people online don't like this persona. And everyone but you knows you never deliver on a threat old man.
  14. would be funny to get some naloxone or something, and somehow get her to ingest it, and then laugh at her as she undergoes precipitated withdrawal
    I've always wanted to do this to somebody
  15. Lughnasadh
  16. that may be true, dark rodent, but we all know that you look like an ewok's asshole that got turned inside out. I thought it was a joke when someone posted a picture of you, you look exactly like nick tortelli from 'cheers' but with more beard growth.. goddamn I wish I had a picture of you that we could laugh at,, but unfortunately I don't,
    Post your pic...
  17. Nah. It's just because you're a genuine laughing stock.
    When was the last time you looked in the mirror. Hell Taggert you are so desperate for online friends you will side with anyone who is opposed to those who make fun of you. Just for the record everyone makes fun of you, even SotB.
  18. that may be true, dark rodent, but we all know that you look like an ewok's asshole that got turned inside out. I thought it was a joke when someone posted a picture of you, you look exactly like nick tortelli from 'cheers' but with more beard growth.. goddamn I wish I had a picture of you that we could laugh at,, but unfortunately I don't,
    Spoken like a true victim AT or whatever your name was when I hurt your butt sp bad.
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