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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Bill Krozby's mere presence is a joke

    This. Bill Krozby's jokes are shit and he should feel like shit for taking the time to type out such shit.
  2. I have a nice logitech bluetooth keyboard. Its designed specifically for android 3.0+ though so it might not work for apple products. Iphones are shit anyway. Scrap it, get and android and get my keyboard.
  3. Its probably because I relate to it so well. Being a black man orbiting the earth holding a giant dong and all.

  4. What side am I on? Im on the side that brings back the confederation. Not in a racist way but in a fuck big gubment way. I have been looking to a lot of the anti-federalist shit from Patrick Henery and Sam Adams. These niggas knew whats what so Ill be rebuilding America the right way while you faggots are getting raped by rabid nigs.

    Either way it will be a good time.
  5. All the food will be gone. All the drugs will be gone. Unless you have some gold or silver on you, you won't be able to get any.
    What value do you see in precious metal in post apocalyptic times? You can not eat it nor can you make useful tools from it. Water, ammunition, dried goods, and above all seeds will be the universal bargaining tools in such a scenario. Learn to think rather than learni9 to regurgitate that which you consume on edgy for profit websites.
  6. Either meth or mdpv I'm thinking. 100mg of mdpv a day and maybe even some LSD?
  7. You don't scare me, pal. I've been at this game twenty times longer than you. Don't make me have to get rough.

    oooohhh shit
  8. Damnit roshambo….avatars where you look straight into the lens, just do not suit you. Look off into the distance, like TDR's avatar.
    My avatar is not looking of into the distance. That is the blank stare of a toothless confused old meth addict.
  9. Spectral and DaGuru were sitting a cliff overlooking the alley behind Tim Hortons. DaGuru fell off. Why didn't Spectral fall off? Because Spectral was in the middle of changing socks.
  10. TDR kills me. the motherfucker can't spell worth a good goddamn, yet he chides me in another thread for not adhering to a 'websters' definition of a word that he barely understands. What will it take for you to see that you are a pathetic piece of shit and that you should kill yourself forthwith, in the most spectacular fashion that your tiny ewok mind can fathom?.
    Makes false statement and spews obcentitys coupled with grade school references to Star Wars. Mildy amusing Spectral but what else can this one do? DaGuru was a hell of lot more fun to laugh at Spec Spec.
    Normally, I wouldn't use the Ignore feature for any member, but since tDR just wants to spam up every thread with worthless garbage, rather than engage in any real debate or discussion, I see no reason not to use it. And now that he is on my Ignore List, I find the entire board much more appealing and interesting. I would advise you all to do the same. We used to have an old saying, "Don't Feed the Fail Troll", and it ends up it was actually very good advice, in the context of today's kidiot spammers.
    Of course you read my post. Otherwise you wouldn't have veen able to type to youself about it.
  11. I have this thing where, once I get to know a person a little bit and I find them interesting, I might attach a "name whisker" to them. For example, if the person's name was Bazl, I might start addressing them as, Bazler, or Bazlster, and I might even go as far as Bazlmeister. Is this a sign of a psychological disorder? Any feedback would be most appreciated.
    While it is not directly a sign of a psychological disorder that you add 80's era hippster suffixes to peoples names. The fact that call them "name whiskers" is a sure sign that you are a homosexual.
    And if the person just left a bad taste in my mouth, for example, if someone always thinks they're too big for their britches, I might attach some demeaning name-whisker to them. So if the person I disliked for such a reason was named, John, I might suddenly start addressing him as Johnieboy or JohnJohn, which, I guess, is meant to psychologically demean him, while still being at least falsely friendly to avoid an even uglier situation.
    If "people" leave a bad taste in your mouth stop putting them in your mouth Specy Boy. That is another sure sign of homosexuality.
  12. I would say that our status of being members of the same communities makes you a peer of ours, you dumb old fuck
    You can say whatever you like so long as it doesn't get Lanny in trouble. But for the sake of accurate communication I will go with Webster and not some online know it all who feels he can't compete without adding a profane insult to the end of every argumentative statement he posts.
  13. Thought for sure LSD had died from smoking some weird toxin laced weed he found on the floor of the laundromat
  14. I don't think that TDR knows what 'peer' means. It means us, dumbass.
    You are the one who needs the vocabulary lesson son. A peer, in the context you chose, is a person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person. Being the person specified I can accurately state that very few of the account operators here are my peers. Are they any other words you need help with?
  15. Anyone else have anyone they miss and want brought back from the dead?
  16. My new job includes putting pallets in the trash compactor which is kind of fun to hear that cccccruuunch!
    Put your dick in there
  17. Yeah its Vietnamese sploo can't read Vietnamese because its actually just a simple paper on simple geometry.
  18. yeah but koreans are dumb as fuck
  19. My idea of feeding the baby a diet consisting exclusively of whale milk and meth was turned down. :(
  20. My new job includes putting pallets in the trash compactor which is kind of fun to hear that cccccruuunch!
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