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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Whats a good antidepresser? My dr doesn't want to put on anything yet until i'm like 90 days off benzos (71 so far) but i want to stop being depressed right now.
    If you aren't severe try T-PAIN, 20 mg TID. If you can get sulfate and not sodium do 50 mg BID. Expect it to lose effectiveness after a month or so of daily use at which point a ~2 week break is needed. If it is severe depression I have no fucking idea hence my current state.
  2. That's an interesting idea. Some people mentioned a similar strategy before, telling a new psychiatrist you're meeting with that you just moved here and ran out of your prescription, or something along those lines. An urgent care clinic could be faster and easier for this, though. I'd definitely ask for a high dose, IIRC many find that it's twice what the commonly prescribed maximum is. Stockpile it and work up if needed.
    That was me that said that genius, no one in this community knows how to manipulate doctors like I do. I can't afford the treatment anymore anyways because I no longer qualify for Medicaid and it ran out past the cutoff for Obamacare so im fucked this year. I dont want to mask these issues with drugs anymore, they are deep rooted existential issues I have struggled with for 18 years now and I need to grow a pair and man up and just off myself and quit whining and bitching about how miserable I am. I derive no real pleasure from anything and my entire existence consists of overcoming one hardship only to arrive at another with no form of reward for each one that I overcome. It is a meaningless cycle of misery and to persuade myself to believe otherwise via chemicals is only prolonging my struggle and delaying the inevitable. The thought of suicide scares me in a way to be honest but on a logical level I know it is the most sensible option for me at this point. Only fear of guilt restrains me anymore, nothing else.
  3. Listen, Darkie. There's nothing you can do to me but be annoying and pathetic.
    Then why are you so mad that you makes threats which eveyone including yourself knows you have no ability to follow thtough with? Unless you are being manipulated by your emotions?
  4. Really Bill Krozby? Coming from you? Really?
  5. What US state is high in the middle and round at both ends? A. Ohio
    You don't scare me kid.
  6. What do you call a black man in space?
  7. What does the color blue smell like?
  8. The goal was to hide a file inside a jpeg without using encryption. I provided a way. The fact that the exploit is patched only serves to secure the file even further; if someone runs the exploit code, they won't be able to retrieve the file. So if you run WINXP w/SP1 in a virtual machine, you can click on the .jpg, the .jpg will download the file, but if someone else clicks on the .jpg, nothing happens. The only real problem here is the rock-bottom shallowness of your imaginations and creativity, which is basically null.
    No you provided a jpg stack overflow exploit from Sep 04 whereby a malicious webmaster could call an executable hidden whose file path on his server could be downloaded from the host and executed on yhe client machine by editing the jpg header and exif info. This has not a dammned thing to do with communicating covertly between two cooperating parties via hidden messages in images. I am not nor never have I been inspired to be a programer but I skimmed enough of the research paper published by the SANS Institute to know you are a clueless bag of bullshit scented wind.
  9. Discus...
  10. You would do well not to anger me and cease shitting up my thread, Rodent, or you could be looking at a complete system failure in your very near future.
    While it amuses me that you have expressed the anger rhat I have been causing you lo these many years (the same amusement I felt as as a young child in the 60's when I discovered the panic I could cause an ant colony with a convex lens) your admission of anger coupled with a hollow threat only slighty increase my aforementioned amusement. So I will continue to poke at you until such time as Lanny politely requests that I cease and disist. But just to up the ante I will share rhe following with you. I am entirely on an Android platform so bring what you got you fossilized Gumasaurus Minimus. Signed, Bwahahahahaha's and love As always, Darth Beaver, The Dark Rodent
  11. Buspar is good for inducing headaches/migraines and not much else. No amount of half assed scientific reasoning is going to change the fact that it is a drug which exists for the sole purpose of giving doctors an "anxiety medication" to prescribe to suspected abusers and known addicts.
  12. Get a real stimulant you tryhard, sploo-wannabe faggot.
  13. Had this brand once back when I was dumb enough to buy store blends and it fucking sucked, would smoke a fat bowl's worth for a shitty 15 minute buzz. Get some Down2Earth Climax if they still make it, I took six hits in a row of that once when my pussy ass smoking partner tapped out after her second hit and I went into a catatonic state where I couldn't move or speak for almost 30 minutes.
  14. Fuck all of you and fuck me
  15. Evan Williams, $17 a liter. Dump large amount over ice, gulp like water, attempt to forget how bad life sucks, repeat.
  16. Burns too much to be worth it.
  17. i do that a lot
  18. Once I saw some old nigger smoking crack off a coke can, in one of those bus shelters at the bus stop in youngstown ohio. Another time I was riding downtown on the bus with all these old people, and as we slowed to a stop at the stoplight, out the left side window there was a shirtless nigger pistol-whipping this white girl in a grocery store parking lot. Everyone on the bus turned to look, then turned away as the bus slowly started through the green light. -edit- thought I should add, just for lanny's sake, at the time, guns were highly illegal in youngstown, only cops or VIP's carried them.
    So you are from my neck of the woods eh?
  19. The water heater has probably corroded from the inside out. You will need to replace it. If you have 200 amp service to your electrical panel I would reccommend replacing it with a tankless water heater. Otherwise stay with the old fashioned tank type. To install one of those you will need a propane torch, lead solder, flux, and some cleaning cloth if you have copper pipe.
  20. What you fail to understand is that first generation Totse people are genuinely crazy. You're not dealing with your average crazies either. They're 51 cards short of a full deck. Batshit crazy. Crazy as a pet coon under a red wagon. Crazy as a soup sandwich. You can't touch that.
    Does make you feel better to think you are not the only person who used a dial up BBS who is laughed at?
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