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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. So, nobody has any online pharmacies that sell ambien or anything? brandmedicines didnt have it
  2. Just don't get on his bad side. He'll follow you from thread to thread like a lonesome puppy.
    I made this thread so who followed and who led? Take a moment to wipe the tears away and think about it before you answer.
  3. Just don't get on his bad side. He'll follow you from thread to thread like a lonesome puppy.
    Is that more whining from your keyboard?
  4. I have no idea what is going on
    This is the first sentence posted by you that I can agree with 100%.
  5. Are they black or are they niggers? Wait nvm I just answered my question with my own question.
  6. Shup sploo
  7. I meant it doesn't exist in the visible spectrum. For example, we know red + green = yellow, but yellow exists as a standalone colour in the spectrum, while purple does not.
    What about violet? That's kinda like purple with a San Fransico twist.
  8. Yes please, for the benefit of everyone involved here, do tell all of us about it. We are waiting here with bated breath on the details. More than you even know.
    I can't wait until Phyco or Lanny busts this truth wide open. I would do it myself but I'm just having to much fun to spoil the party right now.
  9. Hey look, I found another:
    Holy lumps of sweet Jesus sheep shit!!! Spectral has an ET twin!
  10. Of course I am the real deal, just as SpectraL is. We are the last of the true templars, and the only thing holding back the wave of kiddiots to try to make way for what used to be a great thing to become great once again. Since it seems we are struggling with a losing battle I am not sure how much longer it will make sense to keep up the fight. With shitposters like the rodent running rampant all over the place it is nearly impossible to find quality content.
  11. Of course I am the real deal, just as SpectraL is. We are the last of the true templars, and the only thing holding back the wave of kiddiots to try to make way for what used to be a great thing to become great once again. Since it seems we are struggling with a losing battle I am not sure how much longer it will make sense to keep up the fight. With shitposters like the rodent running rampant all over the place it is nearly impossible to find quality content.
  12. I'd say the same with a face like this.
    With face like that I wouldn't say shit if I had a toothless mouthful of fertilizer.
  13. Judge not, lest you judge yourself.
    Open your mouth close yours eyrs say aah and judge this haplless toothless fossil who wanted to be and yet never was.
  14. You don't frighten me.

    Do things frighten you on the internet? If so you are doing it wrong.
  15. I was going to make a 'shitposting' game, with the characters as users that we all know and love, and the different areas as different sites, like LLZ and redfern, and the admins would be bosses. I was going to have an awesome HC45 character.

    But then when I saw that I would have to put some effort into it, I thought to myself 'what the fuck am I doing? this is utterly pathetic and retarded', and came to my senses.

    fuck dude... now that I saw this I am going to do it.

  16. hey! Who's side are you on anyways!??

    HA! Look at this guy talking about SIDES! I come here exclusively for shitposting. I could give two shits about taking sides in petty arguments on internet forums. Actually I couldn't give two shits. Im pretty backed up right now. Anyone got any X-Lax?
  17. I actually think everyone on this site (including myself) is fake and gay. But the fakest and gayest are Darth and Spec. Their little bicker battles is extremely fake and gay.
  18. Has anyone found out the URL to arnies new site? I'd love to organize a raid on that shit
  19. well im not fat but that looks comfortable as fuck. i may just have to buy a similar pair
  20. kim chi is the shit man. my gf is korean and makes hella korean food all the time with kim chi in it. spicy kimchi soup with pork belly is amazing. so is fried kim chi with eggs and rice.

    also, kim chi pancakes. its like a potato pancake (not really sweet) with kim chi and onion in it, then make a sauce with like 40% vinegar and 60% soy sauce and dip it in that.

    also i just made your recipe again and ate it again because it was delicious (although i just cooked it in a pan for like 20 minutes instead of a slow cooker) and when i was at the store buying sauerkraut i asked my gf if she knows what it is and she said its like kim chi for white people, lol
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