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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. That dude could just be thin-lipped, silly.
    These are thin lips silly. Notice the teeth? BTW since when have you benn reduced to one liners?
  2. I would download it as it looks pretty cool/fun but I honestly dont trust any piece of software you guys link to.

    Pass me the source code and if it looks good ill compile it myself but other than that I am sure this is either an NSA backdoor or your own back door into my hard drive.
  3. cmon Bill Krozby objectively this thread is really fucking bad

    step up your game and post more okcupid exploits

    What the fuck sploo? Stop being so coherent you little shit nigger fuck cunt.
  4. every single person on this site has autism

    This is the only sensible thing sploo has ever posted.

    *Vigorous clapping*
  5. Really? Has it been that long? ;)
    It's only been abot six years since I became the bane of your online existance. But yeah I was slightly fucking with you a couple of years before that. Just reflect on who? Oh and BTW SotB is and always has been my ally.
  6. You people need to have your heads examined.
    We have examined uours and found it to be toothless.
  7. You just want to … belong. :smug:
    Yeah that's me the guy who has been universally loved and accepted by the entire user base for over 8 years.
  8. You just want to … belong. :smug:
    Yeah that's me tge guy who has been universally lived and accepted by the entire usrr base for over 8 years.
  9. din't reed
    You can't help but to read what I type. It defines you. You wake up every morning with a chill of excitement in your blood and clamy palms in hopes that this day will be that day you have long dreamed of since that day many years ago on Zoklet when you grievously errored and turned your puny sites in my direction. That day in which you manage to engage me and not have your ass handed to you on a used turnip stained paper plate. You have suffered defeat after embarrising defeat since that day. But more than all thise days since their is one day which surely has stuck in your crae more than any other. One day so devastating it drove you to hitherto unkown levels of rage. Levels of rage which even now drive you to read every character I type in a vain quest to locate some word, phrase, or sentence which you can wielx against me in your ill fated futile endevor to piss me off just once as I have to you countless times before. The I refer to is the day anger so severely that you deleted your own Global Moderator account on TDD.
  10. ITT Spectral backpedals right into his own defecation as TDR leads him down yet another primrose path while Physco leads the applause and Lanny chuckles the quiet laugh of those who know.
  11. Quiet, Darkie.
    Maybe if you whine harder Specky Speck, maybe...
  12. Something, something, turnip trucks.
  13. I don't have synesthesia but if i did i'd like it to smell like the ocean.
    All salty and fish shitty?
  14. If they get away with mental health screening for the right to keep and bear arms it won't be long before anyone who disagrees with them openly will ne labled with a mental health problem.
  15. Come on now. You guys just can't acknowledge genius. That's all. You're all way too jealous for that.
    While the line between genius and insanity is indeed thin you have been well past that line for years.
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
  16. 10/10 Would thank.
    I think he's really close to stroking out. I wonder when he'll break out DaGuru.
  17. Mine is [email][/email]
  18. …Now… can we please get back to the name whiskers thingy?
    I swear I could hear you whining as you typed that.
  19. You probably never even took phenazepam.
  20. Yeah I do need to get fuck all done because im an adult who can't spend all day masturbating on the kitchen floor while my parents coddle me and provide me with day to day necessities unlike you.
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