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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I'm not sure which is more pathetic, if he actually keeps sending this shit to girls who clearly don't even care enough to respond, or if he made it all up to impress us.
  2. Their music is raw, angry, high energy, and unique.
  3. greenplastic, what do you like about death grips?
  4. Had this brand once back when I was dumb enough to buy store blends and it fucking sucked, would smoke a fat bowl's worth for a shitty 15 minute buzz. Get some Down2Earth Climax if they still make it, I took six hits in a row of that once when my pussy ass smoking partner tapped out after her second hit and I went into a catatonic state where I couldn't move or speak for almost 30 minutes.

    "Bro I went into a catatonic state, you need to try this shit"
  5. Agreed, this is fake as fuck.
  7. I know a lot of people here don't like black ppl, but anyone listen to death grips? They're pretty cool
  8. i just find my girlfriends hair all over the fuckin place
  9. Does anybody have any sources for Zolpidem/Ambien? It usually takes me like 3 hours to get to sleep and I just can't do it if my new job keeps scheduling me like they did earlier this week with 11 hours between shifts.
  10. This thread inspired me to make some of what OP made yesterday, now I'm finishing the rest for breakfast, shit is delicious.
  11. Draining kraut ruins it.
  12. Show one with her mouth closed, or one with your mouth closed.
    You have no teeth.
  13. I'm sure the people left here enjoy me 10X more than they "enjoy" you.
    People do not enjoy you. They enjoy laughing at you.
  14. I don't necessarily think that TDR is gay. I think, no wait I know, that he is corny, verbally awkward, and relentlessly annoying. But gay? I don't think that. It would be funny if he was, though.
    You have never heard me speak you moron.
  15. Go ahead. Impress me.
    I'm not here to impress you. I have never strived to impress you. But I promise I will never fail to embarrass you when the laundry is folded with every load.
  16. This has to be entertaining for all parties involved otherwise all parties involved wouldn't keep entertaining it. (<– abstract palindrome I just made up) Hell rodent spec and mike you could all probably have a good time drinking at some dive bar together until you inevitably reached your respective points and started beating the shit out of each other because of eyebrows and teeth and the like. Don't get me wrong, eyebrows and teeth are important and discussing their existence or lack thereof is equally as important, especially as you grow older and realize how really, there's nothing more important than pointing out a distinguishing facial feature on another human being and continuing to point it out as often as possible up to and including thinking about said facial feature all day long. Some people suggest that there are more &quot;important&quot; things to discuss like geopolitics and the general state of humanity as it stands, but fools they are. One doesn't change the world and wake the sheep without first talking about eyebrows and teeth ad infinitum. You are my role-models and thank you Jesus also. Amen
    Only one of us thinl about all day long. I think sbout it during my piss breaks IRL.
  17. your format is fucked up.

    (wise(mindfulness)emotions) makes way more sense if we are doing ascii venns.
  18. Don't underestimate Sing-Won-Woo. That could very well be the Colonel's secret recipe on that floppy disk.
    Again u try 2 fit in again and fail.
  19. 10/0.1 would fap to again.
  20. I knew the entire time, you sad sack of miserable shit. Do you really think I'm that stupid? I played along with your little fiasco the entire time. I even gave you some hints along the way, remember those? Of course you do. You don't know what you're dealing with here, Darkie. You're in way over your head. So now you run along and keep on pretending you can rub elbows with the big boys just like the best of them, and we'll all sit back and have a chuckle or two and see where all that goes.
    You are about to be embarrased beyond the previos scope of the history of the remnants of this entire user base. This is going to tatse better thsn the time I made uou delete your gm account on TDD.
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