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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Look everyone SPAM.
  2. I'm ignoring you.
    No, you have your head stuck in the sand hoping nobody will point out that that archaic code you posted is just some outdated jpeg shell code exploit published in a research paper at the SANS institute in Sep 2004 that has nothing to do with the OP's topic. You are the one who screwed the pooch ITT. I will not pretend to posess knowledge I do not in a useless attempt to impress people I have not nor never will meet. But there is a hidden message in the image I posted that you can't decode. In fact if you decode it I will never again shine the spotlight of truth on your truckload of bullshit. Not that it can't be spotted a mile away and upwind by anyone with a nose.
  3. Don't work bruh
  4. ...heard somebody blasting rap music in/from their car? Did/would that make you uneasy or would you just think it was funny?
  5. My personal favorite emoticon is this...
  6. You do not inspire fear in me.
    You do not inspire anything in anyone.
  7. Do you really think I would stoop to that level?
    For you that would be reaching not stooping. Prove me wrong by finding the hidden message in the following image.
  8. For you that would be reaching not stooping.
  9. Bill Clinton created the best economy that we have had in the history of the United States.
    No that would have been Dwight D. Eisenhower. It took Clinton 8 years to ruin a great economy which took 12 years of "Reganomics" to produce. My bet is that you were not even in the workforce during the Clinton administration. Stop being spoon fed misinformation by the lame stream media and learn to history for yourself.
  10. It just means there's more than one way to skin a cat, that's all.
    Translation: Fuck if he knows
  11. Its the name of the compound actually could be referred to as morphine diacetate as well.

    Heroin is just acetylated morphine.
  12. Rule to live by: If I am posting on this website I am shitposting.
  13. Clinton is intelligent, well connected, and her political views should continue Obamas economic growth. She could be a good president .Plus, her husband was one of the best presidents over the last 50 years.
    Uou have no direct knowledge of presidents over the last 50 years. The fact thst you think Clinton was even a good president speaks to that lack of knowledge. Either that or uou are simply trolling.
  14. If i were an American i'd vote Trump. Firstly because he doesn't need to accept campaign contributions from special interest groups. Secondly because if there's something America needs it's good monetary and trade policy. As someone who has made quite the fortune by being an entrepeneur Trump knows how the economy works and what it needs.
    All of that plus if elected Trump woild be a lot harder to buy than some nig eared nappy headed street activist from Chicago or a greedy hillbilly bitch who will do anything to have a public office.
  15. Key word = verbal contest. This is not a verbal contest, it is just some fucking automaton spammer dropping worthless shit out of its dumb asshole. There's been no "verbal contest", no debate, no argument, nothing even funny or witty. So while it's true I do frown on the use of the Ignore feature, as wise King Solomon once said, "For everything under the Sun there is a season", and as it turns out, no one is more deserving of being ignored than the worthless, uninteresting, stale, bland, vanilla, shit-for-brains who is TheDarkRodent. You don't want to go on Ignore? Well then, at least open your yap to say something, because I just don't have the patience anymore for drooling mouthbreathers. If you're not adding anything to the discussion, I just don't want to see your boring shit.
    Seems like a lot of emotional output towards somsone you profess to be not worth the effort of reading the mere symbols left on database by a user whom you hold to be if no value
  16. No. I am obviously shitposting. I am farmilliar with National Shitposting Agency. Though I stand by me remarks.
  17. There's no frustration, shit face, and the only victim here is the fool who scribbles away like a monkey on a typewriter, but no one bothers to read it.
    So let me get this straight. You are a victim and a monkey?
  18. i woke up early because I had dry mouth from drinking earlier in the night. I went to go sit on the toilet and I sat on my cat who was drinking from the bowl, I pushed his head in slightly and yelled "goddamnit bubba! "

    My parents called me and asked how I was doing doing, I said I'm doing alright, just chillin. (even though a cat just scratched my asshole)

    Right? Like what the fuck is this? That doesnt even make sense. How would a cat scratch your asshole if you sat on its head while its body was outside the toilet? Like what the fuck? These jokes suck.

    Kill yourself Bill Krozby. You are lonely virgin who will never be funny and therefore never get laid.
  19. You sir are a raging faggot for collecting so much data from US citizens. Your entire agency is shit and you should feel like shit for being a part of such a shitty piece of shit.
  20. I got a book that teaches LibertyBASIC before going into C and such. I got pretty good with LBASIC and was able to make a couple of games and shit. It also helped me understand how to program and how programming works.

    I suppose I would recomend taking the course on BASIC then getting into C++. You dont even need to remember the BASIC shit if you dont care to but taking the course will really help your understanding for a more complex language such as C based languages.

    Alternatively work on some C# in your spare time and then transfer that knowledge into the C++ intro class. C# is not a hard language to learn, its a growing language and it has quite a lot of similarity to C/++.
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