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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Lol, do you have any idea what a "backdoor" looks like or how to find one ithe source of a large project?

    lol no but it doesnt hurt to try and pretend like I know my opsec. Go away lanny. Its not like you do anything around here anyway you niggardly cunt.
  2. Also i have my the player initiate an dialogue with anther character but upon exit the character i was speaking to disappears off the map. This is problematic. How do?
  3. Got a quickie for ya. As far as triggering an event goes can I have someone walk over an object and have a message pop up? Sort of a trail of breadcrumbs that each time you pass over a certain point it tells you something? Also I want a sign to be readable. How do I do that? Like do I put the sign on the map and make an event trigger that just pops up the text?
  4. Dissociator, tell me more about your neg nug field studies. Do you have any interesting notes in your field notebook?
  5. Now more aerodynamic.

  6. The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0, are you sploo?
  7. Gather around, children. The asphalt crawler is now a served dish.

  8. Is that what you are doing by posting your corny, outdated insults and observations? Makes sense, I guess.
    I bet you're so mad right now if you had a cheesy gordita you would punch it right in the face.
  9. Gog didn't even make the cut?? This an outrage!
    See you can be funny if you don't take yourself and everyone else so seriously.
  10. the only thing unbalanced here is your posting style
    That which is beyond our comprehension we cast stones at when we are not balanced.
  11. The available figurines from the Demon of the Month Club which Spectral hopes to collect in 2015 can be viewed below. Keep in mind if he fails to summon the demon before its month is through he must return the demon's figurine and pay return postage.
    • Belial in January
    • Leviathan in February
    • Satan in March
    • Belphegor in April
    • Lucifer in May
    • Berith in June
    • Beelzebub in July
    • Astaroth in August
    • Thammuz in September
    • Baal in October
    • Asmodai in November
    • Moloch in December
  12. Always.
    Good as rage creates imbalance.
  13. Started the map set today. This software is actually incredibly straight forward and your posts help a lot. Good job keep it up. Also you have a great body. Good job keep it up.
  14. good lord, how lame can you get apparently pretty freakin lame you are literally only funny once every hundred posts
    Enraged again I see.
  15. Well that's better then.
  16. After he gets out of prison he might make something of himself. Too bad he got caught.
  17. Phuq
  18. Heh I hit a nerve? He wasn't born that way, he was just following in his old 'mans' footsteps.
    So the answer to my question is yes.
  19. Ja, keihard. Mafkees.
    Slechte onschadelijk sla
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