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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. It only took you 16 minutes to respond. In the future I must insist that you keep your response times to 15 minutes or less. Otherwise I'll have to replace you with a more eager hang around.
  2. even the names you pick are just….lame. you are the epitome of 'tryhard'.
    I see your anger has greatly decreased your ability to effectively insult to about a 5th grade level.
  3. Watching night crawler. Christ, this guy is a total aspie and psychopath combo, and a search suggests that the filmmakers had this in mind. What a painful character to listen to, at least I keep myself away from people and don't say anything, but I don't think I'm naturally nearly that bad.

    Should have the opium within two weeks. It really is incredible that such a large percentage of the population lacks the capacity for a such a simple process. Would you like to try some, Lanny? You would have to wait at a specific time and place on your knees with your mouth open and eyes closed, within 20 seconds a stranger you will never see will drop the solution, enough for a very enjoyable evaluation, into your mouth. You will have to trust that they will now poison you. You don't think I would do that, do you?
    Nightcrawler was one of the darkest movies I've ever watched. Fuck me was it a good movie though. Also, that homeless guy with the fuck you sign looks a lot like the UFC fighter Dan "Hendo" Henderson.
  4. So how many times have you been asked to pull up your zipper and leave the market?
  5. you bore me, TDR
    That could be a healthy change from your stressed out raging norm. Perhaps I will send you an invoice fir some much needed boredom electroshock tgerapy.
  6. I really hope the bitch gets her panties stuck in a meat grinder this time.
  7. stop touching yourself stop touching yourself why are you touching yourself stop touching yourself
    There you go thinking gay thoughts again.
  8. whats going on here
  9. Sup niggas I want to make some sick tracks so I downloaded lmms and started playing around. I wanna make some dope shit but am having trouble. Anyone know how to add voice and shit and generally put a song together?

    Thanks niggas.
  10. no, literally, have intercourse with gorditas, dark rodent
    What other foods do you rape?
  11. nice bitch slits. next time go deeper. Arterial bleeding feels heavenly.
  12. A [FONT=sans-serif][SIZE=14px]highly decorated four-star General with four decades of service is convicted and sentenced for a much lesser unintentional transgression, but Hillary walks away happy? Just goes to show how powerful these corporate terrorists really are. The real terrorists, not the fake ones the real terrorists point to all the time. The real terrorists can subvert and pervert justice on a whim. They are not bound by any laws. They are lawless, they are a threat to national security, and they have an agenda - the very definition of a terrorist organization. The federal government is, in reality, a terrorist organization, both international and domestic.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    The US Federal government, all the UN member governments are merely tools of a much larger unseen terrorist organization. Step back stop pointing fingers abs you will be more able to see tge big picture.
  13. I recommend a labotomy that enters through the anus
  14. You know, I would bone Hillary Clinton. But only if she wasnt Hillary Clinton. Just like how I would vote for her if she was a completely different person who didnt get cucked by her husband.
  15. numbers/10 wouldn't click again. I thought you were gonna ttfn then I was going to be all like now Darth Beaver will have to find someone else to harrass. Then I thought nahhh,,, your absince would straight up kill the dude.

    So thanks for sticking around so darth doesnt die of nonharrassment. But no thanks for sticking around so darth doesnt die of nonharrassment. Yaknowuhumsayin?
  16. Of course she'll get what's coming to her–the presidency. C'mon now–do you really think this email bullshit is going to fuk up her chances? The democratic party is set on Clinton, and nothing will change that. She has too much support, and this country is already set on the idea of a first woman president .It's inevitable.
    Read what happened to David Petraeus and he had low level classified docs not top secret. This bitch has been dirtt since before Watergate. Now she finally had run out of rope.
  17. fuck gorditas
    Yup. Mad.
  18. I pretty much assumed that its everyone else that is taking spectral too seriously.
    Bang on, dude. Bang on.
    If that were rhe case it means you just posted rhe first thing that you ever intended as humor that was remotely funny.
  19. Sploo literally has the best life ever.

    1. Goes to the amusement park all the time
    2. Does LSD at the amusement park with his pals
    3. Has a rad ass girlfriend who wont hug him but loves her anyway
    4. Constantly harasses said girlfriend with death threats and abuse fantasies
    5. Breath rapes this girl and kicks the shit out of her seats like a boss. Bitches love that shit.
    6. Fries his brain with syncans, dextro and other drugs I cant even spell.
    7. Lives at his parents house unemployed but is still a certified genius.
    8. Spends free time devising IQ tests that only he can pass because he is so smart
    9. Knows everything is a fractal of a triangle and if x = 1 1= x but only on days is doesnt rain. And one time he saw ashleys dad and brother going around his neighborhood. He was pretty sure they were looking for him because ashley was a bitch and told on him. But she didnt hug him and sometimes Sploo wants to kill ashley but he doesnt really mean he wants to kill her but he really just wants to marry her and then rape her and then toss her out on the street to get raped by crack dealers because she will be addicted to crack and has to suck dick to get crack. But then he rips another bowl of syncans and sees the triangles in the fractal universe and he is god.
    10. And he doesnt even give a fuck about anything at all.
  20. I actually wanna hear more about DAT WHITE BITCH fever if you dont mind me asking. I hope its exactly what I think it might be.

    *gets out lotion*
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