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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. They'll come out to see for themselves, because it will be transmitted on live television.
  2. You jack off to one-inch-dick pics.
    You pretend to know everything.
  3. You're delusional. Also, lmao TDR kept malice's dick pics, i suddenly remember why Malice is a virgin he's a got a micro dick.
    Bro, I'm the closest thing to J. Edgar Hoover this community has ever seen when it comes to keeping photographic evidence. Oh, and @Spectral nobody keeps shit on there computer or uses CGI. This 2015 so get off id my cloud and get with the times and get your own cloud.
  4. Figures only you would keep pics of guy's cocks on their computer.
    Ig you're stupid enough to post dirt on yourself in this cesspool you call "The Once Great Nation of Totse" yoy can bet your toothless Canadian ass that I'm going to either profit from it monetarily or slap you with old school IRC style like I'm hold a whole sack full of dead trout. That particular post was a twofer. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to fall when Malice reads this and can't prevent himself from responding.
  5. You're just jealous.
    Who, in their right mind, could possibly be jealous of this? I mean even Malice The Angry Inch can't envy you.
  6. What what if the evil people are inside? Then they wont see them.
  7. Don't be an asshole, she's right. I moved to this cave so that nobody else can fuck my sex toys. I'm in the process of building a safe out of clay.
  8. Then there was that time on Totse when Snoopy was laughing and guffawing that I couldn't shut him up if I really wanted to, but the very next morning, the Mokothar account somehow got a new owner and banned Snoopy for a month. Boy, was he ever MAD! Good times. Goood times. ;)
    Tell us about other things people remember that you never did?
  9. It's a waste of my considerable talent to interact with you, dark rodent. you should be thanking your mother for birthing you, that you had a chance to be insulted by an eminence such as myself.
    That's it my little monkey. Sit in the corner slapping your cymbals.
  10. I've run away from my home state and I am currently living in a cave on the west coast, hitchhiked all the way here. I'm using a solar powered charger to charge my laptop/electronics and it takes forever but it works. If it weren't for my hotspot usb thing i wouldn't have internet in here. I've been making runs to the store for water and food and I have a water collection system all rigged up right now. Almost have enough food. I'm not leaving until I'm sure it's safe.
  11. I had to take at least 12 tramadol pills to even catch a buzz, and that was when my opiate tolerance was low.

    also, it wasn't much of a buzz, hydrocodone blows it out of the water, and hydrocodone is fucking garbage.

    inb4 seizure
  12. Whale milk was my idea, nigger.

    Not anymore.
  13. I was over it around 10JAN09 but it's still neat to have a record if it.
  14. It might be selective criticism but since everyone agrees it is fair to assume it holds a great degree of truth, fagthrall.
    Even if they aren't true it's still fun to watch Specky boy overreact to them.
  15. Eh, calling someone insecure and calling on an imagined audience would imply you have intimate knowledge of his psychological processes, your statement is self defeating however since later on in the sentence you call yourself a stranger on the internet, and as you know stranger implies a lack of intimate knowledge about the other person. Carry on though i just had to point that out, lol.
    Mike is like a Jr version of Spectral to me. I don't take "conversations" with either of them seriously. But they are both amusing to wind up, sit in the corner, and watch them slap their cymbals together.
  16. I found a torrent which is an archive of the original Totse from the day before it closed. I am not sure how far back it goes as I have not had time to fully explore the over 77,000 files in this 594 MB archive. Grab it while it's still there.
  17. Not true. On any site or terminal I've been unjustly banned, I've been back within literal seconds. It's not hard. I did the same thing to Dfg. Ask him yourself and he will confirm this. Ask him about the "Mohammad "FuckDfg" Ali 00001a" accounts. I basically forced him to have to close registration, and even then I was able to "borrow" accounts which had already been registered. So in the end, it was Dfg who got fucked right up the ass, not me. I was still able to post freely the entire time. Even oneiros himself couldn't ban me and had to give up. Neither could bazl. You are not your username. Once you get past that, the rest is easy as pie.
    Every word of that post is a lie.
  18. I know for a fact that they don't care, but I also know that it's pretty common knowledge that you have nothing to bring to the table.
    Common knowledge? There goes your insecurity again. Calling on an imagined majority in a meanigless one on one verbal exchange with a total stranger online indicates you don't feel up to the task all by your little self.
  19. I know Butch had a bad day at work when she comes home wearing different scrubs than she left in. Arterial bleed had her looking like Patrick Bateman. Lucky she had a face shield on or she'd be on HIV post exposure prophylaxis.
    closet grow inside? I know fuck all about how much you need to make how much but it sounded like a good idea.

    Or just rob a pharmacy, no guts no glory
    It worked out well for silverfuck. I wonder if that ho ever got deported.

    I wouldn't bother doing it inside or trying to make real opium. Just grow poppies outside and cut them down when the petals fall off the pods. Dry them, then do an extraction with anhydrous methanol. It won't taste as nice, but it should theoretically be more pure. It's not illegal to grow opium poppies until you score them, so just let nature do it's thing and do your chemistry in the safety of your own home. Make sure to save some seeds so you don't have to keep buying them.

    Edit: Here's a good guide.

    Methanol would be preferable to isopropanol or ethanol because it's cheap and can be bought already dry.
    [FONT=Times New Roman]Refluxing opium in a basic solution of the alcohol, preferably methanol at about pH 9, for approximately one to two hours extracts more than 90% of the morphine present.[/FONT]
  20. So I have noticed every time I masturbate/watch porn this little red light turns on on the top of my computer.

    Should I be worried someone is filming me fap it out?

    If its one of you guys will you send me pics of myself cumming because i dont know what I look like when I cum.
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