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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Installing and getting this software to function properly does not strike me as a task just anyone with a computer could achieve.

    I dunno man. I would wait for spectrals take on this. He does a lot of computers so im sure he could preach it too us about how the head developer of the software is doing injustice or some such poppycock.

    Either way, I am almost sure I couldnt do it. so Im shitposting rampantly.
  2. I'm surprised you dont confine spec to a single forum. Ya know, like when sploo was locked in HB on other sites? It would be adorable to watch him try and escape that.
    DFG did that to him on his site. It was funny as shit to see him kick, scream, and hold his breath until he turned blue.
  3. Ive ate some nasty Ethiopian. The food was great though.
  4. I'm surprised you dont confine spec to a single forum. Ya know, like when sploo was locked in HB on other sites? It would be adorable to watch him try and escape that.
  5. Yup this decides it I'm never using a computer again shits gonna get real cray real quick.
  6. What exactly does this software do?
  7. I find you two… amusing.
    Is that why you deleted your global mod account on TDD? Because you couldn't take the level of amusement I bring to the table Specky boy?
  8. never had it but was always curious about that one ethiopian restaurant on telegraph
  9. semax and oxiracetam are the only ones that work for me, and they work well, especially together
  10. heh. I am completely and totally honest, always. you still can't even make a dent in me, and everyone sees it but you.
    Another sign of your insecurity is when you try to pretend everyone is on your side. I promise everyone really doesn't care one way or the other.
  11. a drug addict?? in this community?! i don't believe it...
  12. Screenshots don't lie.
  13. Oh, lookie here….a variation on 'u mad?' classic dark rodent material
    Seems like that last bullet went right through the nerve and hit bone. Thank you for being such an easy book to read and wearing your heart on your sleeve. It really aaves me a lot of time and effort.
  14. Dumb example, in a lot of ways. Firstly grades in an academic class are totally different than utility. Earning a mediocre grade in a class you didn't learn anything in doesn't serve anyone's interests. Also you fundamentally misunderstand utilitarianism if you think it's the same thing as "everyone gets exactly the same thing".
    You still did not answer my question.
  15. You pretty much have no choice. I guess it makes you feel better to call it 'humoring me', but I see it for what it is: I totally and completely verbally and literarily dominate you, on a daily basis, much like I would physically if we were in close proximity.
    The sure sign of an insecure person on the internet is when they make physical threats and or boasts. Which makes perfect sense when you consider your anger issues in the context of the following passage from publication by Lynne Namka, Ed. D. entitled; "Anger can be a Cover Up for Guilt, Shame, and Vulnerability."
    Feeling Threatened, Covering It Up with Anger and Projecting It on Someone Else Anger, and the need to look good to protect the fragile self-esteem, is the basis of macho behavior, bullying and aggression. Denial, repression, projection, and blaming others are defense mechanisms, which help you try to avoid feeling guilt and shame. Blaming another person instead of looking at your own part of the problem is called projection‹you spot it, you got it! Judgments, criticisms and labels all function to isolate us from others. Our attempts to project our own painful elements onto other people interrupt the growth process of both the sender and the receiver. Judgment, being an either/or process, divides and separates us from others, God or our sense of wholeness. Projections are a defensive mechanism where we ignore what we do not like about ourselves and become upset about that same trait in another. They are the disowned aspect of our personality. Blaming others protect us through distractions and help keep a lid on the terror that knowledge of our dark side might provoke. Projections protect us by keeping a lid on the terror that knowledge of our negative qualities might provoke. You project your own guilt and anger on to others when you judge and label the other person's actions instead of just observing or witnessing them. Carl Jung believed that the projection defense functions like a mirror between the ego and the unconsciousness personality. The negative characteristic that has been disowned which has been tying up psychic energy in the ego will be reflected in the person's daily experience. What you resist, persists. Projections are warning signals that something is unresolved in your self. Carl Jung said that if you do not know and own the darker aspects of your self, you will project your own negative repressed elements on other people. The intensity of your anger and projection is a function of one or more of: 1.The size of the negative part inside yourself, 2. The amount of the denial that you have about this trait in yourself, 3. The need of your soul to work out this projection, judgment and criticism.
    So tell us, was it your Dad ir one of your uncles that made you feel so vulnerable?
  16. You don't know the first thing about arguing. Now when it comes to petty grade school name calling and bickering you are above average.
  17. Why don't you go outside and play a game of hide and go fuck yourself?
  18. If I gave a fuck,
    That's the same duck & dive Spectral uses when he knows he can't do something. But instead of "If I gave a fuck" he says "It would be too easy".
    You aren't worth the effort, because you are terminally boring.
    And yet you simply can not stop yourself from replying to me. What does that tell you?
  19. It only took me 10 seconds to read your post and come up with a response. 10 more seconds to type and post it. I am a genius master of shitposting.
    Everyone likes to think they're good at something. It's OK I understand and will even humor that particular fantasy of yours.
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