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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. What the quantum physicists say is completely accurate. We and all which surround us, to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, and right down to the most infinitesimal particle, is all a very clever "matrix", entirely designed by some unknown, and apparently beyond imaginably powerful, super-intelligent being. All of reality as we know it is like waves, like wavelengths, like music, but who is singing this song? Nobody knows but his angelic sons, both good and bad. They know. But we have not yet achieved the knowledge to fully understand what we're looking at and dealing with here. We have strong hints, especially with the rapid pace of today's sciences, but we are still merely looking through a mirror darkly.
    For a moment there I thought this post had content.
  2. What the quantum physicists say is completely accurate. We and all which surround us, to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, and right down to the most infinitesimal particle, is all a very clever "matrix", entirely designed by some unknown, and apparently beyond imaginably powerful, super-intelligent being. All of reality as we know it is like waves, like wavelengths, like music, but who is singing this song? Nobody knows but his angelic sons, both good and bad. They know. But we have not yet achieved the knowledge to fully understand what we're looking at and dealing with here. We have strong hints, especially with the rapid pace of today's sciences, but we are still merely looking through a mirror darkly.
    For a moment there I thought thus post jaf content.
  3. Calling someone you don't know a "kid" only implies your own insecurities. Likewise having read the first edition of K&R The C Programming Language and know words like "motherboard" doesn't make you a computer wiz. It just makes you an old fuck who cant move with the times.
  4. I was on every site under another handle blood. Its not like you are entitled to know which handles the individual behind the keyboard posts under. I could be anyone...
  5. I use the term loosely, i havent a phd or any such credentials but I have read enough papers, books and information on the subject to recognize pseudoscience. Not that I dont love me some pseudoscience.
  6. NFL hell yeah

  7. This entire thread is fraudulent and reeks homosexual proclivities.
  8. What the quantum physicists say is completely accurate.

    False. The rest of the statement is to be disregarded.

    Quantum Physicists even agree that the work they are doing is theoretical in nature and its complete accuracy isn't guaranteed. I would know. I am a quantum physicist.
  9. once we find out who's alt you are, then maybe you will be ranked.

    not an alt. Just a sporadic shitposting fiend.

    @Soph, thanks for the gold star. As far as not shitposting goes you are the best on here. Your tech shit is always a good read.
  10. Not only that, it is rumored that Zok is actually illuminati and that Zoklet was an elaborate psyop to study each and every one of us to better understand elements of dissent within the broader community.
    Zok is half jedi, I'm just sayin'...
  11. Try telling the bleeding heart leftist that simple truth.
  12. dang man, looks like i didnt make the squad.
  13. that's not the real steven hawking, he died along time ago and they just propped some retard in a chair to pronounce 'truths' about the universe.
    That's amazing! The same thing happened to the real Spectral. On 08JAN09 Jeff Hunter killed the real Spectral because he was l337 and kept hacking mod accounts. Ever since then Jeff Hunter has been living in a remote cabin in Eastern Pennsylvania preting to be Spectral to avoid being charged with murder. He closed Totse the following day ti create the confusion and distraction necessary to hide his foul deed.
  14. Hawking knows.
    He knows cause he's the head alien on earth.
  15. The good aliens have complete backups of the entire planet and everything on it, going right back to the world's creation, including backups of all the species we have killed off, and backups of all humans who have been killed off throughout history, including their personalities, appearance, traits, strengths and weaknesses, right down to every single atom in their bodies and every hair on their heads. Their highly advanced molecular and genetic technology, coupled with powerful computers, allows them to bring back anything at all to a state which it was, including the dead. This is how Jesus was able to raise persons from the dead, walk on water, feeds thousands on a few fishes and a few loaves of bread, and instantly heal sicknesses and injuries. They have been keeping a meticulous account of every single action and every single atom on our planet since the creation of the world. There is nothing they don't know about every single one of us.
  16. > calls me a fag > probably has a gigantic, itemized collection of pictures of male genitalia
    He also posts on the Innernet wearing a butt plug.
  17. this is pathetic rather than impressive. also, I found it amusing that when I said I am physically dominant over you, you considered it a threat. you sad, scared little ewok.
    I said it was a threat not that it was a real threat. Hell I had 22 year pregnant neighboor threaten me recently. That didn't make her any more dangerous to me than you are.

    No officer, it's not an ammunition holder, it's just to carry around my drugs. Who the fuck orders that?
  19. > calls me a fag > probably has a gigantic, itemized collection of pictures of male genitalia
    No collection of dicks woukd be complete without your face.
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