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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. It's a frame of reference. Life taught me that Universities are more interested in disseminating propaganda with a socio-political agenda than they are concerned with teaching facts.
    Was that your life in Ottawa?
  2. University taught unstable matter that Wikipedia isn't a source.
  3. thanks for the advice, Bill Krozby.

    said no one ever
  4. So then how do you type and pat yourself on the back at the same time?
  5. Nigga if you lame you cant hang with us.
  6. I have distant family up north so personally not so much, but the northeners generally think the city folk are somewhat rude. Lol.
    City dwelers the world over are not as polite as country folk in my experience.
  7. Keep reachin blood.
  8. Chris Hansen detected.

    wachu talking about willis?
  9. Do you know that at one point I had the entire staff and practically the entire userbase against me, with THREE ENTIRE PAGES of -SpectraL Hate Threadsâ„¢ against me at any given time, with mods right and left literally itchy on their trigger fingers day and night just to find some "legal" way to get at me? That takes a certain amount of creativity, imagination and skill to pull off something like that. Not just anybody can do it.
    Are your arms removable?
  10. Only if you treat me nice.
    I tried that twice. Both times the results were less than satisfactory. Just like your outdated skills.
  11. Hack me Spectral.
  12. Being a Wikipedia scientist does not give you the right to call yourself a quantum physicist. Get your head out your ass.

    nigga fuck wikipedia i read Fermis original notebooks (well copies obviously) for my info along with about a dozen other text books in various feilds of mathematics, physics and other sciences. While I may not have a formal education I do derive my knowledge in a formal way. Wikipedia is an incredibly inaccurate informal joke of a resource. Sure it can spark interests but its hardly a viable reference by any standard. Now bitch go make me a sandwich, extra pickles please.
  13. Sploo wants to take s dick.
    Have you ever tried T-PAIN? I turned a lot of TRTers onto it and a few got hooked. It's an opioid agonist at higher doses, and very cheap in bulk since it's legal and unregulated. Also prevents respiratory depression:
    Along with having antidepressant properties, and a host of other beneficial effects.
    Heh. IV, T-PAIN is feels exactly like IV oxycodone. It only lasts like 2 hours and the urge to redose is horrible, even worse than dilaudid. I have nodded out by eating and plugging it even with a huge opiate tolerance, though.
  15. 100 percent of the posters on this board are criminals. How do you niggers feel about being deported?
    I hsvr no problem with being a criminal. But if I snuck into a sovereign nation in violation of their laws snd was caught I would not expect to remain in thar nation u et alone ne coddled by it.
  16. Clevland Browns forever and the Packers since 99. On another note there used to be a VN mod called Vbookie in the VN 4x days. If the mox was ported to VN 5x it could be fun here.
  17. The user base don't givaphuq
  18. Yeah, no.
  19. I have heard of a theory of the earlier centuries that described some such phenomenon. It was an attempt to determine a murderer by ocular identification. The notion was that one who had killed or will kill has a "look" in their eyes much like that pictured above.

    As to its accuracy in determining murderers I cannot say but I believe there to be a definite link between the look in ones eyes and their mental states and conditions.
  20. You don't scare anyone with your empty threats fagthrall. Come with me to hackforums, talk about how l33t you are we'll see how you're recieved among your 'peers'.
    If that happens ( and it never will) would you please pm me links?
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