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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. thelittlestnigger, my god will beat the shit out of your god

  2. Yes, brothers, it is indeed a piece of shit. Good for target practice and that is about it.
  3. So this is the shrine I made to appease the gods. The pic res is shit but you guys aren't gods and I am not trying to appease you. Ill do some meditation and shit with it. Probably invoke some spirits and whatnot. Ill keep yall updated on how the shrine situation works out. Post your own shrines too and lets get some occult black magik shit goin up in this bitch.

  4. jedis are a tiny percentage of the entire population - 2% of the population here in America. So if a corporation has 100 members and 10 of them are jedis, then jedis are statistically over-represented out of all proportion in that corporation to a factor of 500%. If a corporation has been infiltrated by a group to that extent, I consider it to be heavily infiltrated.
    Ok so what percent of jedis were in England or Europe at that time? Also what percent of the trading company in question were jedis? Of course you don't know. As I stated before you were making a mountain out of a mole hill in order to support your own biased opinion. Then you compound your embarrassment by parading some hypothetical scenario of a corporation designed to seem like an intelligent attempt to support your biased rewrite of history. When in fact all you really did was support one biased opinion with another opinion by saying "I consider it to be heavily infiltrated. Please stop now and preserve what little credibility you still have.
  5. Hundreds of millions of people need to be eliminated.

    You know you are one of those people right?

  6. It has to be Spectral. He is the most l337 haxor here.
  7. The only reason you say this is because you rode mizled's cock(Figuartively speaking) all the time on Zoklet. If anything, Mizled was neutral to everyone publicly and only had the best interest for Zoklet in mind and after that she had my interest in mind. Remember how everyone that had ever signed up to Zoklet got an email redirecting them to LLZ after Zoklet was about to shut down? That's because Mizled knew i was going to LLZ and wanted to help me out, so she sent the mass email. TDR can confirm this. What's more, she knew from the beginning who i was on redfern and kept it between us, then later when i posted HC45's DOX repeatedly, she didn't even ban me lol, but opted instead to give me a warning, point being mizled always had my back, always. In fact back on Zoklet she was my most important ally in securing an admin position so if anyone got played, it's you fagthrall. Stop lying, it seems you're forgetting who was actually there. So once again we've established that: Hey look we agree for once.
  8. Mizled was actually against you all, but played along so as not to make waves. I advised her against it. So in actuality, it was just you Three Stooges… you and the two other Totse disgraces, panthrax and water bottle (who, incidentally, was so unimaginative, dull and dimwitted that he couldn't even come up with a decent handle).
    Please feel free to show us all the things, real or online which you've owned/managed successfully and spare no details.
  9. I just gave you a citation that shows jedis were among the investors of the Company of Merchant Adventurers, which is what was claimed. You seem displeased with that.
    On your site you claim, and I quote,
    the Company of Merchant Adventurers, which by that time had become heavily infiltrated by jedi speculators operating a trade cartel which covered much of Europe and extended overseas.
    However when asked to provide a citation for the statement in bold type the document you refer your readers to states.
    The Company of Merchant Adventurers was founded in 1407. It was patterned after the highly successful Hanseatic League of Northern Germany, which established trading priviledges in London in 1267. As late as the 15th century,much of London's overseas trade was funneled through resident foreign merchants: Germans, Flemmings, Italians, and a small number of jedis, Portugese, and even Icelanders, often encouraged by the crown as a counterweight to the wealth and power of native merchants. The Merchant Adventurers were founded to reverse this. Although some trading companies would become joint stock companies, most, including the Merchant Adventurers were not investment opportunities.
    You have failed to support your opinion with fact. In fact you have taken an obscure reference to a minority of jedis being involved in one trading company and exaggerated the numbers in your imagination to support your own prejudice opinion. That is unless of course you can provide an actual citation to support your opinion that the Company of Merchant Adventures was in fact heavily infiltrated by jedi speculators.
  10. Let's talk about incompetence. You were at the helm when Zoklet took a lit stick up the ass.
    It was called Zoklet not Psychomantislet you incompetent lout.
  11. Good god humans are hideous creatures.
    Only if you look in the mirror in your case.
  12. …but I'm just left with a sour taste in my mouth.
    That is just the taste of the dick you sucked for breakfast money. Go brush your teeth and everthing will ok.
  13. ​In that case I'd need three arms. To type, pat myself on the back, and masturbate, all at the same time.
    With you patting yourself on the back is masturbation. Just like sex it's the closet thing to praise you're ever going to get.
  14. With jedis, their involvement with anything nefarious is always far more extensive than anyone is willing to admit.
    Ok I get it. I thought you had real information. This is just another useless opinion.
  15. sploo, I am in need of some photographs. Can you take some photographs for me?
  16. lol, autism

    You do seem quite affluent, and at such a young age as well. Your trajectory is truly something to be proud of and you know you're at least significantly above average, despite any insecurities, which we all have.

    And you do happen to be male as well, in one of the most male dominated sectors as well.
    N'aww, malice has a crush on Lanny. Seriously though, just suck his dick already.
  17. *you're dumb*
    *no, you*
    *yeah yeah, nice one, dummy*
    *you don't even know me*
    *I know you're dumb*
    *pffft, as if*
    *man come one say something funny*
    *don't bait me*
    *you can't, can you?*
    *I'm not playing your game*
    *I won the game long ago, you're pathetic*
    *you think you won but you actually lost*
    *nobody likes you*
    *well, everybody hates you*
    *I can kill your family if I want*
    *you couldn't kill a fly*
    *I just did*
    *prove it*
    *I don't have to prove anything*
    *turnip truck*
    *get rekt*
    *get fukd*
    *I'm embarrassed for you*
    *remind me to give a shit*
    *oh but you do you replied*
    *I'm playing like you a fiddle*
    *you couldn't play the fiddle if your life depended on it*
    *I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast*
    *YOUR MOM!*

    Would thank
  18. So good old, RJ Reynolds produced a product called Revo Unconventional Cigarettes. Its actually an old idea. Rather than combustion being the source of your tobacco enjoyment, the Revo has a small heat element on the end, I imagine its simply some sort of coal for heating. The tobacco is between the heat element and the enhancement. Regularly one would put their lighter to the small coal at the end and puff a bit to get it going. Then when it is "lit" the sucking action of the user draws heat into the tube to be essentially vaporized and "smoked". This results in an ashless cigarette. It really is quite odd because you end up holding a full length cigarette when you finish your smoke. In all honestly the thing tastes like shit and is somewhat annoying to get used to so I dont think I will be picking them up for my tobacco smoking pleasure. If you cut one of these open you will find rather than normal cigarette paper the inside of the cigarette seems to be lined with some sort of metallic foil which would facilitate the heating and vaporization.

    But I thought this presented some interesting options. For starters tonight I attempted a vaporization of THC.

    The Procedure:
    I took the cigarette and cut a one inch incision starting just before the heat element straight towards the enhancement, it is crucial you keep the heat element intact during the procedure. I opened up the incision which actually ended up looking a bit like a vagina, you know with the flaps on each side and a dark hole going into an abysmal nothingness. Using a small knife I separated the tobacco as would the Great jedi Moses the Red Sea. I then took a very small amount of marijuana (this amount was much less than .05 grams. It was the shake left in the bottom of a bag which amounts to very little material) and stuffed it inside. I made sure to keep both the tobacco and marijuana under the foil not allowing it to spill into the space between the foil lining and the outer paper tube. I then pressed one side of the vagina flaps to its original position, pulled the other flap tight and had it slightly overlap so the incision was covered. I then took the glue portion off a cigarette wrapper and sealed the flaps in place. I divided the glue strip into three segments with one being longer than the other two and used the long one to cover the entire incision with another on each side for further structural integrity and support. I set the newly sealed Revo near a fan to facilitate the drying process. After 3 or so minuets it was sufficiently dry for smoking. After the device was dry I proceeded to the outdoors where I tested for results.

    The Results:
    After getting the device lit I could quite tell that it was working as a normal Revo. After my first couple of puffs I smelled the primary test substance had been activated. I kept a constant and regular puff going as to facilitate the heating elements work. If you wait too long the element will not get the wind resistance that facilitates its extended heating and the element will die. If you are doing it correctly the heating element should be red right down to the moment there is no more of it to heat (when it turns from "coal" to ash). The outside of the device will brown but nothing more. This is how you tell what point of the revo you are vaporizing. I find that the browning stops around the second half of the cigarette and this tends to be when the heating element is depleted. The structural integrity of the device held the entire smoke and the patching worked perfectly. Even though such a small amount of marijuana was consumed the effects were felt quite well upon completion of the cigarette and returning indoors.

    The Conclusion:
    From this single test is is apparent that Revo Unconventional Cigarettes are a good way of getting the best out of your bud. Acting like a one time vaporizer each cigarette would be a way of vaping weed without having to go through the process of ionizing your weed for conventional vape pens or deal with bulky and expensive vaporizers or tricky heat elements found in the smaller vapes on the market.

    Further Research:
    This type of cigarette and lighting method is interesting in that it MAY have a wide range of drug administration applications. It would be interesting to test the Revo with other types of drugs. I believe it may be an effective way to chase the dragon (smoke diacetylmorphine) but cannot confirm. I question as to weather it would be effective in vaporizing dimethyltryptamine. I doubt it would be an effective method of smoking amphetamines but cannot confirm.
  19. DB dont even try to get John to source his claims. We learned long ago that this man will espouse fantastic conspiracy but give incredibly dodgy and off topic sources.

    He actually wrote a book. He said he translated it himself from a German language version of a book on Scottish religion. This nigga then proceeds to sell said book. So people start wondering what the source is and where he got his information. He has thus far failed to provide a source for the material AND he doesn't even know the language he translated and doesnt have any formal knowledge of translating ancient religious texts.

    Say what you will about this mans character but his credibility is shit.
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