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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I beg to disagree. Truth be told, there have been multiple public and M&A polls which have come out over the years which definitively demonstrate me as the, unlikely, and shocking as it were, overwhelming favorite of our dysfunctional little family here. You? Not so much.
    Hey, do you really believe the crap you post?
  2. Lol, old news as well.
    The age of the info doesn't make him any less of a loser for trying to pretend he is something he's not IRL.
  3. Oh wait, 24, that's better. Right posts per page.
  4. Guess I have 63 pages of reading to do.
  5. Sup niggas. I've missed y'all, roll call, who's still here? Life's been pretty interesting recently. I can't remember when the last forum went down, I don't know if it was before or after all the shit kicked off.
  6. I forgot I even had that account. I thought I deleted all of my Facebook shit. But, nah, it's fine. My PI is known through my other websites and stuff. You could have just given him the link to my entire family history: Bwahahahahaha's
  7. Hate to break this to you, Beav, but that's not even funny, really. Now, if he had of said 'fish-lipped, flat-faced, hook-nosed hoser', that would have been funny, but he didn't. And that's why this place has no members.
    Um yeah no, see the thing is this Specky my boy. People don't laugh at the things you say they just laugh at you.
  8. This thread is horrible. Just horrible. …but not quite scary enough for my liking.
  9. fuck spectral, and fuck you too.

    Fuck you, and fuck spectral too

  10. So these three faggots go to pick up their faggot friend's ashes. On the car ride home they're trying to figure out what to do with them. "Maybe we should take them to the mountains" said one faggot. "He loved the mountains". "No, let's scatter his ashes in the ocean" said another faggot. "That faggot loved to swim". "How about we put his ashes in chili" said the third faggot. "let him destroy our assholes one last time"
  11. I went there once, and was instantly kicked out. It was retarded anyway.
    Like your kids or just pretend retarded?
  12. Like your kids or just pretend retarded? I went there once, and was instantly kicked out. It was retarded anyway.
  13. Here, here's some wikipedia, the effort I put in is equivalent to your worth:
    You lost.
  14. Now I finally get it. You learned your internets skillz from headless chickens.
  15. while it am pretty sure that this is a fishing thread, and as unsatisfying and pointless as it is to acknowledge dark rodent's existence, I'll just say that I am not wealthy like dark rodent claims to be, but I also haven't made an honest living for well over a decade. While I do officially have a 'job', it is pretty much a do-nothing gig that pays little, given to me by an influential friend who I am not sure if they are just being nice, or because they are afraid that I could potentially blackmail them. That allows me a plausible explanation as to how I can afford my mortgage, and I am free to make money on the side however I please. Which, of course, I do, with as little effort as possible, just enough to maintain my lifestyle. I bet if I applied myself, I could be a criminal mastermind, maybe I could even afford a pair of faggot harleys like dark rodent and his boy. But, I am lazy and somewhat risk-averse.
    I bet if you applied yourself you could be a faggert.
  17. I just hope your insults are better than the ones those two local yokels are trying to pass off as legitimate.
    Duck this dive.
  18. You're not all that scary either.
    Spud haha haha. Spud.
  19. I've made a circuit, dumped and flashed the firmware, and installed root access. Now I have not made my own CFW yet, but am planning on doing it, should I release the design for free, or sell it, I'll release some pics later this week.
  20. Iron John vs TheDarkRodent. It's like something straight out of a damned-good Godzilla movie.
    We know he is just another one of your Barbiedolls.
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