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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. but i said you couldnt. Damnit now we got lamies commin in here shittin up all the threads.
  2. You don't scare me.
    There is one reference to a few jedis on one of those links which has no bearing on your statement.
  4. man i wish i was good with computers so i could know how to do this shit
  5. Its so not aliems.
    1. If there were a pic of aliems sent to nasa from any rover it would sure as hell never get out
    2. rocks form in interesting and myserious ways. Its as if you are implying that there have been tests conducted to ensure the phenomenon is biological even though the obvious assertion is "OH MUH GAWD! ALIEMS!!!"
    3. You are dum
  6. Dude trump knows of the jedi threat better than any other candidate. Why do you think its a Trump Sanders showdown all over social media? Because we are all waiting for the Trump Reich to destroy the jedi menace once and for all. Its gone be gud.
  7. Lol, you guys obviously havent been to Illinois. The women there actually are all that ugly.
  8. Yeah, this show is awesome. Its trippy as fuck and funny as shit. Doesnt the new season start soon/just started? Either way, its been a while since I watched it but now that I know its on adult swim website machine I will be quite happy to pick it back up.
  9. In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. Dear god, we thank you today for giving us the almighty syncan. Let us forever evade law enforcement in thy holy name. Amen.
  10. you know you're fucked when your therapist tells you to color

    Jesus this made me laugh really fucking hard. Thanks blah.
  11. You two have never been hungry.
  12. Great show, probably the best western animated show I've seen since Archer. You can watch the first episode here.

    Really love how the show all ties together with itself
  13. Sounds interesting. I love making stir fry, usually i just use soy sauce and sesame oil as far as that goes.
  14. Hey, anybody have any online pharmacies that they've used/are trusted and will ship internationally?
  15. well im glad i dont have that shit
  16. They all look like the same damn person, except the first one
  17. Mars was the garden of Eden then god got pissed and now we have to deal with it. God nuked a planet just because Eve ate an apple,shit keep your head down guys.LOL. This is all shit.
    Sounds more like all vodka.
  18. See the Dutch West India Company.
    That is not a citation.
    ci·ta·tion sīˈtāSH(ə)n/ noun 1. a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work. "there were dozens of citations from the works of Byron" synonyms: quotation, quote, extract, excerpt, passage, line.
  19. ITT Spectral calls himself names.
  20. hmmm well I guess aliens are real and all you tools that said I'm stupid for believing them can go suck a bag of boners
    How many boners are in a bag?
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