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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. tl/dr
    If you hadn't read it you would never have responded. Do you have any idea of how pathetic it is that you posted that?
  2. Good thing I'm seeing my dermatologist today and not tomorrow.
  3. Can it rodent, stupid beaver
    Oh look, another star struck fan to follow me around the board.
  4. brb going to make a disguise thread
    You might need these.

  5. Vise-versa, man.

    h_process = kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, pid)
  6. Does anyone have a wayback to IWDs ''stupid noob'' thread, I was up until 6 in the morning reading all 37 pages of IWD flipping shit, writing something like 100,000 words that rizzo should be demodded, best thread ever
  7. .
  8. your mom is so homeless she sustains herself on her own breastmilk
  9. THE PROPHECY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. i'd totally be gay for you if i was like gay and shit.

    This sums it all up man, this sums it all up.

    Ill keep posting shit probably. I'll keep posting my stuff from the grey hat book. Once I get the DLL injector working I think ill have a damn fine thread to contribute here. I also am working off a story based off my post in your daydreaming thread. Ill probably post it once I get a few chapters done.
  11. [size=6]no_tits_nati.onion[/size]

    Fixd bruh
  12. I'd probably select the chicken, if I really had to. Actually, I think starving to death would be preferable.
    We should be so lucky.
  13. You see, morality is like a luxury only those who have plenty can afford. It is easy to say theft is wrong when your belly is full.

    No. You see, morality is like a luxury only those who think rationally can afford. Its easy to say its easy to say theft is wrong when your belly is full. But can you imagine how difficult it is to dictate what is wrong when the bellies of the entire nation are going on empty? Mayhaps a threat to survival modifies the acceptance of how food is obtained traded and bought but to the moral man it mean that that way must be the right way. One cannot say "people are driven to commit crime, they dont decide to" when the decision to commit crime is unrelated to their hunger level. People actually driven to break moral bounds are those who are truly driven by the situation. Those who decide to commit crime indeed make the decision. Can you really say that that gang banger who shot a three year old because he missed a rival drug dealer with his tek-9 was driven into the situation? No, the situation is the logical conclusion of a larger product composed of all the decisions he previously made, therefore if he made different decisions the crime would have not occurred and a child would not have been killed.

    Also "according to science" is not a legitimate viewpoint. According to science we can make determinations based on what we think we can interpret from tests and their results to fit them into a model of the phenomena. According to science is nothing more than faith rebranded and most likely misplaced.
  14. Lets be for real. We must first accept that there is a difference between theory and practice. For example we can take the moral relativistic theory and say that under a certain scope it is true that all moral mores and normalities are just a consequence of culture. From this we derive that living in a world with diverse cultural morality and normativity means that we must regard each and every cultures moral doctrine as relevant to its own people and only its own people leading to the idea that no culture or civil moral code is "correct". And people whip this out at every turn to destroy the conversation that needs having on morality. Think of the greatest empires and what their greatest accomplishments were. We still benefit from the language, sciences, philosophy and even things like architecture from these empires. They were bold empires, expanding at great rates. Had an advanced law and justice system and a strong morality. Technology was viewed as an improvement. Advanced religious doctrine and social hierarchy. And now think of the cultures who never even got to the empire stage. Think of the cultures who's language is exotic, its sciences and philosophy revolve solely around survival, its architecture was at best mud huts. They were meek tribes, with no change from generation to generation. Their law is the wild and their justice the stone. Technology is viewed as foreign and devilish.

    Even in the relative view the majority of the entire globe can relate closer to the former than the latter. The developed countries of the world are a complex social dance that constructs cities and operates on order. In the current day, justice is a farce because our morality is a farce. You see it is around the time of abundance any empire in history declines. Abundance leads to over-consumption and a basic moral tenant of all civilized peoples is restraint. This results in conflict where the people idiotically remove restraint from their moral inventory and keep enjoying indulgence. But the time of indulgence comes to an end. This brings about a time of vitriol and hate for their own mistakes. But each defends its self from the conception that they were of the mistaken party. And in this time the country divides itself by removing unity from their moral inventory. With an unrestrained and divided populous there is nothing short or barbarism. Propriety becomes law and just men become thieves. Charity is lost. Then faith. And at last, so is hope.

    Looking at our situation western nations are in the stage of division and have already passed the abundance phase. The sad thing is if just readopted our previous national moral inventory we would make it out of this mess. But the commies wont let that shit fly.
  15. If you really think predators(Animals) have the mental capacity for reason and morality then you're a silly nigga'. Also, UPB is useful in the same way morals are useful, you can't stop psychopaths from murdering people, does that mean we have to abandon morality or ethics for that matter entirely?
    We are predators.
  16. I daydream about blowing my brains out constantly. Not in an edgy way, just because it makes me feel less depressed.
    Reach for your dreams!
  17. So I am working on a little windows debugger from the book grey hat python. The code I have thus far is in three files as follow:
    #This file is definitions and shit for the debugger

    from ctypes import *

    #Map of Microsoft types to ctypes
    WORD = c_ushort
    DWORD = c_ulong
    LPBYTE = POINTER(c_ubyte)
    LPTSTR = POINTER(c_char)
    HANDLE = c_void_p

    DEBUG_PROCESS = 0x00000001
    CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x00000010

    #structures for CreateProcessA() function
    class STARTUPINFO(Structure):
    _feilds_ = [
    ("cb", DWORD),
    ("lpReserved", LPTSTR),
    ("lpDesktop", LPTSTR),
    ("lpTitle", LPTSTR),
    ("dwX", DWORD),
    ("dwY", DWORD),
    ("dwXSize", DWORD),
    ("dwYSize", DWORD),
    ("dwXCountChars", DWORD),
    ("dwYCountChars", DWORD),
    ("dwFillAttribute", DWORD),
    ("dwFlags", DWORD),
    ("wShowWindow", WORD),
    ("cbReserved2", WORD),
    ("lpReserved2", LPBYTE),
    ("hStdInput", HANDLE),
    ("hStdOutput", HANDLE),
    ("hStdError", HANDLE),

    class PROCESS_INFORMATION(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
    ("hProcess", HANDLE),
    ("hThread", HANDLE),
    ("dwProcessId", DWORD),
    ("dwThreadId", DWORD),
    #the code of the debugger

    from ctypes import *
    from my_debugger_defines import *

    kernel32 = windll.kernel32

    class debugger():

    def _init_(self):
    self.h_process = None = None
    self.debugger_active = False

    def load(self,path_to_exe):
    #dwCreation flag determines how to create the process
    #set creation_flags = CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE for calc GUI
    creation_flags = DEBUG_PROCESS

    #instantiate the structs
    startupinfo = STARTUPINFO()
    process_information = PROCESS_INFORMATION()

    #options allow started process to be shown as a seperate window
    startupinfo.dwFlags = 0x1
    startupinfo.wShowWindow = 0x0

    #initialize cb variable in STARTUPINFO struct
    startupinfo.cb = sizeof(startupinfo)

    if kernel32.CreateProcessA(path_to_exe,

    print "
    [*] We have successfully launched the process!"
    print "
    [*] PID: %d" % process_information.dwProcessId
    # obtain and stove valid handle
    self.h_process = self.open_process(process_information.dwProcessId)
    print "
    [*] Error: 0x%08x." % kernel32.GetLastError()

    def open_process(self,pid):

    h_process = kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,pid,False)
    return h_process

    def attach(self,pid):

    self.h_process = self.open_process(pid)

    # Attempt to attach to process
    # if this fails we exit the call
    if kernel32.DebugActiveProcess(pid):
    self.debugger_active = True = int(pid)
    print "
    [*] Unable to attach to the process."

    def run(self):
    #poll debugee for degbugging events
    while self.debugger_active == True:

    def get_debug_event(self):

    debug_event = DEBUG_EVENT()
    continue_status = DBG_CONTINUE

    if kernel32.WaitForDebugEvent(byref(debug_event),INFINITE):

    raw_input("Press a key to continue..")
    self.debugger_active = False
    kernel32.ContinueDebugEvent( \
    debug_event.dwProcessId, \
    debug_event.dwThreadId, \
    continue_status )

    def detach(self):

    if kernel32.DebugActiveProcessStop(
    print "
    [*] Finished debugging. Exiting..."
    return True
    print "There was an error"
    return False
    # code I run to test the debugger and its components
    import my_debugger

    debugger = my_debugger.debugger()

    pid = raw_input("Enter the PID of the process to attach to: ")



    So when I run the debugger test I get this:

    Enter the PID of the process to attach to: 6564

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\The Toddster\Documents\py\", line 8, in <module>
    File "C:\Users\The Toddster\Documents\py\", line 54, in attach
    self.h_process = self.open_process(pid)
    File "C:\Users\The Toddster\Documents\py\", line 49, in open_process
    h_process = kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,pid,False)
    NameError: global name 'PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS' is not defined

    So what I understand that the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS is not defined or some shit but the code in the book is identical to that which I typed. I looked it over soooo many damn times but I dont understand why it wont work. The book doesnt have a definition of PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS so I am not sure what I need to do to define it.

    For reference the working code can be found here:

    The code is on page 27 and the and can be found on pages 31 and 32. You can also see some code for the debugger and test on page 28 and 29. I got this version of the program to work fine but upon expanding the code I get the above error. Anyway can someone help me out?
  18. Maybe ill make an assassin chronichles thread where I write stories of the above nature.
  19. Ave Maria is a great one to fantazise about mass murder to. Personally I would listen to this song while shooting up a religious institution just because it would just feel more right.

    I for one very much enjoy the idea of listening to this while suiting up in a tux for a fancy assasination:

    I then enter the building with below playing on the headphones:

    At the start of it, I am simply dramatically making my way to my target. At the rise of the music, I spot my target and he spots me. I get in a chase. He pulls some clever manuvers, but my skill set is beyond him. Thinking he could cut through an hallway I make my way to the end of it before he manages to escape. At the fall of the music (3:00) he spots me at the end of the cooridoor. But I am too close for him to turn back. He looks into my eyes with that begging plea for life. There is a long dramatic moment where we are simply looking at eachother. Then I begin walking towards him. In his fear he turns around and makes one last effort to escape. Im too close and catch him around his neck with my garrote. As I tighten the noose around his neck, hearing him gasp for breath I tell him "Raymond Harkness told me to make sure you know the cost of losing a deal". He goes limp and I pull him into a broom closet where I put his belt around his neck and tie it to the door knob. I pull his penis out of his pants and put it in his hand. He will be counted as just another sex fiend trying to get his rocks off in weird and imaginative ways who went a little too far.

    On the walk home from my appartment I call Mr. Harkness and inform him that my final payment must be deposited before midnight and that the job went smoothly. I unlock the door to my appartment and step in. I pour myself a glass of wine and toss this on the old record player:

    As I sit in my lounge chair listening to this glorious sonic moment my wife arrives with the children. With a smile on my face I greet them and tell her my meeting went fantastic and that I got the contract renewed. She doesn't know what any of that means but knows its good and means we can keep sending the kids to a good school and keep our somewhat lavish lifestyle. I put the kids to bed and walk into the bedroom. I tell my wife I love her, even though she is half asleep. I climb into bed, completely relaxed. As I lay in bed one last image remaining in my head. The look of fear in that mans eyes before I killed him. They all give me that look of knowing they havent even got minuets left. Its the best part of the job. As I drift off into oblivion I gaze into those eyes and they put me to sleep.
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