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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. ^ dead
  2. yeah, he didn't give a fuck. the self-professed '#1 nigger in america' used to make how-to crime videos ranging from cc fraud to nigger-rigged weapons like a bottle full of concrete with a stick in it to using hack tools to get free rental cars. guy was fucking hilarious. video relating to his arrest and dick-shooting:

    check out some of his other videos… I've been trying to download a copy of his DVD but nobody wants to seed it

    That nigga dank af tbh fam


  3. I like hosptials because they ujtmake me fleel better absoitu myself
  4. Who is the most interesting person you've encountered in your 42 years of totse experience?
  5. Darth Beaver you are the most pathetic person on this website. How old are you? You're fucking pathetic and I hope you kill yourself.
  6. No us poor criminal BritScum have moved onto cheap Polish beer, It's £1 for 500ml of 9%. Feel free to work that out yourself in your local units.
  7. I bet if you just jack off more often you can avoid all these encounters with crazy ass women. You're going to strike out big time eventually and wind up with one who severs your penis with a dull kitchen tool like Lorena Bobbitt while you're passed out from diazepam and Buckfast.

    On the last night I slept with a kitchen knife under my pillow. I don't know where I find or attract them. Well ok this one was in a mental health unit she was sectioned in.

    Found some zopiclone tho so all is well.

    And Buckfast is overrated, may as well just get regular wine and mix in caffeine powder. Or maybe buckies is just more expensive down here.
  8. You're not scary, treacher.
  9. That's pretty funny. Aren't you the very same clueless idiot who insisted there was no state which legislated shooting renegade cops?
    Do you even scroll up?

    Name one and the state statute number you idiot.

    I said two things and two things only.
    1. I commanded you to name one state and the statute number (which you failed to manage).
    2. I called you and idiot.
    At no point did I insist "there was no state which legislated shooting renegade cops."

    tl;dr: lrn2scrollupurineidiot
  10. As usual I shot my mouth off without having a clue.
  11. Star wars fan?
    Who isn't?
  12. FTFY. You must have linked to the wrong dropbox file.
    The attention you show me is indicative of the insecurity I cause you.
  13. ^again you're 22 and have no leg to stand on to talk to me about such topics, go to bed lil nigga

    Soon, sleep sounds decent but if I close my eyes I will get the spins, so I must wait a short while.

    How have I got not leg to stand on? Though I may be in a superlongterm relationship, I have my experiece. High school was an emotional relationship explosion. Once I met my One it became clear. The it became fuzzy. Then clear again. Considering I plan on marrying the girl I am currently in a relationship with I obviously have more legs than you.

  14. yeah this website is a massive piece of shit nothing works
  15. ^you should get your facts straight lilbitchassnigga, I pay child support and have custody rights and see my daughter regularly, I was there when she was born, have met her parents, my parents met her and gave her toys when she was born. I admit it's not the most perfect situation but you really are talking out of your asshole right now.

    And sure I had sex w two girls that were apart of zoklet/rdfrn. But I met them in real life before they ever knew of my online persona and joined the website , idiot.


    You sir should go to the ER for those anal contusions. They must be quite painful.
  16. ^Im more of a saturday afternoon troll kinda guy anyway. I would love to get into sailboats but as of now my experience is only with motorized. I can understand the bit about not being able to sleep though. Someday I hope to be one of those old geezers waving as they pass on their pontoon boat.
  17. You didn't know about this? It's been open for a while:
    Unless you mean he's planning on opening a new forum I'm not aware of. you can find ebagger and myself , we are e-butt buddies here.. =(

    MAXIMUM KEK [FONT=arial][SIZE=8px]even though I can completely relate and should probably be on those forums.[/SIZE][/FONT]

  18. ive always let my significant other know where she stands with me, Despite everything I've gone through I bet I could give some of the most honest and helpful advice towards relationships more than most people on this site. I'm not perfect, but I have a lot of experience through, love, loss, and understanding.

    you should quit projecting

    being as how you're drunk and you're admitting to talking out of your ass and have a lot of issues to work out, mabye you should come back to this thread when you're sober. mmmmmk??

    Anyways how old are you by the way?

    fuck you Bill Krozby. Im drunk as shit and dont give a damn. Anyway, I'm happy to hear that you are upfront about your sexuality. But I must admit you are probably overcompempensating regarding your "helpful advice". No offence but I would rather take advice from someone who DOESNT neglect their illegitimate child and doesnt post about how they hooked up with someone on an internet forum.

    I never admitted to talking out my ass. If you will notice, even though I am drunk, my coherence is impeccable (though tangents may occur) and my thought process is sound.

    Either way I have a lot of issues to work out (luckily not as many as you) and I don't plan on dealing with them when I am sober.

    Anyways as I have said in previous threads 22.
  19. But I'm a free person not bound to anyone.

    Thats good and fine so long as you let your S.O. know that being faithful will not be something you partake in. If you havent pre-aranged the fact that you sleep with who you want when you want no matter what your woman wants, then you are definitly a horrible person. Either way, simply from seeing you posts through the years I can tell this, you, nearing 30, still have the mindset of a 15 year old when it comes to women. Although you have a child you seem not to let that be an important factor in your life. Maybe you werent ready for it. Maybe you dont want to face it. Whatever the case its obvious that you are stuck in a pre-child, pre-serious relationship era and until you come to realize that what you are doing isnt working, you wont really be a fulfilled human being.

    Anyway, im drunk and dont know what I was getting at. Either way, my inb4 was absolutely correct except for the fact that it wasnt so much about you getting mad puss but more about your attachment to the idea of getting mad puss.

    On topic, I have been with the same woman for over four years, since I was in highschool. Never once have I cheated on her. TBH I broke up with her for a short while when I entered college because two other chicks were comming onto me and I wanted to fuck them. One was a real life incarnation of my (incredubly strange) fantasy of fucking a super liberal socialist/feminist chick (im uber conservative and got turned on by the idea of making a super leftwing chick my bitch and converting her to the right. Fuck, now that I typed that it sounds like 50 shades of weird). The other one was this chick who literally had multiple personality disorder along with a slew of other mental problems that told me the only limit if we had sex was I couldnt bind her (kek, i planned on binding her hands to her feet and fucking the shit out of her) but its okay because at that time in my life I was a straight up sociopath. Am I still? I dont know, but what I do know is that I am drunk and the only reason is that I have no other inebriants to dull my pain. TLDR I came condom close to fucking the socialist and realized that my one true love was exactly that. I worked to get the love of my life back. We have since moved in together and have been planning the rest of our lives together.

    Fuck, I still have a lot of issues to work out. I suppose thats the great thing about being more fucked up that the Columbia shuttle launch. I get to figure out my issues.

    BTW my current drink is an 8 second pour (with nozzle) of evan williams burbon and cranberry sprite. It cant tell if its good or bad so I keep drinking them.

  20. Being on a boat
    My living room
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