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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I'm guaranteed not to blow it, I've had over 10K saved before and barely spent anything besides necessities/important items, which is how I saved it in the first place.

    But, should I buy something?… What do I want/need, other than business investments (things to make more money)…

    Cook a pound of LSD. $5000 will be enough to make $1,000,000 worth of acid.
  2. How about we discuss how you probably wouldn't have survived through your childhood without 'consumerism'? Or better yet, let's not, because trying to talk sense into a leftist true believer is akin to trying to educate a rock.

    OK now back to trying to survive this vacation.

    I want the system to collapse so I can stop relying on it. Today I am homeless, unemployed and broke which renders me useless but I can easily walk into stores and steal drugs and food. I don't like TV or internet so I can do without it, I would get seeds and land and become a master of my domain if everything collapsed but capitalism forces me to step in line and get a job or else my life will be 50 years of stealing and poverty.
  3. The earth is ∆ you fucking retards

  4. [greentext]>cyber stalking Iron John[/greentext]

  5. Everyone knows the earth is a ∆ nobody has gone far enough to take a full shot of the planet and the ISS pictures just show it wrapping around itself.
  6. Right or wrong I don't care I just want an excuse to mutilate an infant.
  7. Now's the best time to bang a 5 pound rock, ya know?

  8. I just sit on a couch and think about how much I hate everyone around me and try to ignore the entire world because it pisses me off so much.
  9. And 22 year old me calls 17 year old me a bitch

    (This was written when I was 17)

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Weed: Weed really isnt that bad, It has a massive subculture (stoners) a religous following (rastas, some hindus) and medical benefits. It feels fucking amazing and is awesome and cheap as fuck. I know my life is on track if I can buy a bag every now and then, its almost like a wealth status thing, I dont feel rich until I have a pound of weed.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Booze: I love drinking up until I am puking my guts out drawing satanic symbols and shit, I dont think I can drink vodka anymore the last time I did I think I got my dad kicked out of his house.. and I always get so damn sick. Beer just makes me vomit water for an entire day, Rum is really the only shit I can chug (I dont mix, ever.) Booze is a fun time but It brings out my potential evil, Driking is weird, I want to but at the same time I dont. Its much worse then weed i think, I can never do it more then once every few weeks or even once a month is fine. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Tobacco: Meh, Tried smoking twice in my life, the only time i do it is with my certain crazy chain smoking friend, I will really only smoke with her and I will usually be drunk when she asks. Not for me, Dosnt get me high.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Coffee: Small amounts suck, Chugging energy drinks fucks me up, Expensive as hell though, like $15 for enough energy drinks to get fucked up and jitter, I would prefer a bag of weed and chips or something[/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Mushrooms: NOM NOM NOM NOM, Mushrooms are spiritual to me. I have done them like 7 times and I had one bad trip once but every time I do them I gain a deeper insight into my life. I love em. I would eat an ounce if I could. I love going mushrooms picking too!! fun times. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]LSD: Havent tried it, really want to :D[/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Coke: Evil shit, I have no desire to screw up my life, both my parents were hooked on this shit for most of my life and it's probably the reason im poor now. I think there is a fine line between drugs like caffiene, nicotene and weed, but then there is hard drugs and shit like meth and crack. which WILL fuck you up and ruin your life. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]bundy: Sounds fun, seems like a bad idea though. I would try it[/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Ketamine: Eh, Seems like some hard shit to me, I dont really know where I stand on it. I dont even know anyone who does it so I can avoid thinking about it, but for the most part I would probs avoid it, I dont like snorting shit. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Meth: Only is your name is mr white. This shit is bad I will just drink coffee if I want to stay up for days and if I want to fuck up my life I would rather not be on a hard drug. Fuck meth[/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Heroin/Opioids: Injecting anything is a terrible idea, Heroin is just fucked. Although Vicoden is fine in my books, its a damn pill. its not like taking one will kill you (unlike heroin) so why not, If you can get them legally then fucking enjoy. Dr. house does them for a reason LOL.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]PCP: seems like a cool high but that shit looks nasty as fuck, avoiding it![/FONT]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]mdma/E: Meh, Seems like more of a female drug then something you do with friends or to chill out. Not my scene

    My reply: I was straight-edge most of my life and never drank or smoke even though I grew up in an active meth lab with parents that did crack and heroine. 17 year old me clearly needs to do more drugs and never praise the triangles because he's a fucking idiot.

    Weed- cuck drug but it should be legal. Syncans are God drugs ∆

    Booze- cuck drug but feelsgoodman and a good polysubstance abuse type deal

    Tobacco- good shit, stimulants are awesome.

    Coffee- highly addictive psychostimulant but the pope said its okay so chugging redbull is cool

    Mushrooms/LSD/DMT-EVERYONE should use these drugs and if you don't have an active tryptamine tolerance you're just a fag

    Cocaine- coca is a God drug and crack is a holy substance when cooked properly. Brillo and pyrex tubes ftw.


    Ketamine- IV ketamine is the best, besides that its a good combo/poly abuse drug GREAT with coke and booze.

    Meth- crystal meth should be legal its not even that bad. It could be WAY stronger if someone decided to cook up an analogue but that will never happen. Shadow people are fun to party with until you try to pass them a loaded bowl and it just smashes on the floor because your actually alone.

    Opiates- should be legal, oh wait FENTANYL and OXYCODONE are legal thank you capitalism I will do these drugs worry free now.

    MDMA- ecstasy cooks are like priests, this drug actually was legal for marriage therapy and It should have stayed that way but oh well. Moonrocks are crystalline love.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana]Oilahuasca is a mix of psychedelic allylbenzene oils and enzyme inhibitors used to create a psychedelic experience. The allylbenzene oils themselves are often inactive, but when mixed with the proper enzyme inhibitors a psychedelic experience is poss[/FONT]
  11. dude wtf are you talking about and can i get a tldr
  12. hmwk, exercise, mxe, reddit/similar
  13. it may not be built on hatred, just as the us marine corps wasnt built on hatred, but they still both provide mediums for hateful people to exact their hatred on others, whereas without it they would be charged with murder or whatever.
  14. "I go outside when I'm not on NIS"
  15. ^ it is retarded that you are not allowed to deny the holocaust in so called civilized European nations. Meanwhile they defend the Mohammed cartoons under freedom of speech. Now I think they were right on the issue of the Mohammed cartoons; freedom if speech is one of the most important rights of a free society. But don't also reject it when it comes to "offending" jedis. Let the facts speak for themselves. Just goes to show how far Zionist control of the media and government has gotten.
  16. From what I recall you were living at some point somewhere in the middle east, correct? What I never understood about Islam is that there is a lot of shit in the koran about not disfiguring gods work- an example would be not castrating a horse. But why is it okay for them to circumcise, even making it maditory? I dont understand how you can believe in some almighty god and be against mutilating the 'work' he created? How does this get by and wouldnt you think that if 'god' made it that way, it would be perfect to begin with?

    Basically what mQ said, but to elaborate, Islam is an extrusion of Christianity, Christianity is an extrusion of Judaism. jedis get circumcised because apparently Abraham was circumcised and the holy land was promised as a birthright to him and his blood until the end of time. Getting circumcised, to jedis, is like a mark of your birthright.

    As far as Muslims go, Mohammed was either circumcised or born without a foreskin. In either case, Muslims do it because they think certain things Mohammad's did should be replicated (sunnah). Why Mohammed did it or made his followers at the time do it, I can only chock that up to the fact that it is easy to get people to convert to your religion if you ape theirs.
  17. So tonight I got drunk and went out car hoppin just looking for change/money/drugs, and I came up on a car that someone left the keys I drove off with it. Drove around, stole out of a few more cars and jacked a 40oz, and then I did something stupid... I wound up in a plaza and I uh...*sigh* I dropped a 12 pack of diet of pepsi that I found in the trunk on the gas and sent it crashing into some store/suite of the plaza...yeah, I know, I probably shouldn't have done that... anyways, afterwards (somehow miraculously not getting stopped on the walk back home) After thinking about what a crazy night that was, I remembered that I forgot to wipe down my fingerprints in the car... Nice knowing you guys, i'm in a fuckton of trouble... I guess i'll flee right after submitting this, go on the run for a little while, hide out in an abandoned house or something, I dunno... *sigh* Ah shit...
  18. I voted yes to be edgy

    You're still voting and still confined by the system. Learn2Edge, Buttchin. Observe me and maybe one day you will be close to as disestablishmentarian and edgy as me. I didn't vote at all.

    Heh nothing personnel, kid.
  19. One time I made someone so berthert it put them into an elmo phase
  20. I voted yes to be edgy
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