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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Originally posted by Malice Honestly, if I was your gf I’d reward and incentivize you with a blowjob every time you improved the site.

    I'd psychologically manipulate him into improving the site while slowly doling out sex which my purpose is actually to get pregnant so I can further control him even if he leaves me, I HAVE ALL THE POWER YES HAHAHAHHAHAA /mind of a female
  3. I don't remember this. Either way I'm gonna post in this thread every day until I die so hows THAT for a ruined thread!?
  4. for a while it didn't
  5. My friends grandma died and he got all this money and bought one of these build a bongs for $1000+ dollars and kept it at my house and then I got raided... lololol.

    Watching two cops carry that thing out was the greatest moment ever.

  6. You should coat it in anthrax.
  7. tinne to die then/
  8. Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL If they're selling AM-2201 in the US its probably a honeypot.

    this. I don't trust clearnet.
  9. Store all your money in the bank I want you to, Malice. One day you will have nothing, they will take every penny and demand more. the system will shut down and you will be one of billions throughout history screwed by a jedi.
  10. wheres the money
  11. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump

    I don't get it
  12. +1 because the thread title makes me laugh every time I see it
  13. Originally posted by HampTheToker It gets better and better the more I quote it…

    Nah, that only worked on Arnox's site
  14. Fawk yeah!

    A-Anyone proud of me? I've never accomplished anything before. :(
  15. Originally posted by aldra 62 first try

    Same, I could probably have got 64 cos I fucked up a couple of words
  16. Originally posted by RisiR L33T used to IV up to 9g a day IIRC. The high is supposed to be incredible. Better than Heroin.

    Safe? No. No, not at all. TPAIN isn't a primary MOR, it's just one of its actions but the mu receptor affinity is pretty low compared to the shitloads of other things it affects in a way more significant way.

    High dose use will literally mess up EVERYTHING else inside your brain. It's not even funny.

    Here is some data.

    How the hell do you IV 9 grams of something that becomes fucking solid plastic when it touches liquid?
  17. yup
  18. Its already magnetized to your blood.
  19. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I say swallow it you fucking cuck.

    I'll blow up your mom you fucking faggot nigger
  20. Can you believe it's been almost 8 years?
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