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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. *on

    Where you can just BARELY see the wall/background etc moving, but its not full on...Ah shit.

    Post last edited by Actor at 2016-12-14T05:13:23.870722+00:00
  2. I predict in the future from now "fuckin" will be just a causal filler phrase like like and "uh"
  3. lol i duno man
  4. Damn. Decent haul.
  5. I'm moderately on lsd.
  6. Its NEVER too late!
  7. But really, if you're never gonna have a bunch of sweet expensive stuff and at least several million to do whatever you want with, what is even the point of living?
  8. "Because either of the two are the only lives worth living." - Me

    Thats going on my tombstome/memorial/whatever

    Post last edited by Actor at 2016-12-14T03:49:43.034126+00:00
  9. A good man will take what he needs and a bad man will take what he wants.
  10. Originally posted by Lanny Maybe you didn't understand my argument, it was a reductio. I don't think anyone denies heat or light exist and yet we only have an indirect perception of them, there exists a fallible mechanical system between our experience and the reality we posit to exist, so this doesn't block our ability to assert something as true. Likewise we can't directly see black holes but we can perceive their secondary effects, like emission of energy or bending of light. I think this is sufficient evidence to posit their existence just as indirect evidence for something like heat is considered satisfactory.

    Maybe I fucking didnt.
  11. Originally posted by Actor Look up the hard problem of consciousness. Basically science can't explain how it is that we're actually experiencing anything.

    I honestly cant fathom any way science would be able to explain conscious experience. You would need an entirely different field of study to arrive at such an explanation.
  12. Yeah. I mean you have to coordinate steps, dips and bites. In a full sprint its just really fast steps.
  13. Look up the hard problem of consciousness. Basically science can't explain how it is that we're actually experiencing anything.
  14. Ill fucking kill you.
  15. Why don't I make my avatar a picture of school shooters

    I guess I'm too soft to understand you

    Nobody understands meeeee
  16. I could see that being difficult with nachos.
  17. I fucking hate niggers
  18. Originally posted by Lanny Your ability to detect heat is just as fallible as sight.

    I call this the Perspective fallacy. One can come up with anecdotal (and maybe even medical) incidences of sensory failure but that failure is part of the broader system. Poor eyesight is not poor perception but distortion at a biomechanical level. Failure to detect heat or cold through touch would be a failure at the level of nerves but this is not a perceptive failure. To say that these things are fallible is extraneous because they are fallible in the same way a camera is able to fail at capturing the desired effect or how a sensor can fail at detecting a closed hatch. There is the simple truth that mechanical systems will fail and the human as a mechanical system is extremely vulnerable to fallibility.

    I say this all because to insinuate that temperatures existence is not proven by the fact that we have built in sensory function to detect fluctuation in temperature is as absurd as saying light is not proven to exist by the fact that we have sensory organs specifically designed to capture light and transform it into a function picture of the environment.

    Of course there is the possibility that our understanding of temperature or light is fallible at an intellectual and theoretical level. This again does not disprove their existence but is rather proof of the holes in cognitive understanding.
  19. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump lots of foreigners at my workt hey are all chill as fuck and usually train me.

    >At work

    If they have a job, they're not the ones that we're always bitching about
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