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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Originally posted by cerakote why do you type 2 letters to make it look like theres 1 letter

    its my keyboard.
  2. ^ this.

    he's too chicken to do something like that though

    Originally posted by inb4l0pht Topkek. A homeless meth head is trying to insult me.

    The only thing I try to do is make this stack bigger every day fuccboi, I don't have to insult a 16 year old fag with an edgelord profile pic. Do you have anything better to do than stalk my posts? I haven't posted about doing meth or being homeless since before the summer.

  3. Originally posted by WINSTON CHURCHILL A good capitalist chap will take what he needs and a bloody communist will take what he wants.

  4. Niggermonicon




  5. The third position!

  6. Thats when I smoke a few bowls of weed and play some chill music. Meth + LSD would be amazing.
  7. Nuclear research is not supported by climate change people so I think the whole world can go fuck itself, I'm glad Iran, North Korea, Russia and China are the ones dominating the field now because otherwise we would be lost. If it wasn't for the Russians there would be no ISS.
  8. Whats an officer down kit?. My existence in the universe is not marked long enough for me to punch this into google.
  9. You people are all edge lord cucks deluxe. Except MMq
  10. Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher >At work

    If they have a job, they're not the ones that we're always bitching about

    Yeah because talking about HIRING LAZY NIGGERS is nothing to do with what im talking about you fucking derpadew.
  11. ^ what the fuck am i reading
  12. Or you know like, they're a very cheap source of fuel as well. You don't have to go on extended missions. Iran probably won't be using it for that purpose.

    Nuclear energy is a very powerful, very untapped, very feared source of energy which when recycled and disposed of correctly, leaves less waste than our current dinosaur burning machines.
  13. Originally posted by Sophie I think it's because of the way the iron is bound to the protein responsible for the oxygen transport. I don't think you have a lot of elemental iron in your blood.

    Even if it was free floating, wouldn't it not be enough to get picked up by a magnet? What would happen if it did get picked up? It would probably ball at points no? Have you noticed I like question marks? I don't really know anything about this, can you tell?
  14. This is some scare tactic headline bullshit. They're going to develop nuclear powered ships. Not weapons. This is not against the treaty. The US didn't "violate" the treaty. Trump just said he's going to look it over. Calling this retaliation is ludicrous since they've been developing this program since 2012.
  15. Why didn't you jump all the way in?
  16. yeah derp lol

    I could have easily flushed it down the toilet the other night when I was losing it though so whatever, lmao

    Post last edited by Actor at 2016-12-14T05:21:35.282678+00:00
  17. Anybody who is racist or thinks X group is X is just un-experienced or a fan of creating fantasies to fit their agenda. Especially this whole "Africa is underdeveloped" bullshit. I mean do you even colonialism? It's a gross misunderstanding of the political policy of (mostly) the last 200 years. I don't care if you have your beliefs on genetics, but nobody ever actually talks about that. All they know is "niggers r dumb."

    When I was 16 I went and took off most of a semester of school to go help with flood aid in Patna, India. (This makes me sound more like a philanthropist than I am, I just didn't want to go to school.)

    You'd think that all these uneducated and impoverished people wouldn't know shit but I got the shit surprised out of me by what they knew, though moreso their want to learn. It really opened me up to the idea that we're all just people. Maybe there's some genetic differences but they can't matter all that much. I think most differences are cultural though, which encompasses many things.

    I'm far from an SJW as well. I walked out on a black lives matter rally when it was fresh. I say nigger and make nigger jokes about niggers. But my god people stop acting like you're in a fucking tribe and stop being a fucking idiot. I've only met one racist person who wasn't a total ignoramus about the issue and actually had some reasoning other than "well my pa said blacks r bad."
  18. what if its an illusion of matter getting sucked in and theres not a black hole there at all?
  19. Originally posted by mmQ In acid? On acid? I don't know what half of either of those even meeeen, maannnnn.

    *on like to be "on" it, but only party and you wish it was more...
  20. maybe it does, but it just don't kill you?
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