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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice I was just about about to write about this. Suffice to say,

    typical leftist subhuman garbage. These people need to be given some free one way helicopter rides.

    or just put a 308 in their head
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Games people play can be broad enough to include /tg/ type stuff too.



  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    can i sleep in the empty rum bottle
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Lol, believe it or not I'm actually familiar with "art of manliness", and while tasteful might not be the term I'd use it certainly is geared towards faggots.

    The grant study is certainly interesting although it has its share of flaws. I will say the whole "bringing manly back" or "gentleman's movement" thing is not only cuckfodder but really really pathetic. I fall, in a very general sense, into the post-structuralist camp and generally consider the phenomenon of "manliness" and especially our cultural notions of the man/boy distinction to be archaic and generally harmful. But even if I didn't think that, the idea that people with penises in 2015 need some 50s themed self-help website telling them to keep journals and how to "groom" themselves is so cringeworthy, so fucking dickless, that I want to grab the author of these things by the shoulders and scream "FUCKING PUSSY" in their face until they're dripping with my saliva and then kick them in the nuts they don't actually seem to have.

    yeah its pretty gay tbh fam
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR On the topic of Crouton. Yes, it's pretty chill. Stuff in caps is always bunk. Avoid.

    maybe this is why my experiences with Crouton have all been trash
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Horatio Abernathy Coca leaves don't have Opiate effects.

    Have you ever done Coca leaves? I haven't. I can tell you, though. Your analogy is wrong. Poppy tea is fo real. Just unprocessed Coca leaves surely don't compare to Cocaine.

    i think i started doing something else while i was typing that post

    thanks for the notice, edited

    also on the topic of coca leaves:
    they are definitely like coke. the tea is the same way. some people in south american countries sprinkle powdered limestone on the wad of leaves that they chew to increase potency (dont know if/how it works) but just the leaves are pretty potent

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-02-02T15:36:47.894882+00:00
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Actor Okay, high school fucking sucked balls, but I miss the insanity and stress of it. I was so young and naive and the world was my oyster. Now I'm just a depressed piece of shit sitting on the computer, smelling his own farts. I'm not even posting on a real forum.

    this was the same thing i was doing when i was 16

    i thought senior year was supposed to be F U N this has been the worst year of all of high school

    i dont even want to get out of bed in the morning all i want to do is get high and lay around playing runescape
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject Thanks that reminds me actually I need to check the other attic. For some reason there's a hatch above the toilet downstairs and I've never opened it to see what's up there.

    inb4 man living above your shitter
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by a·nom·a·ly Fuck you dude. We had plans. We had a fucking understanding. But now what the fuck is it worth? You have dun gone and fucked it up right good. You were my longest lived comrade. I know I am fucking insane but what you did was unreasonable. Assault with a deadly weapon? Do you know how bad that fucks you? Even if you think that your lawer will get you out of it there is still a fucking record. Local news trimmings and various pieces that paint you.

    What the fuck dude? We had plans. And on your end they fell through the fucking floor.

    "fuck" 9 times in this post

    learn to communicate without explitives tbh fam
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop I was curious if Crouton actually "worked". I haven't done an opiate of any kind in years…like at least 4. I see the appeal of heroin but nodding out and shit seems so…not fun to me. I know the warm blanket opium buzz feel but it's not something I could function on a day to day basis.

    I heard the Red vein(maybe?) Crouton was good and something about Thailand Crouton. I'm guessing it's to heroin as to what cocoa leaves are to cocaine?

    not quite, it has opiate like effects but not to the degree of an actual opiate, even weak ones. i personally dont like Crouton as all it does is make me nauseous and i dont get high like i do on a real opiate. poppy seed tea is to dope as coca leaf is to coke

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-02-02T15:31:45.179535+00:00
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject I wonder how many people here haven't had at least a minor opiate problem

    i havent

    opiates are way too expensive to get addicted to

    at least amphetamines are cheap
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    >snatched up your phone

    as in, stole it? with no intention to give it back?

    if so, how did this happen? why did you allow someone who would steal your expensive shit into your house
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump You're a fucking retard of the highest order. I just posted a clandestine synthesis for an opiate stronger than fentanyl easily made from OTC de worming meds.

    Early bird gets the worm :-) the best drugs belong to the fastest.

    you didnt post the synthesis part

    EDIT: nvm im fucking retarded

    EDIT2; wait no im not that was snibsnab not you where the F U C K is the directions

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-01-31T20:04:46.513854+00:00
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic I'm also very frugal when it comes to drugs. Although I've been sober for a couple weeks now, I was eating $2 worth of a jumbo sized edible daily to get blazed as fuck. Me and my friend also binged on stimulants all last summer but he went through 9 grand of coke and I went through like $100 of 4f-mph, which is better than coke anyways. If I remember correctly 1 lb of unwashed poppy seeds should have about 100-400 mg morphine in them, and even at the low end, $6 for 100 mg is a steal. I should make a blog about frugally doing drugs.

    PM me your most jedi ways of getting high, i lost my job recently
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    lannys thread is hangable
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    but only ironically
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by bling bling plastikkote status: very very very unsafe

    im gay
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    someone do the rst i have to go
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    im gay
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    im gayyy
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