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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Malice You're taking it too seriously. I never thought it was particularly funny to begin with. You misinterpret my motives.

    That post is the equivelant of Bill Krozby tellig lanny he trolled him by not showing up to the weigh in
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock stfu nigger faggot

    Don't be mad he speaks the truth boring faggot. You are the Eternal Yawn.

    Jill the yawn.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    One heavily drunken night a few years back I stumbled to the gas station a few blocks from home at about 3am, and for some reason decided I was going to ask Linda the old lady overnight clerk uptight by the book Linda, for a pack of FUCKING Marlboro Reds. "Gimme a pack of fucking marb reds." "Excuse me?" "I need a pack of FUCKING REDS." it sounds cringey as I type it, but it's more exhilarating than you might think. She actually kicked me out because of it, but try it next time you're at the bank or picking up your pizza. "Hi sir can I help you?" "Cash my fucking check." "I'm here to pick up my fucking pizza." "Not fucking guilty."

    Make sure to keep a stern face.

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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by hydromorphone With pigs, goats and cows, slicing their throat to butcher them, using a razor sharp knife it would take about 10 seconds for then to be unconscious. Now I know the would area is different and we don't even know if what you're looking at is a artery (could be just a big ass vein. Arteries have a lot more pressure going through them and why you don't want to IV in them. The arteries are forcing blood to all the parts of the body, viens are the return portion that gets the blood cycled back to the heart. Less pressure and its going in that direction, so again why it makes even more sense beside the fact shooting up in an artery isn't a good idea- arteries can have so much pressure that they blow the plunger back filling with blood if you accidentally it one).

    Anyway… With the location I am. Describing, the animal loses consciousness rather quick (10 seconds, and they don't even feel it if you make sure you use a seriously super, razor sharp knife) and from there it kind of varies, but a couple minutes at most. Sometimes they have "jolty" spasms, but that's just the nerves. I feel it's so much more humane (they did a study decades ago in Europe but funding got pulled when evidence was pointing to the brain scans showing quicker, more reliable, and less painful/stressful method of slaughter than the "bolt gun" method but people believed there was a lot of anti-semetics who were against this information backing up the ways that jedi and Muslim people have to slaughter their meat for I to be kosher (well, there is the blessing part, but it has to be done this way to be blessed so…). I think it's better than using a gun even. I've done both ways, gun and slitting the throat. It also gets more of the blood out of the tissues which means the meat keeps better, tastes better from there being less "stress" hormones going on, and makes life a lot easier by using the heart to pump the blood out rather than half ass getting the blood out after using a gun or the bolt method.

    I don't know if any of this helps your curiosity, Sophie, but please don't be letting your curiosity lead to you dying lol.

    Do some research on "halal slaughter" and how the jedi people do it. I hate jedis just as much as the next anti-semite, but they do have I right with their slaughter practices. I don't believe any animal raised for food should be dishonored the way most are currently with the way the meat industry does it and I wish to fuck that would change.

    You are a fun personality hydro. Don't ever let people stop you from posting lengthy posts. I don't read them all, but I try, and regardless if they are long winded or even sometimes necessary, it's of course an obvious tie in to your personality and ... Style, for that matter.

    This isn't to say you shouldn't ever jsut write some concise shit at the same time, like they don't ALWAYS need to be 2500 word diatrabes (I don't know what a diatrabes is).

    BT yeah, I like your style. You should direct it more toward fiction and not §m£ÂgØL or defending yourself.

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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock stfu you idiot…you have no idea

    I do. I've bleed out and died from my own more times than your IQ.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Let's make a sequel to poast's trolling the homeless and troll people in wheelchairs. Things like offering to help push them and immediately sending them flying into a nearby wall, or standing a few feet away from them shooting them with a paintball gun repeatedly as they try to stop us with their struggled attempts at wheeling toward us. We could pretend to be doctors and approach them with the good news that there is an extremely good chance that they'll be able to walk again, then steal their shoes for no reason and walk away.(why do wheelchair people wear shoes? DO they?)
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby weed smoker offered to suck my dick when he lived in austin if i would come and do bath salts with him, he will never admit to it, but thats what happened.

    and privacy cunt said she would let me fuck her for thanksgiving when she came to texas as long as I'd buy 50 dollars worth of panties lol

    Lol this thread isn't about you or my son or pc it's about §m£ÂgØL try and not make it about you mmmmmk?

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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie What does he do for a living then?

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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Discount Whore don't talk to me that way im sensitive

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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Treat the obituaries like personal ads.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver

    I humbly admit I had to watch this about 30 times before no longer having to wonder why I was watching what I was watching.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The only time I've taken them was once, taken from the med closet when I was working as an intern at a Christian inpatient treatment facility.

    I had quit smoking mainly because it seemed like the right thing to do and I was literally the only smoker, and I took two Somas one night and was all relaxed and then I sort of went into a deep haze and snapped out of it a few blocks away where I was chain-smoking like a mad man it just felt so RIGHT.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by snab_snib >dropping context

    do you believe that i believe that you believe that i believe that you believe that this does anything but make my retract one of inferior oblique facial muscles in disgust at your pathetic ruse?

    You win dude. You're smarter than me. Sorry for ever trying to discuss an opposing viewpoint with you.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    what type of bait is that salmon ? I hate salmon. Make it walleye.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Alternatively if you have a bicycle you can turn it upside down and stand over a wheel spinning away to your cold heart's content.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 1337 I was 1337/Bipolar High Roller/LLL/Nigga on PCP on zoklet. Most of my posts were under 1337, though. On TC I used mcccxxxvii

    I mostly stuck to trt.

    I like you. I'm glad you're back. We never interacted but I know you. I like you. Did I say I like you yet? I do.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    No offence but

    I voted 'eh.'

    I don't have the disdain for him many seem to have acquired.

    I've had my moments with him, absolutely, but they for whatever reason disiappated.

    I'm still trying to piece together the whole puzzle. Why the hatred. What it means. Where any sympathy or empathy lies, things of that nature.

    It does sort of remind me of playground groups ganging up on people and that's fine. It's all a big show.

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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock ill post one when i have time to make one.

    i think your cat archie should be spit roasted and served to the residents of a homeless shelter on a bun.

    "When I have time."

    We don't want to see you or any of your ugly selfies with cell phones sitting on them. Don't bother.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RestStop What was the name of that movie that had this old mirror that could manipulate camera and basically killed every owner? That movie was shit just can't think of the name of it…

    Your Mom: The Awakening
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon He's talking about the pussies

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