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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I was gonna tell you about how I sawed off all of the lambs HOOFS? Paws? And so i had 72,000 lamb paws and i had to watch all these lambs try to walk around this field without their paws and they were making all these high pitched crying sounds of pain. But then a goblin! A goblin came flying in.

    Yellow with neon black stripes. He took all the paws from me. HE. I assumed the goblins gender but maybe it was a she idk. Anyway it took the lamb paws from me and made them all go back onto the lambs. Then they all smiled again and thanked the goblin.
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol so stupid!😂

    I'm gonna make it weird. Dont make me make it weird. I'm about to. Just because I know you're here now.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    A field of lambs. Like 18,000 lambs.

    Not the dirty farm amateur lambs but the ones that look like clouds. Pure white clouds.

    18,000 of them surrounding me and I am basking in them and they are all baaaaahhing and smiling and licking my face because I have a bunch of lamb food on my face, and I cant stop giggling because it tickles
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Happiest of New Years, folks!

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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Literally needs to become Pee-Wee Herman and ask Jambi to grant him a wish
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Would you rather he returned to post his incessant retardation?

    Be thankful.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Fuck this is my cousin to a T.

    He's homeless. I sent him a bunch of cash for a car to live in or to pay bond for a place to stay, and he fucking told me he was going to use the money to build himself a car.

    He just told me that he is now going to build himself an aircraft. Which he will presumably pilot himself.

    Just like how Hikki will totally learn Japanese one day and be more fluent than anyone in Japan.

    Do these people just need a smack upside the head?

    Well, that's the interesting thing. These people dont necessarily need anything.

    That is to say, it depends on the degree of their illness and their functionality.

    Hiki's mom basically serves as a full-time caregiver, and enabler, but mainly a caregiver. Hiki doesnt NEED treatment, or a rewiring of the brain, or a shovel to the dome, because his circumstances allow him to live in the fashion that he is living in.

    Now, if his mom were to decide that she was tired of taking care of him like this; tired of his lack of independence or ability to socialize and function to any normal degree outside of her home, then he would need treatment or help, because he would undoubtedly fail miserably if left to his own devices.

    When you live 30 years, nearly entirely dependent upon someone else, it's extremely difficult to suddenly just be able to function in society.

    Hiki things that functioning in society equates to being a normie worker drone, but fails to, er, is unable to grasp the concept that there are plenty of "not-normal" people that are still able to live independently and even live quite lavish lives.

    Much like the conditioning he accuses others of have received, he is also conditioned to a disturbing degree, to feel he is superior, when everything he says and does, including and especially his living situation, screams the opposite.

    It's a hard pill to swallow, to have a "normie" tell you something like this, which is why of course he has dozens of defense mechanisms that, to him, seem completely rational, but to the outsider are nothing more than clear indicators of an individual finding any means to justify and rationalize their situation.

    But at the end of the day, if he is content living under his mom's wing his entire child and adult life, then I suppose he doesnt NEED treatment, or need to change.

    At the same time, we will then be able to continue to be free to belittle him for his lack of life experience or ability to bring anything of value to anyone other than himself and perhaps his mom. His mom, who fucking quite clearly has a myriad of illnesses herself but I guess you gotta give her credit for being able to support him his whole life and actually deal with him on a daily basis. I'm guessing maybe she's doped on anything she can get her hands on or she has some weird ass maternal instinct that just keeps on going, maybe because of hiki's childlike mental state, she somehow feels like its still her responsibility to feed, clothe, and house him.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jesus is king Mmq I legitimately mean it when I say you are a normie
    Like I said to rabbitdweeb, you people are brainwashed by a lifetime of indoctrination.
    You see people who think and behave differently and you asaume they must be mentally ill.
    For example a person who chooses to live nude in the woods and eat food they find in the wild would assumed to be mentally ill, you expect them to dress like you, spend your entire youth in school being told everyday how to think and conform, then waste the rest of your life being a slave so you can earn fake money used to keep you alive and comfortable.
    It's a very horrific and unfortunate situation and I pray humanity will restructure civilization in such a way that allows humans to finally be free

    The truth though is that society is the source of the problem
    To have a functional society people need to be sheep (like yourself) and confirm otherwise it'll fall apart like chaz or a hippy commune

    Virtual reality through brain to computer interface devices is what will truly free humanity
    You will be able to live out an existence that you truly desire rather than be stuck with the one you were born into

    This is something someone with a schizoaffective disorder would say. Your disorder disallows you to feel any degree of inferiority, meanwhile everything you say and do conveys the opposite.

    I am most certainly a normie in plenty of senses of the word, and that's fine. That's not an insult and it doesn't make me feel ashamed.

    It's all but impossible to convince you that you have a relatively severe mental illness, akin to trying to explain to someone with a sub 60 IQ that they are a "retard." They dont know what that even means. Your particular mental illnesses are the delusional types, and are the ones doctors and psychiatric professionals have the most difficulty treating.

    A team of neuroscientists and psychologists could diagnose you with what I'm saying you have, and you would also call them wrong, indoctrinated normies. It's the nature of your illness.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm in a factory, counting blahs.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jesus is king I don't ever notice your existence anyways

    Yes you do.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Just fucking the choke the baby out and go for your proverbial 'seeing the light' 'out of body' experience. It'll obviously be tough to determine when exactly baby is reaching that point but I'd imagine there's a certain level of blue in the face that you get used to and then find the matching blanket color or whatever so you can put baby on blanket and just stop when they are the same color from there on out. Do it.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CAT? The guy sleeping or whatever he's doing, he doesn't even give a fuck, like he's not looking up trying to swat 'em away or making an angry or startled face or anything for that matter he's just in no fucks given mode, but that kitty cat down in the corner is all surprised like the owls just woke him/her awake from a nice dream and he doesn't even know what's going on, and the owls don't know that the man doesn't give a shit so they're gonna keep trying to bother him when in reality, it's not him that's being bothered but the cat, so I think WHAT IT ALL RELLEH MEENS MAN, is that there's three typa people on this planet- the owls (and bats I guess), the men, and the cats. The owl typa people are always trying to stir shit up and maybe even awaken people to the truths and all that, but they focus on the 'men' typa people who are just like, they just want to be left alone and not be bothered and they have mastered the art of apathy, so it's essentially futile just the owls coming at the men. I mean you have to respect their persistence I guess but at the end of the day it just doesn't do anything as far as what the owls are trying to accomplish goes anyway, but then you have the cats of the world that are down in the corner TRYING to sleep and just trying to do their own thing, but they unlike the men-people cannot just turn a blind eye to the truths that the owls are trying to bring, so even though they don't want to listen they are pretty much forced to because of their mental construction. Basically the cats want to not give a fuck but they end up absolutely giving a fuck insofar as the owls remain persistent, but ironically the owls aren't even trying to get the cat-people to care (I don't know why) but instead are focused on the men-people. I think the cat people slowly turn into owl-people without the owl-people even knowing, thus the owl flock grows larger and larger and maybe that's the point is that without knowing it, the persistence of the owls turns the cats into owls and they are so busy pecking at the men-people that they don't even notice their owl-herd is growing because of the cat-people's conversion and eventually, finally, just MAYBE, the owl-people's flock is large enough to awaken the men-people but at that point climate change will have us living in a Water World and it won't really matter anymore. :(
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by POLECAT I'm not gonna sober up to argue a dumbass

    Too long didnt read!!
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Grylls You just talked to me


    fucking retard

    Lol. That makes you a faggot.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bugz what about the parts you wouldn't remember? trauma can cause amnesia Im told.

    "What dont you remember?"

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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    German e-box
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dregs You email me your onlyfans right now or I will beat your ass to death BITCH.

    What is your email?
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Show me my individual posts per day graph so I can show my shrink.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Nil i bet all u americans are indoors COWERING

    lol, stay fearful.

    I wake up in cold sweats every night, worried about terrorists getting me.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Nil he said he only hits ABOVE thew belt too, wat a disgrace.

    Yeah you can thank me for that wikipedia totse update. Faggot Zanick too ashamed to type niggasin. Smh just smdh
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