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Posts by CASPER

  1. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by RestStop

    No. That song needs to disappear. And that nigger has one arm.
  2. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 On the real though one time when I was 14 I took a bunch of leftover Thanksgiving ham and put it in a plastic bag with a bunch of hand soap and tried to fuck it.

    Thank you for this.

    Shouldve tried a can of that jellied cranberry sauce...unghhhhhh.
  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by infinityshock what the fucking bleeding anus….the UPS truck just literally drove passed my house at a high rate of speed and turned down a side street.

    And being how much you hate our dark skinned "brothas", I thought you might get a kick out of this...

    There are places in Los Angeles (and i imagine in other parts of teh country too), that UPS won't deliver to at certain times when theyre chimping out too hard. When you try to track the package, it'll just say "DELIVERY DELAYED DUE TO CIVIL UNREST". Lol. Like fucking Rwanda or something.

    We always have people calling from the housing projects a few miles from where I work. 90% of the time a package nees to be delivered there, the driver refuses to deliver due to "civil unrest". Hes just tired of niggers talking shit and hassling him, I imagine. lol.
  4. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by infinityshock what the fucking bleeding anus….the UPS truck just literally drove passed my house at a high rate of speed and turned down a side street.

    Youre going to be hard pressed to get a refund on a ground shipment. Unless the tracking says "OUT FOR DELIVERY", its still in a sorting hub somewhere.

    I think they changed their gameplan bc last time there was a storm/hurricane/whatever the fuck, they delivered pretty much as usual and there were a bunch of accidents/overturned trucks, hijacked trucks, looting and stuff. I was fielding calls all day about lost packages and refund on Next Day/ 2nd Day, etc...

    Kinda can't blame then.
  5. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Also...fleshlight, watermelon, filet mignon, and fun piece of trivia....learned to jerk off putting my dick in the quarter roll from a mechanical coin counter. A miracle i didnt develop some bdsm tendencies bc my dick you get stick halfway in there and Id always end up pulling off a little patch of skin or cutting the head on the sharp plastic edges of the cylinder. Never occurred to me that you could just use your hand. Just wanted to put my dick in something so bad lol.
  6. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Yeah, I remember seeing it all over mainstream sites. The guy really fucked himself but using that stupid swirl enhancement. I hate chomos but I hate incompetent crooks even more.

    Who was it?
  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Scron looks like an extra from the 1970's Planet of the apes in that video. I would definitely go for a different haircut.
  8. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin

    I mean, why lie? This optimally autistic gay shit is probably why i keep frequenting these parts. Theres no other logical reason. I should just give in, and punch someone's butthole like a hanging chad in early 2000's.
  9. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Joe Kane if by that you mean I'm like this then yes

    That was my babysitter from when i was born- 5 years old. lulz.
  10. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
  11. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by aldra

    not really sure what this is supposed to be but people keep tweeting it at the Ukranian 'president'

    Pretty sure that's a little Asian pocket pussy with clipart facial features.
  12. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Enter tfw you been jerking off for god knows how many hours, you look down and you realize your dick might be chafed and swollen and sore as fuck tomorrow, but you're like fuck it and keep jerking off.

    Real talk- vaseline, gauze + a baby sock.
  13. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by RestStop Mandatory rap song from yours truly :

    EEw. Plz stop.

    Wheres poast when you need him?

  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by infinityshock well duh…shes a nigger whore. what were you expecting? it really doesnt get any worse in life than being a nigger whore.

    and youre the one bragging about dicking it.

    pathetic. next youll be bragging about niggers paying your to let them slide their cocks into your shit hole.

    The correct term is "shit pussy". Shit pussy.
  15. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 My teacher just docked me for 20 points out of 25 for my grammar on an assignment which has otherwise flawless grammar. She took off 20 points because I used too many CONTRACTIONS which she says is not proper MLA format, which is blatantly wrong. I could have a 90 on this if it wasn't for that.

    It's not on the rubric. It's not anywhere. You'd think too that if she saw a student use contractions she would say "Oh, they must have not known" and realize the rest of their grammar is 100% and, you know, not dock the grammar section off by 20% of a 100pt assignment for a blow off class.

    Tomorrow I am going to follow her home and leave a large pair of pliers in her mailbox so she can get that massive stick out of her ass. This is not even mentioning the multiple passive aggressive emails she sent the whole class.

    I actually seem to remember this from when I was in school. Still...thats a HUGE dock. Perhaps speak to her in person and ask if that could be halved or something? You shouldnt lose 1/5 of your score because you didnt want to speak like someone to drinks tea with their pinky out.
  16. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 These threats from hydro have upgrade to death threats from multiple email addys. This is seriously fucking ridiculous.

    If that is indeed true, then you no longer have any duty to protect her privacy. And if its not her- then its not post it anyway. How many other spurned lovers do you HAVE §m£ÂgØL, I mean shit?
  17. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by RisiR † Who the fuck pops 10 pills without knowing how they are?

    Oh my, I'm getting freaked just by thinking about it. The last pills I had were so ridiculously strong, I couldn't handle more than a third. It was intense. My brother has a tolerance beyond good and evil and I think he only did one.

    Hope you are ok, Erorr.

    Yeah last time i did E near a decade ago, I could only handle 3 of the red ladies before i was almost non functional. Fuck. I can't even imagine taking 10 pills. But yeah....molly and marquis test kits are all over Cali now. I dont remember the last time i saw a properly pressed pill. Pretty certain i still have at least a g of pure molly in a mini altoids tin along with ketamine and a couple strips of acid...floating around this room somewhere.
  18. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by mmQ Oh quick word on the street, a true one, is batman, aka b-man, aka btmn, died from the ol Heron OD 2 nights ago.

    For those who remember.

    Seriously? How'd you find that out?

    I remember when I talked to him like a year ago, and he asked what drugs I did and I told him H, he was like "Fuck that bro mushroomz and weed 4 lyfe".

  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Erorr Daw, word i started going to an army barber to +1 my appearance considering a grand mal bashed my teeth out. Gotta aim for the old ladies to hold the door open for you ya know?

    Randomly found this shot of me and an ex on mushrooms just now. Kinda never wanted to look back on that era :(

    She was too young and anxious and I was old enough to know better then to act so foolish…. made for some crazy years in the name of growth and decay but god do i miss her insatiable lust to fuck for hours straight.

    Im far too much of a whore for my fiance who barely has a sex drive and it sucks so much. She has a few reproductive issues so my junk being the size it is and her body not producing proper enzymes just calls for five minutes then ow ow ow'z…..

    Im no cheater by any means but man am i hurting to get buck fucking wild daily :(

    Thats what you get, you big dicked LOOOOSER.

    Idk...chicks are weird. She probably wouldnt give a shit if you got a hooker. But im not even sure how you broach that particular convo.
  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Erorr

    And if i die, always remember…..

    Ya'll will never be on ate's level :o


    Is that fuckin Ate?
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