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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    Pride flag is retarded, but the racial pride flag doubly so.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Is one of those Ps for Pedophiles?'s just another sexual orientation after all…fucking faggots "lets include everyone!…except kiddy fiddlers"

    I fucking hope not. I don't want to be associated with these 'people' in any way shape or form.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ever considered keeping a journal to write all this shit down? Because i can assure you no one gives a singular shit.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You watch too much news

    Are you implying that the things he mentioned aren't occurring?
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny soviet union was never a totalifarian state it was reputed to be. those are just See Eye Air propagandas. citizens of the soviet union used to have more say than ''americans'' until their gun and traffic laws were re-written.

    the war caused discontent, and in ''totalitarian'' state discontent leads to revolts and insurrections. armed revolts and insurrections. the war was stopped to prevent this.

    the war became forever war due to lack of clearly defined objective. it was more of a political adventure than a military one, of propping up a weak puppet communist govenmemt that lacked support of their local population.

    not according to adolf (sig hell) hitlers mein kampf. dont make me have to quote him.

    Just because you say something is propaganda doesn't make it so and as much as i like Hitler, he was a Lance Corporal during WWI, that's a rank below sergeant. Hitler didn't have the strategic overview High Command had, he wasn't even involved at the operational level as far as the chain of command goes. So forgive me if i don't take his account on what happened during WWI seriously.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders Fuck your racist Mother, you white trash piece of shit. You know Jack shit about Chiner

    I bet you get all your info about chiner from CGTN, CCTV, and CCP backed 'travel vloggers'. Maye you even watch the wolf warrior spokespeople for chiners various ministries. The truth of the matter is that there are some elections, mostly internal to the party. But the body that runs the country; The Polit Buro Standing Committee, does;t concern itself with elections of any kind which are wholly inconsequential to them and Xi Jinping.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny where were you taking your nephew ?

    were kisses involved,

    He's not his dad so obviously not.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You know what, i actually agree with you on that one. No pain here, but any reason is enough for me to have half a pharmacy's worth of powerful narcotics on hand at all times. I guess if i did have pain, i probably wouldn't even notice.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny lol.

    another misintepretation of history.

    USSR "lost" afghan for the same reason the US lost gooknam.

    because a majority of the USSR population lost support and justification for the military adventure.

    again, not due to the lack of firepower and the only reason you think russia lost due to CIAs covert arms supply is all due to see eye air propaganda.

    its for the same reason germany lost WW1.

    A totalitarian state like the USSR doesn't need the support of their citizens to wage war, just look at America, with all their forever wars.

    I never claimed USSR had a lack of firepower. In fact they had overwhelming firepower. And even if the CIA wouldn't have been involved USSR would have either had to commit to a forever war of their own, or withdraw because forever wars are unsustainable.

    Germany didn't lose WWI because the war had demoralized the home front. The Eastern front had been won, The Western Front hadn't even been pushed back to the German borders yet. But Austria-Hungary had been defeated and close to the end of WWI a great concentration of force was marching up through those territories to attack Germany from the South-West, while the British embargo on any good coming into Germany made continuing the war effort an unsustainable proposition for Imperial Germany.

    Good job derailing the thread BTW. It's amazing how little you know, is it because you're an alcoholic? Or because you were educated in a third world country? If you have any formal education at all that is. I know you're an alcoholic. But you function well enough to type coherent English most of the time so i am guessing it's the latter.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Rape Monster oh I agree, if I was a dealer I would specifically sell like 2.4 gram bags to people, call them "legal bags" or something

    2.5 grams of heroin or fentanyl is a shitload anyways

    2.5g of Fent is a shitload. 2.5 of heroin let's say it's pharmaceutical quality so diamorphine, 2.5g in solution. That's a good amount. I'd call that a nodding-fiesta, or slumber party if you're having little girls over for the occasion instead of a load tbh.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by lockedin i want to see school bombings make a return, way more lethal and destructive historically, see bath school bombing

    Ah to be young again... I could've been the Eric to your Dylan(nohomo). We would make great destructo bros.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny lol.

    afghan was lost not due to the competemcy of the taliban forces at wagimg war, it was lost due to the incompetencies of the US military at winning one, due to the incompetencies of the administration and the executive at defining missions and objectives.

    afghan was lost due to indecision. not due to a lack of firepower.

    Right just like The Mujaheddin had nothing to do with the USSR abandoning their attempt back in the day. And of course because insurgencies don't work, the war between Russia and Chechnya was over in a week, and the US didn't take 20 years to lose to a bunch of goat fuckers.

    You don't know shit about any of these things and as you admitted a while ago when were discussing explosives, you just make shit up as you go along no matter what topic is being discussed. You're so arrogant you think you can wing it when we discuss complex subjects here as a community. \

    Protip: You can't and just come off as an idiot when you try.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i conceal carry.

    only thing you conceal carry is a rape whistle.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and what would you do when tactically dressed RMCP (royal MRAPed canadian police) come for you and your little arms.

    show me your javelines, iNLAWs, stingers or even rpg9.

    show. me.

    If you knew anything you dumb CCP shilling fuck you'd know that the reason firearms were legal in Canada is not the same at all as the reason they are in America. Canada doesn't have a second amendment. There are more reasons to own a firearm than to be armed in order to overthrow the government, however; ever hear about a sandbox called Afganistan? Small arms go a long way in asymmetric warfare and general insurgency type conflicts.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Rape Monster What do those do?

    A red dot provides a point of aim, as with any sight. The little red dot gets projected on transparent material, which(The red dot) after zeroing in can be used to quickly acquire whatever it is you're shooting at and hit it where you want to hit it.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra they're airsoft sights, nowhere near the level of eotech or other actual firearm sight manufacturers.

    accuracy is one thing, having to re-zero them after a shot or two is another

    They have optics for air rifles as well, that go on compressed air. They got some oomph, nothing like an actual firearm though. But magnifying optics aside, you can't go wrong with red dots, as long as it's not made out of plastic, you should be Gucci. All a red dot is, is a mirror with some specific properties, properties which are linked to the mirror itself. That and a solid state led. If fastened securely, on a proper rail i'm 99% sure it will perform at acceptable levels. Even with the kick from a .45
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Requiring a license to buy something is fucking retarded

    Like you don't need a license to BUY a car you can buy and sell them all day long. It should be the same with guns but have a license for using it.

    I'm not gonna use it because I'm too lazy to get a license, just let me buy it

    Also no loicense for using it, as long as you're just doing target practice or have it for self defense.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I just found out my local airsoft/survival/knife/weapons that aren't firearms shop sells red dots and other optics that fit on Picatinny rails as found on actual firearms. They have quite a few models, and only for 50 bucks. That's pretty neat.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra I've been writing down amusing phrases like this as a way to call back to ideas that I would've otherwise forgotten

    GLOBAL YUGOSLAVIA = inevitably rising ethnic hatred thanks to massive forced immigration without any pretense of assimilation

    on a similar note, why is it impossible for me to finish a book even though I constantly plow through long-term articles even on similar subjects

    Oh, i see. And that's a good question. Maybe articles regarding Geo-politics for instance seem more current and therefore more important than books on similar matters.
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