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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol for some reason she does seem to have a better opinion of Wariat than most. Probably because wariat tried his best to get her attention and tried even harder to make her think: "I was just trolling all along".

  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What totally normal behavior. There is no doubt in my mind that you are of sound mind.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    What's normally in the cartridges?
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    PoisonTap for rPi Zero is fun btw.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Apply to the Pentagon, they are looking for help with the cyberwar against China and Russia.

    Just DM an betabet agency goon on Twitter if you want to join the cyber war on the side of NATO.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    BIOS/MOBO error Beeps are bad news bears.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There was probably some error with the data encoded in the chip or magnetic strip. Minor enough that normal machines can still process the data but for some reason the way this machine handles the fault is by running some routines and just reset the process if that doesn't hapnen. The lady probably just says 'the system is down' every time a malfunction of some sort occurred. Most likely she didn't mean DoS had occurred somewhere along the line. If you wanna be pedantic the service was denied, but in the same way a hurricane denies service to a fence in it's path.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Lets say that this blood libel was true (it isn't). The only people who come out with this sort of ethnomasochism are white as well. White people are the only people who hate their own with such intensity.

    I mean like look at the Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock. He shot up a country music festival full of young white people. You think his motivations weren't the exact same as the shitlibs trying to make life worse for white people through ethnomasochism, race based blood libel, and replacement immigration?

    Why is it that your sort hate young white people so much?

    Paddock was a patsy, acoustic analysis concluded there were at least two weapons fired going by the acoustic signature of the shots, they were timed to coincide with each other during the burst periods, these sounds came from a different directions as well. The photo the team that supposedly breached the hotel room put out of their 'tango down'. Showed inconsistencies with the official story and standard operating procedure. The blood patterns were a big clue, the position of his body and blood pattern/staining were inconsistent with suicide.

    Ask Jill the Cloud, we had a good hard look at that particular pic and came to the same conclusion. Jill is former LEO IIRC.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd do it for free but it's a little silly that picture. I guess i could make it like the cat is high as fuck, but that's not funny, lame, and bottom tier character edits, unless you do Bob Marley of some shit. But i still think it's tacky then.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders Charcoal, summin, honey er summin. Sulfer is toxic

    You going to forge your own shell casings too? If you say buy a bag cheap.. they wouldn't be cheap by law. So no loopholes

    Charcoal, Saltpeter(KNo3), and sulfur, lmao, you're gona need some different ingredients for modern smokeless powder. You're on ye olde recipe. As far as i understand it US law has no regulations for blackpowder firearms. Well. It's complicated. A replica 1850 revolver is considered antique under the law, even if the replica was made yesterday.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 And have you seen the way kafa.dresses like can u say ASKING FOR IT

    Are you trying to summon her by saying those thins? Because it will have the opposite effect. Fact.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders Remember what Chris Rock said.. charge an absorbent amount for each bullet.

    Shit, with the 8% really being 200% inflation, ide just end up bashing an intruder in the skull with my shotgun if life threatened.

    an official Louisville Slugger collectable would cost less than maintaining guns with ammo. Might as well buy bear spray a nigga then knife fight the fucker if life was threaten or SWIM in Minecraft

    When will MSM point out SWIM n Minecraft are the nu Codie's for some of you white nationalist cunts?

    You could always make your own ammo, it's easier than you might think.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders I didn't want to add it to watchlist flags in case it was red flagable so I never looked it up

    Kafka is an IRL name the term Kafkaesque derives from it. IIRC The original Kafka was some sort of artist.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I did once and it was cool even though i have a fear of heights. I only have it in real life though, so go ahead to /r/fearofheights and repost until you're blue in the face.

    I don't really reddit so idk if that's even a real subreddit, anyway, where waa i? Oh flying. If you get your plane drivers license, you'll also know how to speak pilot, like: hello tower papa echo sierra niner niner requesting vectors for final on approach over.

    The best part is you get to memorize all the things that can go wrong, what the corresponsing alarm sounds like and what procedure to follow in order not to die.

    I mean i'd get my wings, but planes are expensive and a little Cessna is pretty lame anyway. So instead i listen to ATC chatter with pilots who just declared a mayday. Never fails to brighten my day.

  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    On second thought probably not VICAP though.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders Is Kafka Gailic for coffee?

    Almost certainly not but it should be.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and you yours from china uncensored ?

    Nope. Besides they have contacts with people from the CFR and Chatham house. Which makes me instantly suspicious. There's more than one way of getting to the truth of the matter though.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support


    9mm is alright but .45 ACP is The Lord's caliber.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Probably means they're going to run you through AFIS and maybe VICAP.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Mom, can we have Kafka?

    Mom: We have Kafka at home.


    She comes across as a little bit aloof, troubled, and somewhat naive. Which aren't necessarily bad traits. Whatever the case i did enjoy talking to her.
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