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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well, you underestimate me and public records. If I wanna know, I know. If it was ever publicly reported, I fucking know I can find out- I might gain a second language in the process and it might take a while, but I am stubborn like that. You know how many records I had to go through of people in federal prison and every local jail in Texas for this one guy who burnt me on a meth deal years and years ago? Omfg… Looking for this stupid tattoo on his hand- I found that nigger. It took me 3 weeks. I was home schooled and while the rest of you were busy looking at porn, going to high school, I spent my time reading court dockets, statutes, finding out about public records, and just generally being a nosy person. Find out this sort of shit is a hobby of mine and I've been doing it a long time. It recently occurred to me I probably should be a detective or investigator, as nosy of a bitch as I can be. My point to you was, I don't know if you have people who would be interested in finding more about you, but if you did, well, Im pretty sure they could find our depending on how inclined they were to finding you. I havent even tried to look atm, but Im fairly confident I could garner a lot of information just on the bit you posted if I tried.

    Tell you what, if you email me my residential address, i might have some work for you.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Turn your frown, upside down, Eva Braun.

    I think it's blatantly clear that you killed her. I mean, c'mon.

    "No uhh, pff, I suddenly don't remember one of my few closest friends from school Nope , never seen her." *wakes up wearing the girl's clothes and make up*

    At least some part of your post is true. You can figure out which one. Also what would be my motive?
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    We used to have this rule on Zoklet among the mods. When a forum needed staffing the rule would be: Anyone who asked to be a mod, would be disqualified.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My father has perpetrated this crime against me; I am guilty of none.
    Author: Abul ʿAla Al-Maʿarri, Arab Socialism
    Description: Al-Maʿarri is said to have wanted this verse inscribed over his grave.


    Interesting guy:

    Summary: Lived during the Islamic Golden Age, became blind at 4, philosopher, writer, considered one of the greatest classic Arab poets. Also against religion, a rationalist skeptic, ascetic, anti-natalist, even became a strict vegan.

    I No Longer Steal From Nature

    You are diseased in understanding and religion.
    Come to me, that you may hear something of sound truth.
    Do not unjustly eat fish the water has given up,
    And do not desire as food the flesh of slaughtered animals,
    Or the white milk of mothers who intended its pure draught
    for their young, not noble ladies.
    And do not grieve the unsuspecting birds by taking eggs;
    for injustice is the worst of crimes.
    And spare the honey which the bees get industriously
    from the flowers of fragrant plants;
    For they did not store it that it might belong to others,
    Nor did they gather it for bounty and gifts.
    I washed my hands of all this; and wish that I
    Perceived my way before my hair went gray!

    Translation: He's a total fag. Fuck the bees and the cows and the fish, they exist to make my tea sweet, give me a cold glass of milk in the morning a nice steak at dinner or sushi should i desire it. How is this fair? It isn't but life sucks and then you die. The cosmic die cast me to be a human, too bad lesser animals. Except for cats, cause i get value other than nutrition from them. They are lucky like that.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Illuminati confirmed reporting for duty

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Do it faggot.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My top candidates would include people with a background in information technology, or an aptitude for abstract problem solving and/or math, malice may also get to the end if he puts his autismal powers to it. You don' t strike me as the type. Prove me wrong.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    … What are the 2nd and 3rd place prizes?

    Everyone who gets to the end gets to have his or her mystery prize. My confidence in your ability to solve any sort of cryptographic challenge is just so low i am willing to bet 1 bitcoin on top of the mystery prize you won't get to the end.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Alex jones is a pussy, he let a gay man spit in his face and did nothing. Also he is a snake oil salesman and a sensationalist.

    He's just as bad as the young terds

    He was smart to keep his cool. Imagine the media fallout if he had hit the person in the face.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dude, I don't have the time ATM to hunt you down. I don't care to either, what would I do with the info anyway? Nothing other than a PM (lol sadly I forgot they don't work) and be all 'i know who u r niggerrrr'. And yes, I thought of that too, of course Is be assuming you didn't lie and also why I said I'd work in a two mile radius (you said the girl was close and the guy was 'literally' two streets over). A lot of dectectiving revolves around assumptions to get the ball rolling. I've got nothing against you, Sophie. I posted that as a friendly heads up, and while I feel you're smart enough to cover your ass, even the best have been known to drop the ball on little dumb shit like that. If I get more time in the near future, I'll see what I can do and share any findings privately with you.

    If aldra couldn't do it, i doubt you can. And aldra is a cyba nigga, anyway, you know how to contact me. Plus, what will people/police/whoever find if they find my location? Except for me, worst that could happen would be a punch in the face lol.

    In cryptography i trust as far as any illegal material is concerned.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Brew a pot nigga.

    Kinda going to a concert this evening so i don't really wanna' be all strung out before i get there.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Tell you what, if you participate and get to the end i'll transfer a bitcoin to you from my personal wallet.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's why the jedis promote anti gun rhetoric so much.

    >the last time Germany was white

    I prefer the MG42 heavy machine gun myself.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's 7:30 AM where i'm at and i haven't slept yet, i could use an energy drink.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    How will NATO invade shit if Trump stops paying them?, or did you write this in 2001?. NATO can't even beat ISIS, and their "overthrow" of Gaddafi just created more ISIS.

    Europe will be Muslim in my lifetime, there is nothing stopping it. The Ottoman empire will rise along with the Islamic State and NATO will cease to exist.

    It's a good thing i already know the Shahada then i suppose. But if they'll make me walk 7 circles around a big box in Mecca i'll suicide bomb the place.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And not the kind of puzzle Sploo would have you believe are profound. I' ve been thinking of making a bniggas in space digital treasure hunt. It would involve cryptography, codes, hidden messages, secret places and steganography. Now how hard this will be will depend on your judgement of my intelligence and abilities as a tech nerd and your own intelligence of course. As opposed to sploo' s puzzles there will be actual logic behind them and a way to solve them. The treasure hunt would involve solving a series of clues to get to the end not unlike Cicada 3301 but far less sophisticated i assure you.

    There'll be a mystery prize involved, which you will like, no matter who you are. If there's any interest in this let me know and i'll get started. I already got a good number of ideas.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm sorry but you people do the most RETARDED drugs I have ever seen in my entire life, and I've been posting on r/drugs, silkroad forums, shroomery, 420chan and The Hive and nothing has come close to the degeneracy and fucked up bullshit I have seen from Zoklet/RDFRN/NIS

    And no I don't mean huffing raid and jenkem duhuhuhuhu. First it was sploo and his fish oil, syncans, starter fluid, nuddgmendfgg and bundy.. and I thought my beedrill tripping was rachet..

    Seriously though the picture Malice posted wasn't even drugs, it was just supplements and a cane, are you literally 90 years old? What the actual fuck. Oh so you do Etiz or something which is the most bitch ass excuse of a benzo, all the RC fags take it because its so lite. Try 5mg+ Clonazepam with alcohol and meth, which I used to do DAILY with weed and other REAL drugs, maybe its because I'm in my 20s lol.

    And this feenibutt shit, like honestly its not even drugs its just literal poison, like drinking winded. You people are all gonna be in old folks homes and insane asylums VERY SOON, just like sploo.

    And I don't know what fake ass opiates hydromorphone does but its gay ass shit, all of it. you all have money and you do the GAYEST "DRUGS". Go on betabay or something and get some real drugs like cocaine, barbiturates, xanax, adderall, acetyl fent, ketamine, meth, MDMA.

    Or are you just too scared of getting caught? ;):p

    Does oxycodone, ritalin, amphetamine, clonazepam and valium count as real drugs? Cause i do those on a regular basis.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have smoked grams and I get it all from the darknet because I'm a fucking genius. Fuck non internet niggas man. I did get crank from that homeless girl once though.

    Whatever happened to her?
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Our government has been proven time and time again to lie to its citizens (speaking from the US here, since some of ya'll are elsewhere in the world, but I am sure you can say the same for your own country to some degree). That's enough for me to be skeptical of everything they say and everything they do. Its fact that millions of Americans have been illegally spied on by the government. You might say why does it matter to me? Well, it should because those same laws pushed through such as the patriot act go against our rights that has made America so different from other countries and has been the horn people trumpet of things such as freedom and due process. The patriot act allows the government to hold you indefinitely, without charges, trial, or conviction. All they have to say is it is related to 'terrorism' and nation security. They don't even have to document they have you. This is what is so frightening. People say 'oh yeah, like they'd do that to me. Or come on, they are using it to fight 'terrorism' fact is they can use it for whatever they deem fit and part of what made our nation great and different from so many places is that we used to have accountability- right to a speedy trial (if you don't waive it), innocence until proven guilty, due process, and the petitioner of any charges having to bear burden of proof (meaning you, the guy beimg charged, didn't have to prove anything- that's the burden of the prosecution. The patriot act and other bullshit things we've allowed through have pretty much have made all that null and void in any case they deem fit to strip you from your rights. WHY WOULD THEY EVEN WANT TO DO ALL THIS? and the only rational reason I can think of is because they feel hindered by our civil rights and constitutional rights, and they are up to some dirty shit.

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    meth is pointless

    Unless you get the crystal variant.
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