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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Altho about Hillary, even my mum yesterday, who knows nothing about American politics or whatever, said she can tell Hillary is hiding the real state of her health and there's something funny about her and she's much more sick than she let's on.

    Excellent, sick Hillary is going to lose.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    How would you know if someone is trans or not? Not all trans-people are obvious.

    Are we going to have to show our drivers licenses to use the bathroom? You can get that changed, quite easily in some states. Are you gonna have to drop your pants for inspection before you're allowed in XD? That doesn't account for someone who's post-op. Even a chromosome test wouldn't be 100% accurate if we take intersex people into consideration.

    And if you're worried about guys using the girls room what about ftm's who you'd never guess where born female by looking at them? Are they going to forced into the ladies room too? What's to stop some cis-guy from claiming he was born a woman to get in?

    Here is what i think we should do, i don't care if you like boys or girls or both. If you were born a man but are convinced you are a woman you should get treatment for your mental disorder. Now if you were born as a man but want to dress like a woman, that's your business but you are genetically the gender you are born with and therefore should use the toilet associated with your biological gender. Just because some people are schizophrenic and believe they are god doesn't mean we should build them a temple. Instead they get treatment for their mental health issues. I also don't care what the law says, but you should probably be advised that if you're a guy wearing a dress and you go into the same toilet as a little girl that her daddy will probably punch you in the face, can't say that i don't understand where he would be coming from either tbh.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    is there room for one more in this circlejerk or are everyone's hands already full?

    I'll shove over, i gotchu' breh.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    uh oh! we got a conspiracy theorist here!

    [greentext]>conspiracy theorist[/greentext]

    First off that's a buzz word propagated by the liberal fag media to discredit anyone asking real questions or making real observations about something that doesn't fit the mainstream narrative. Secondly you actually believe:

    And according to this thread you actually believe in UFOs, that space is not real and flat earth theory again.

    Interesting. If anyone here fits the 'classical' tin foil hat wearing classification of 'conspiracy theorist' it's you.

    I bet he thinks George Washington carver didn't help mass botanize the goober! what a booger!

    I don't even know who GW Carver is dude. According to google some botany nigger, ok. Whatever.

    Lets just ignore that nasa is naming a wing after Taraji p Henson.

    We might as well, because i don't see how NASA naming a wing after an actress is relevant to your claim of:

    [greentext]>it took a strong black woman to put a man on the moon[/greentext]

    I bet one day kids like you will be like lol a black president? I call sjw bs!

    Yeah because no one has a TV or even heard of Barack "Thug Life" Obama. Don't be ridiculous.

    you're so jaded and so incredibly astute. Sure it may be a movie promoted by the left, but that doesn't make it any less factual.

    So the nigger bitch was a math genius? Big fucking deal, everyone at NASA is pretty intelligent and all have contributed equally to the moon landing. It didn't "take" any actions by any individual on their own to put a person on the Moon. I am 100% confident they could have done it with or without her. My problem here is not with her being black my problem is that you are claiming that in was because of her that the moon landing was possible.

    You're so easily swayed by media Bill Krozby, on youtube or in motion pictures, it's pathetic

    You sound very triggered, sophie, like a true sjw. I bid you good day sir!


    Are buzzwords the only kind of response you can think of or are you genuinely mentally challenged?
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^maybe you should two should grow up, learn to read, and then pick up a history book. you cuckholds. sorry not everything fits into your tiny little box.

    Maybe you should realize academia is full of SJW's and if there is one way to control you it's through controlling the curriculum. You sound like the type that would enjoy a social justice major, liberal arts, female studies or some similar useless bullshit.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    sounds like bs to me

    That's because it is. This sounds like an SJW piece of shit propaganda.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Being smart is the shit.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Need help extorting someone. Recently have become aware of a person or persons running a lottery over facebook. They're taking in a couple hundred per lotto from what i can see over the last 3 days. Is it really as simple as "drop $150 into this PP account every week or i go to the police"? Seems like im definitely over looking something. Just used paypal as an example since thats what they're using to collect money for "spots" in the drawings.

    You probably want to get payment in bitcoin and look into bitcoin mixing for a layer of added security
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There were indeed.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Dank name.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nice triangle song for the illuminati.

  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I can send you the files for the front and back sides of the bill.
    Just give me a burner E-mail to send it to.

    I don't have a printer lol.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    I love the Baphomet on there.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Mail me one of these bills please.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    no. i never even considered that something photogenic. i would take pictures of a drooling, wheelchair-bound retard rolling down a flight of stairs into rush hour traffic with a smile on my face but a 12/13/14y/o spreading her legs like a wannabe porn star is not something i find picture-esque.

    something pedos obviously dont take into account is the family members of their wannabe victims. i dont have any kids, but i know how i'd react to a pedo targeting one of my nephews/nieces…and thats just me. im sure there are people out there who would invoke all kinds of unhappiness on a pedo. as in…that father in texas who killed a pedo with his bare hands when he caught the pedo-spic-fag molesting his little kid. from my point of view…that was quite the tame response. my thoughts would be something akin to that movie 'law abiding citizen'…as a start

    This is why you shoot the father first.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Call her up and tell her if she isn't sending the money over, you are selling her nudes to some weirdos on the internet. Tell her they're good for the money too. Then when she comes to pay you the money you bust her kneecaps with a baseball bat. When she starts to cry you tell her to don't ever fuck with you again or you'll kill her. Hit her in the face so she gets a bloody nose too, then calmly walk to the kitchen to get a towel. Clean your hands and throw the towel in her face and tell her to clean herself up. BITCH
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [size=7]GAS THE FUCKING KIKES[/size]

    I am literally angry at jedis, fuck em.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There is a house in New Orleans
    They call the Rising Sun
    And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
    And God, I know I'm one
    My mother was a tailor
    She sewed my new blue jeans
    My father was a gamblin' man
    Down in New Orleans
    Now the only thing a gambler needs
    Is a suitcase and trunk
    And the only time he's satisfied
    Is when he's on a drunk
    Oh mother, tell your children
    Not to do what I have done
    Spend your lives in sin and misery
    In the House of the Rising Sun
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Remember coupon guy?
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