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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Toppest of keks, don't you just love that title?

    Join an Alt-Right dox squad in your neighbourhood today!

  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    I am invoked. What can i do to help? Also remember how you wanted to get more into programming? Do it bro, get good and apply for a job at a tech firm, it's good to have a portfolio setup on github or something to showcase your work. Compsci jobs pay well, ask Lanny.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    God bless fall and winter. Once the usual late-summer faggotry that is bay area weather subsides I'll be free once again to lose myself in the vast depths of the cold. I think I may have some mild form of SAD, my mood always becomes darker but I enjoy it. Similar to burning yourself when you huddle too close to a fire, but opposite in the tactile dimension, painful or immediately discomforting on a cursory level but satisfying on a more holistic level. Melancholic as opposed to depressive I guess. It's nice, I have a handful of albums I listen to every year once it gets cold, noisy, droning, crushing in aesthetic. I wish I could spend the whole year in that headspace although it might get to be too much without a break. In any case I'm pretty excited for the impending cold.

    Move to Svalbard, Norway.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Reap the last harvest before winter.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Radio Operator. Niggas in Space emergency broadcast system, over. This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Popular opinion seems to dictate i must support bling.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well canonization is a heccin process. And I am unsure of his attainment of the "miracle" requirement of the Roman Catholic tradition though I have looked more thoroughly into the works of his party than Hitler himself so it is not out of question. In any case canonization is more of a recognition of works by the common people. Those fucking papists have taken it and made it into something of becoming diety level. Its like they were just really faithful and lived lives that warranted an oral tradition. Dont think just because mother teresa was a really nice lady when she was old doesnt mean she didnt flicc de la bean to that painting of John the Baptist when she was younger.

    No doubt. Mother Teresa is a sinner, as are we all.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Do you think there's any causative force acting on behavior than the brain? Do you think there are any non-physical forces acting on the brain? If the answer to both is no then how can you call yourself anything other than a determinist? If your behavior is a product of brain-states and the brain is purely physical then how could anything be other than the playing out of physical laws upon initial states? Indeterminism seems like one avenue of approach (although I'll argue it's incoherent in relevant dimensions) but it doesn't give you the libertarian free will that I presume prompts your rejection of determinism. I'm curious, I won't try to anticipate your response but I think there are interesting problems you face either way and want to know how you deal with them.

    I don't know dude. I would say: Did you not use free will to ask me this?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Boy, that'll be the day. I want to merge with artificial intelligence. Just imagine it, it would be like becoming one with the internet, and beyond.

    Sweet, that means i would have all the CP in existence right here in my brain.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There once was a girl who i am pretty sure had a crush on me at some point but she ended up murdered.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What is the value of your available credit? Are you stating you're giving me permission to post your social security number and waiving your right to any legal recourse, that is, a contractual agreement that you will not press charges or file suit?

    Think carefully about this, Lanny, think about who I am. Do you remember when I posted information about your father's medical condition and you thought I had found that by myself, seeming to be impressed, but I stated that you had mentioned it before (without posting proof)? What if I was lying? Reminds me of your mother and how parents are likely to understate the severity of their condition for their child's sake; christ that would be a demonic thing to do to you…

    You should look into identity theft. There's so much information available for purchase, security is so lax with the proper knowledge. How do you think illegal immigrants manage to do it en masse with such consistency?

    That said, I am willing to take you up on your challenge if you can guarantee payment and agree to the above, for my safety. At the very least you could think of it as a fee for letting oyu know you need to tighten up your personal opsec.

    [greentext]>remember who i am[/greentext]

    Thus spake Malice, King of the Autistic.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why did you edit it? You were just telling Lanny to check his .edu email because you had sent him something very important!.

    Lanny is incredibly easy to dox. I've found so much information I could assume his identity if I wanted. Hmm, kill lanny, assume identity, pretend to become permanently disabled, collect big bucks from SSDI (government disability insurance, amount received is based on prior income, I think) for the rest of my life…

    Are you tryna flex on me bro?
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    See you tomorrow dude.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    oh lord, I don't even… I can't even tell if the thread's been derailed. Thanks anyway.

    This is the wrong forum anyway. FOr high tech crimes you should scroll to the bottom of the front page and make a thread in the Technophiles & Technophiliacs section.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Getting a message from sophia is better than a hot girl messaging you

    [greentext]>implying i'm not a hot girl[/greentext]
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I hope they read this. Hey assholes. Suck my dick.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    the advice to stop being 1337 goes the wrong way. The only way to get out of this one is to be more 1337 and counter hax them and destroy any information they have regarding your identity. Little did you know the Director had special interest in your case. A manhunt is launched and because you are now the Omega 1337 you have caught wind of this because of the RAT you installed in interpols server. You buy a one way plane ticket to brazil in cash and make your way to the airport. Sirens in the distance you know you have such little time to act. You get on a rooted Motorola bar phone, your emergency hacking machine. You hack into their police cars and crash them into eachother.

    "that will show em" Omega 1337 Sophie thinks to himself. He makes it to the airport and makes the way to the terminal. "Fuck" Soph thinks to himself "I forgot about the diamonds". Using super hacking technology Omega 1337 hacked into the worlds most expensive diamond store and robbed them of all their most precious jediels. Even the family jediels. And the Queens jediels too also.

    "Its too late, I cant turn back now. I will just have to start again" Soph thinks to himself as he steps on the plane.

    Good point.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Can't an independent black woman not love an OGbloodcomptonnigga?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I love you forever.
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