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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Are cuck terms used by cucks.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well met NSA, you can call me the APT.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Those are the second best.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Wew lad, beat is on point, barz too.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ok that was actually pretty good

    I know, i was pleasantly surprised myself =)
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No, I'm dismissing it because the concepts, and right now I'll focus on the former, are moronic and the former of little importance.

    To begin with, I'll illustrate a problem with the concept of alienation of labor. As economies develop they generally shift considerably to service jobs, and it should be mentioned that the glorification of manufacturing is unjustified and untenable. Let's use someone who gives massages as an example: How exactly would this person "own the product of their labor"? Alright, now bring to mind the myriad of other service related jobs, jobs where people aren't manufacturing anything. See the problem? You could bring up rents, working for others under a hierarchical system, but that does not change this.

    Second, workers cannot own the full product of their labor. It is impossible because their labor isn't the only factor involved in production! I would highly recommend this introductory critique of Marxist economics by this author, he's very leftist, and incredibly knowledgeable and intelligent; I first came across him due to his prolific writing criticizing Austrian economics (Like Bryan Caplan and David Friedman, I am not an Austrian.):

    There's the human capital involved of the "labor holding class" (You seem to base your biased perceptions on the worst personal anecdotes you've experienced; the founders of empiricism would paddle you raw!), risk involved (most businesses fail, along with economic shifts), diminishing marginal utility and inflation involved in workers being paid regardless of the success of the company or whether they have earned enough income to cover any initial debt, as opposed to having earned the income themselves of acquired the capital by other means and having taken on any debt or risk directly, cost of any factors of production used, the value of having a market to sell your labor as opposed having to create a business yourself, the enormous and multifaceted problems of attempting an economy without capital holding, or likely your moronic idea of state doing so (Absolutely no respect for state Marxists, you are imbeciles) etc.

    Here is a good talk relevant to my next point, on Chinese worker who produce luxury handbags:
    As she says, they don't want the product of their labor because it isn't preferable to them. How exactly do you envision a society where workers aren't "alienated from the product of their labor", numerous other issues aside? Everyone owns what they produce and has to trade or sell it? Would money exist? Why wouldn't they prefer to be paid for it in currency instead, which is far more versatile and efficient? You mentioned yeoman farmers, which is amusing because farmers have one of the highest suicide rates in most countries and they're about as close to the idyllic image of "owning the product of your labor", not being "alienated" from it, as you can get:
    Not to mention that this system would be so inefficient and incapable of sustaining an enormously complex modern society that you would destroy much of the current standard of living and everyone would be worse off, just from this one act.

    You're still in your early 20s so hopefully you'll grow out of this crap/phase. Try picking up a good critique of Marxism/Marxist economics or reading a book on economics that wasn't written by some polemical pinko.


    Lemme ask you what school of economic thought you subscribe to if not Austrian? Don't tell me Keynesian.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I am a space fascist. Of the throw you fucking commies out of a helicopter variety.

    I will join you, the red-black and reds are enemies of my brand of anarchism.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My available on my card is 4k, no lines of credit or anything. Sure, I won't press suit for posting my SSN. I'm not even sure I could, I don't know what would be illegal about it beyond means of acquisition which presumably you wouldn't tell me.

    You don't scare me kid

    Yes, vast amounts of information are available but the economy is set up to feed mules, not pick out info on specific individuals. I have no idea how illegal immigrants deal with the lack of a legal identity but I do know pulling my name out of a data breach dump is going to take some doing. You'd have a better time trying to get into my email account and hope I have my info stored there or it can be used to recover an account that stores it.

    Sweet, let's do it. What's the time frame? You don't owe me anything if you can't do it but I would like to gloat at least.

    Are you registered to vote?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Too hard for you. A one liner hardly qualifies as a serious request for information on how to learn to hack.

    Go ask on
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Depends on the porn site. Maybe you don't even have to hack anything though, get in touch with some database traders.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why `tuple(answers)`? random.choice should work over any iterable


    Last time i tried to iterate over a list(sequence[whatever]) with random.choice i seem to remember i had some list index out of range error that was helped by specifying a tuple or that's how i remember it. That was back in the day when i still ran Wanblows as main OS so maybe it has something to do with Python on windows. Or maybe i am just being retarded, this is a very real possibility. Let me ask my 8 ball.

    Sophie@Ubuntu:~$ python
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: Hello 8 ball, am i being retarded?

    It is certain
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!:


    I feel like keeping my `tuple(answers)` for some reason though.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Race War Now.

  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support


    I lol'd.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    space communists have no need for capitalists restraints of american imperialist barcode systems!

    I am a space anarchist. Of the gold-black variety.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Don't look at the wiggers timmy

    I like all kinds of music. Especially hip hop and metal oh and EDM.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    did i do it rite

    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: will I be a famous LSD chemist

    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: Is sophia a nigger?

    Cannot predict now
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: WHAT THE FUCK 8BALL DID I DO THIS WRONG?

    My sources say no
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: ARE YOU CODED PROPERLY?

    Without a doubt
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: okay seems legit 2 me nigga. Will I live forever?

    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: SWEET, what about SC?

    My sources say no
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: NOOO!!!!.. what about soph?

    Cannot predict now
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: the fudge.. is this working?

    Most likely
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!:

    Yay! You did! CTRL+C breaks the loop. Love how the 8Ball responds with: "Most likely" after you ask it whether it is working. Lmao.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    will i find substantial fulfillment in life

    Sophie@Ubuntu:~$ python
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: Will enter find substantial fullfilment in life?

    Concentrate and ask again
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: Ok will he?

    Very doubtful
    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!:

    Haha. You can't make this stuff up.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When in doubt, consult the magic Python 8 ball enter. Shall i compile it for you, so that you may consult it's infinite wisdom?
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    import random

    def main():

    answers = ["It is certain", "It is decidedly so", "Without a doubt", "Yes, definitely",
    "You may rely on it", "As I see it, yes", "Most likely", "Outlook good", "Yes",
    "Signs point to yes", "Reply hazy try again", "Ask again later", "Better not tell you now",
    "Cannot predict now", "Concentrate and ask again", "Don't count on it", "My reply is no",
    "My sources say no", "Outlook not so good", "Very doubtful"]

    while True:
    question = raw_input("Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: ")

    if question == '':
    print "\nThe magic Python 8 ball did not understand!"
    result = random.choice(tuple(answers))
    print ""
    print result
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print "[!]Critical, user aborted."


    Ask the magic Python 8 ball anything!: am i amazing?

    It is decidedly so

    Thanks magic Python 8Ball! (This magic python 8ball is the intellectual property of Sophie, it is released under GNU General Public Liscense. Please note that the magic python 8ball cannot predict the future and i will not be held liable for any damages caused by your decisions being influenced by the magic python 8ball.)

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

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