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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by aldra LOL WUT

    Been on it for four years. Life changing. It's hard to drink on it and i'm really lucky i haven't done longterm liver damage cuz i also combinue thsi with methotrexate as part of my disease modifying anti rheumatic drug (DMARD) method of treatment. I'm really sloppy on how often i need to be doing it and that's really shitty, so i'mma go shoot up the pen tonight (I do it every other week but i've been drinking everyday since my friend died like 3 weeks ago) and i did the methotrexate on monday, so fuck it i'll take the methotrexate again on monday and that's when imma do the humria pen shot. Thanks erveryone.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    i'm a low fianance kinda guy, i put all my quarters in a sock to this day.

    You aint gonna find shit! Those my laundry quarters too btw.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I get all my medical informatiton from my own research which is entirely made up of this forum and google, but only believing in the things that agree with what i've already decided blindly.

    I got 23 links and they all agree with what i'm saying. If they didn't, I'd have less links!
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    I got a thing for being girls candles. IDK why. Maybe cuz my mom liked candles? But I don't get them yankee candles or even like a brand, i like to just hand a beautiful girl a bag of tea candles (i like to drink tea with chinese women because if they don't understand wha t you're saying, you just smile and nod and they start feeling happy to talk to you because you're the happy happy joyboy)

    I base this off knowing 2 people so far in my life who didn't speak english super good and wanted to fuck me. So some of this may not be totally accurate. But i like to bring her like one of those long taper candles, like you'd burn two of at a candle light dinner, i just bring, no packaging, just a candle, sometimes it'll have a lil bow around it i'll write something gay or cheesey on it

    i've thought about making my own candles to give to women I am romantically interested in. I do that with grilled cheese and huge loads too.

    IDK it's like rubbing a girls back, why is that so sexually like if i want to have sex with someone, me wanting to rub their back at some point is totes part of it and i'm good at it and i'll do it for a longtime, sometimes while im breakin a lil bitch back in.

    Kinda weird but OK candle gifting, back rubbing, cheese grillin butt fucker.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by aldra ancient greeks or romans, I forget which, believed that if you banged too many women you'd eventually get bored and turn gay

    I can confirm this happened to me, but my preference is still cumming in fat girls vaginas
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost hey man I gotta see that cum on the face or whats the point you know gotta see that money shot. Even after I cum I will stick around for a few mins to see the money shot NICE

    Gotta seee the monkey shot man

    ya it's pretty clear you're desirious of more ejaculating even after stating you are spent, this is a very very commmon thing in women (who will cum and continue just being thrashed) and cockriding faggots who want to know they've satisfied their partner when it makes that wet macaroni noise against their ratface

    Very very common. If you started sucking more dick you'd probably start not even getting hard or wanting anything than to satisfy with ur lusty boyholes

    And yeah bro before you ask, that's what i to find in a new friend. Myself.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    well not you but like people like spectral
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    I think it's because he's gay or something, when he was growing up they used to arrest u for doing the gay.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Until I read this I totally forgot spectral was a champion of racial equality. I always like Jane Goodall they'd have been a cute couple.
  10. Bradley Florida Man

    Just made this turkey meal for myself, I know it says to microwave it for two minutes, stir the potatos, and do it another 2-3 minutes

    If u just hit 5, the microwave never knows.

    That's my quick dinner trip tip!
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    i feel bad for dudes who have a little dick, like i think people put up with a lot more than they would if I was like Gallom all lil dicked and sweaty.

    Like he can't just send photos of his dick to people and they start drooling. The fuckin cock junkies see my shadow and they come running.

    But I'm here to serve up that good pale chorizo, essay.

    Ask your seventeen cousins about me Gallom, they'll remember el grande dicko
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    isn't adobe what they make houses out of in gallom land.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    nothing will bring humans together like racism between us and some aliens.

    I will be an interracial homosexual alien cross breeder.

    Some times I lay awake and wonder

    "What if aliens have been here the whole time, they just only like jedis or the Chinese Communist Party, or some other real or fictitious enemy.

    They said the aliens (and their subsequent probing) really ratched it up when the nuclear weapons were being rapidly tested. Dwight D Eisenhower used to say he had to go to dental appointments and do drugs and talk technology with the Aliens, which also sounds like Angry Aryans 2YT4U . I think the aliens told him and stalin and whoever else was at the malta summit after the war.

    They said Look u lil bitches are gonna work this fuckin thing out and i swear ! To ! `18`18`18`18`181`(Alien diety name) ! You're both gonna get MURKED by me, your alien diplomat who regrets showing you the difference between nuclear fusion and fission

    You know what probaly killed kenney? A bullet.

    This thread is now about nuclear weapons and how we can use them like a drug dealer uses percs, to get these cutey foreign aliens to bounce their ass cheeks on my face. I wanted to hith area 51 with everyone to be the first nigga to record himself having consensual sex with an above age alien, preferably either really fat and brown and kinda lookin like if tila tequila was a panda bear.

    Or like a really scrawny mean motherfucker with a long pipe that likes to fight, do dabs, and has good loyalty. I would prefer if he was white but I will settle for any race except Black.

    i hope the space aliens speak english otherwise i'mma have to do da space rape

    there's an entire book (which I have not read but am very strongly considering it since 2k1's old ass was so gay to start a book club and never even posted in the book club thread which was gonna start and read the book he SELECTED!. Called (I may get this wrong)

    A stranger in the Pentagon. It's an unproven account that basically you remember the behold the pale horse fag who uncovered a bunch of conspiracies related to the us government and then got got by the gov? It's 'just like that except this guy is a former minor level defense uh idk what the term is

    says the alien has been here quite a while, we don't really ever get access to him, it's a known secret that Russia has one over there. And we think there's more at other heads of states. BAsically says the alien has an agenda, talks with telepathy, it's kinda annoying because while he's with you in person he can control how you feel about something and influence you through suggestion and direct mental manipulation. A large issue was him talkin to presidents or military leaders and him just runnin the entire conversation.

    I do not remember what the visual desccription was and only had this referenced by other sources.

    Really spooky stuuff that like i said about behold the pale horse, if even 1% of these conspiracy theories are accurate, the world is a vastly different place than what we believe it to me.

    Now do I actually think Russia has a mean brain rape alien and we have a nicne brain rape alien and it's really the same five or six guys that are basically ambassadors to other worlds on behalf of theirs?

    I could see aliens having 1 acting leader (like xinping) who si the embodiment off their dead leaders ideal (Mao Red Book) and runs their world with an aggressive, efficient, albeit heartless & Cruel empire

    They come here adn take 1 look at this nigger lives matter shit in the USA and peeked over to see what the CCP is doing to Uyghers and say "Wow, these 'c c c and p ' humans are much like Our Dear Lord `2`1`1`2`12`12`12` and his servant our dear leader.

    Or they really like the jedis. Can't tell which.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    for instance all black people who know me know that statistically if they get stopped by a cop as a black male under 60, they have a 1/3 chance of shot or killed.

    My friend was tripping really hard on acid and he called me and said he didn't know what to do and i told him to get an ice cube and put in on his tongue and let it melt. He said "That's gonna make me less high?" i said no that's ice water

    making a nowisourtime 50+ dating account and list myself as 49.

    Ask people if they've always been attracted to farm animals sexually.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    hell yeah what kinda dumb african american with minimal public education can't figure out to throw up a shell in the cayman islands and go snorkle fo ra living
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Asheville is there still a tinychat or is that over with?

    dude i thought you were dead! Holy fuck i remember you with the pistol and the mexicans u told on, that's amazing!!!!

    Welcome back Assville.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    i don't think it feels that good smokin crack when your rents due
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Tell your dick got bigger but your problems didn't.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    He kinda looks like George Floydj

    a nigger
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    i think i might try to do this. I've always wanted to be a naked rapist from the future.
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