Originally posted by Kafka
I don’t think it’s that black or white, sounds like you put a lot of pressure on yourself. Alex Lawther said if he wasn’t an actor he’d like to be a stay at home husband and he’s super attractive to me. Men only think they hold all the cards.
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson
You paid 1/2 of another persons mortgage and property taxes?
I do that right now for my mom her property taxes are like 3k which is split with the downstairs tenant (it's a duplex) and then her mortgage is 550 with bills is's a couple hundred more, i give her 400 a month and buy all the food so yeah bud that's how it goes
when i lived with my girlfriend i paid 400 & half the electric, water & intenet so it was like 520
sorry im really high i was getting high in a bush between the bhilding and the sidewalk where a bush was, and my friend had a pipe we wer egetting high on and a cop drove by and saw 2 dumbfucks ina bush at 930am and came to investimagate and my friend had the pipe in his coat pocket
one time i was hiding behind a bush freshman year by the high school during school hours getting high and he put the pipe in his coat pocket and the cop found it and took us both in and told the principle, who looked at us both
and i look at th ecop and im like "You really snitched on us bro?"
"well yeah i'm a cop" -said the cop
so somehow i also got suspended cuz i said "US" which meant i'm 100% introuble to and my mom slapped the shit out of me but it was over quickly and ok and i had more pot
I watched like a minute so far but they're saying militia & white power groups are super dangerous guys
did i tell u about this guy i knew in prison named luciano straight michigian militia shot calla~!~!~!~!~
how that make u feel what u doing to try to make that not be a thing for america to deal with they say muslim ppl dont' threaten us cuz we already got them bitches locked up & locked down white power
but the other groups are oh shit i said white power, i wanna say that i'm a white supremacist who feels bad, like i don't like that i know i'm better than every non white person, that's kinda like a fucked up way to live like i'm not that great but i see where like you know
like me and 8 bitches could create a race my nigga, and like i like black people kinda and i really like mexican food and i watch a lot of asian porn, so i would say like i'm multi cultural, but i think honestly non white males are some of the idk how to say this
second tier
in at least my country (midwest United States) but i do love white supremacying my racist cock into a brown hole. Not a gay reference, I really just like fucking colored bitches, & I really wanna fuck a black girl, but it hink I might fall in love
so remember, don't really think about what the country can do for you, think about what minorities you can creampie & take photos and email them to yourself so you always have them to fap to foreva
I hope this clears up anything anyone was uncertain about.
(I think we should all mix race until the only thing left is the jedis and we just eliminate them with the Muslim horde at the front)